Where can I find a woman that looks like Esmeralda from The Hunchback of Noter Dame?

Where can I find a woman that looks like Esmeralda from The Hunchback of Noter Dame?

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she was from France (Paris) IIRC but gypsy heritage which gave her darker skin

Go to a university campus

anywhere with desis so canda/usa/australia

Literally anywhere in Europe, specifically Romania and Hungary.

France, spain, portugal, italy, greece but not with green eyes. Lots of inlanders look like that if you're scared to date a gypsy.

she's supposed to be native Parisian, its Quasimodo is the gypsy

Spaniards couldn't get that dark if they tried

They are both gypsies but quasimodo got abandon as a baby and raised by claude frollo in the belltower he never inherited darker skin though.

But Esmerelda is definitely gypsy in the movie and in fact she gets bullied for it. However she is also Parisian

nah they all moved to the west, specially in berlin i saw a lot of them.

Probably Turks.

I'm afraid they don't make those in 3d

t. Mario

Your local gypsy camp.
Enjoy getting robbed.

In America dummy, all kinds of women are in America.

brazil afghanistan. the united states. many places allow for such a mix

but you gotta do a whole lot of searching to find her.

she's a needle in the stack of creaturas

In the original story she's not even ethnically a gypsy.


But you're not gonna like it

Afghanistan, actual gyppos don't look like that


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She Indian too?


She does look like a Rajasthani Gypsy

It's said that European gypsies originally came from Rajasthan and Punjab so..

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In Afghanistan it's rarer to find someone with very dark skin, especially combined with light eyes. Tanned yes, but dark skin like Esmeralda? It certainly exists but people with blue or green eyes in Afghanistan tend to have lighter skin colour as well then. That's from my observation anyway.

OP's best bet is to go to Rajasthan and try to pick up one of the tribal chicks there

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