Are people with brown eyes white? Even if they have 100% NW Euro ancestry?
I get those results on DNA tests, but sometimes with a small amount of South Asian on Gedmatch. Could I have a 7th-great-grandmother who was a gypsy? Perhaps a native american? Ancestrydna says im 100% NW euro white though.
Also have brown nipples and a tan ballsack/dick. Brown hair/eyes similar to pic related, but sometimes can look sandy blonde and green eyed in bright light. Usually med brown hair or dark brown hair and light brown to dark brown eyes.
You Americans are obsessed with this shit. Yes, you can be of 100% NW European ancestry and have brown eyes or black hair. I have Blue Eyes and Black hair are you faggots going to start saying i'm not white?
Charles Richardson
you get the n word pass
Isaiah Cooper
Brown eyes mean Asian or african heritage
Mason Miller
Original Teutonic Germans had brown hair and eyes. All non Semitic caucasians are aryan regardless of hair or eye color.
Ayden Taylor
So what you're saying is you speak an Asian or African language?
Why is it always amerimutts trying to set the standard on what's white and what's not and acting like complete nordicist stormfags? aren't they aware they're just fucking degenerate mutts?