Welcome to Culture Pals! Message QTs from around the world! Here autistic sperg losers can meet equally autistic thots from developing nations like Russia (ew), China (yawn), and India (loos) for relationships so autistic even wouldn't bother with them. Seriously this shit is more of a bitch than debugging pointers in C using vim with no scripts. Want to discuss Argentina? Want to discuss philosophy with an overweight Brazilian who got 0 on www.freesites.gratisiqteste.com.br? Want to get dropped by Turks with English so atrocious they make toddlers seem fluent? Want to be given the basic gestalt on boobs and soy by the resident mammary expert titman? Want to talk with/share QTs with the Taliban? Want to banter koreaboos?
Will putting i'm learning Korean get me any views from Koreans? Or do they never view people because they get flooded with messages anyway?
James Edwards
Probably. Can’t hurt
Sebastian Anderson
try and find out.
Jeremiah Howard
Didn't work form me, but with your flag, maybe.
Cameron Nelson
I think so I put learning Korean and I got a shit ton of messages from Koreans even though I can't speak it for shit Got a bunch of qts tho
Levi Moore
Getting real sick of girls acting like they're too good for me
Blake Diaz
They probably are you inbred canadian fuck
Camden Walker
Post their profiles
Luis Ortiz
Oh shut up you inbred southern hick
Aiden Reed
Start lifting. It worked for Darren
Cameron Turner
Bad victim mindset, nobody wants to be with a guy like that Talk yourself up more, number 1 problem I used to have with girls was being too humble and passive
Joseph Smith
Lifting isn't a magic cure for everyone. Some people can't get gains. Some people just don't find it enjoyable.
Mason Collins
And how do I have confidence to think that a girl could like me if none of them ever have?
There is literally no downside to lifting. It only has positive effects
Lucas Martin
How does that help me have the confidence to talk to them?
Fuck off m*cchi I'm not interested in lifting
Adrian Howard
Post an example conversation
Landon Phillips
>confidence meme It's all in your head, craft yourself into what you want to be to them. Know a little about history? Say you know a lot. Decent at piano? Say you're good at it No, but I've had a decent amount of experience with sloots
Benjamin Butler
qt tells me she doesn't think the orbiter she's been talking to for 5 years wants to fuck her, even though she's told me he sometimes mentions sexual stuff and wants to travel to see her. Is she naive or what?
Lincoln Diaz
Benjamin Sanchez
I tried to tell her but she was like "I know what you are saying but not all guys are like that". Well, I guess its on her to find out, since I already told her. (I at least told her straight up I'd want to have sex with her lol, didn't pretend to be her friend first).
Jacob Nguyen
It's the same thing with the people that say that they don't know math, cause they hate math and it usually ends up in a circular reasoning for the person to invent a excuse to not even try to change.
Fuck off I don't want to stay in contact with any of you fags
William Mitchell
you have to reengage her. I'm interested in Russian history, especially X period. I've always wanted to visit [your city here], because of [reason]. Have you done [x thing in her city]?
Carter Moore
Ya its just really bland and uninspired. You give them nothing to respond to and are making the conversation more work for the other person. You could have pointed out a specific thing about the history you enjoy, ask them a question about russia etc.
Its just really bland
Chase Jenkins
With your 3" tiddler?
Oliver Russell
Cmon lad, Russians are ezmode because they all want a green card. You just need to get used to being the one who steers the conversation because women expect that.
Grayson Hill
Do these thots really care about Russian history though even if they live in Russia? No probably not.
Ryan Rodriguez
Noice Where from?
Isaac King
Went better than one attempt of mine some days a go. Girl with a Rousseau quote on her profile, I asked about her interest in philosophy and about the rivalry between Voltaire and Rousseau and sent a quote of Voltaire roasting Rousseau. I got insta blocked. kek
Easton Robinson
Does she want to have sex with you?
Josiah Long
Jesus christ no wonder, you talk like a robot autist You're at fault, not them this
Carter Adams
You don't get it do you. That conversation is 100% one sided and you aren't offering anything back. Conversations are a give and take and your one vague sentence is making it 100000x more difficult for the other person because you are giving them nothing to work with.
Ian Ortiz
Of course they don't, but that's not the point.
Lucas Sanchez
Why are you hostile towards me?
Cameron Stewart
I don't ever talk to girls about their interests. Or mine for that matter.
Justin Nguyen
I get mixed messages. She says she wants to do it with "the right guy" etc stuff like that and with somebody she loves, but at the same time teases me about how when we meet i'm going to see her nude and stuff like that.
Easton Gutierrez
It's hard to get excited when you spend so much energy trying to get one response.
Grayson Wilson
That's just a case of catching out a dumb bint who tried to make herself sound clever.
Ryan Jenkins
Aaron Thompson
That's not an excuse for that interaction. I can already tell how you probably interact with others. Someone reached out to you and thats all you give them in response?
Adam Ramirez
So then what are you complaining about girls thinking they're too good for you? You're not even a person, no shit they think they're too good for you But I love Korea
Luke Wilson
When do you meet her? What country?
Lucas Young
>when you spend so much energy trying to get one response you what lad, here the GIRL was the one trying desperately to get a response
Nathan Evans
Well what the fuck am I supposed to say? And how do I stay optimistic when it's constant rejection even when I'm trying to be less autistic?
Asher Hernandez
Offer something more. Give details. Ask them about their city. Ask them what brings them to interpals. Literally anything more would be more acceptable than the bare minimum you are giving these people.
Jordan Moore
It's idiotic to turn yourself into someone nobody would want to be in order to appeal to low quality women with bad priorities
Hunter Myers
have sex already incel
Nathaniel Parker
It's not retard. It's just not talking down to yourself and being overly humble, and it's not just for girls but for yourself Literally nothing wrong with talking yourself up and being pleased with yourself
Jason Moore
And what are some conversation starters I can use so I don't have to expend so much energy to get one response?
Bentley Long
>And what are some conversation starters I can use so I don't have to expend so much energy to get one response? >saying "I like Russian history" >so much energy wat
Juan Turner
How’s the weather in your city? It’s really hot here, it just makes me want to take a cruise down to a tropical island and tan all day long
Liam Long
By the time she had messaged me I had probably messaged 15 girls without a response that day
Nicholas Lewis
yes there is, you come off as an insufferable asshole like you that nobody wants to be around, much less become
Kevin Williams
>Moroccons messaging me STOP!
Lucas Wilson
Jow Forums - autism coaching
Jose Williams
I thought that was probably one case of that. There are a lot of pompous profiles that deliver a very mediocre conversation.
Robert Williams
you are extremely autistic fren. I am actually surprised you have any sort of long-lasting conversations. Can you post a pic of a long-lasting convo you've had? literally any screenshot from some time within it
Hudson Taylor
She believes they won't. She thinks that if he tries to do it, she can control herself. However, it's not very wise because she has never been in a situation like that so.. assuming nothing would happen is very wrong.
Carson Brooks
Here's a screenshot from one that resulted in the girl talking to me on whatsapp
>who knows, maybe one day we could go there together haha >haha >she completely blows that off Lmao
Anthony Brown
Again you retard, maybe if you weren't such a fucking autistic fag you'd understand There's nothing noble in putting yourself down. You think Chad goes around talking himself down? You shouldn't be holier than thou and making it seem like you're better than other people. But saying "Yeah I play piano, I enjoy it a lot and think I'm getting good at it" is much better than saying "Yeah I play piano, but I suck at it haha"
>expend so much energy You're typing a little response on the internet, not running a marathon Goddamn you're a fag, everyone should ignore this canacuck, he's ruined this thread before it started
Josiah Campbell
He needs to get to know her more first. She’s being reserved (which is good)
Eli Ortiz
She said we could meet in a few months to like maybe at the end of the year. But she also says she wanted to meet the beta cuck orbiter somewhere this year too, either her going to his country or him coming to visit her. I think I'd have a better chance because we've had sort of sexual talks before and she teases me about sexual stuff, but it could go either way and it would really suck if I got cucked by a beta orbiter (the guy sounds like a cunt too). Sorry, but I don't want to say what her country is.
Jeremiah Jones
I saw something about a Russia superstition that you have to say that a newborn baby is ugly, cause if you do the other way around you are "stealing" the baby's lucky.
Levi Sanders
just tell us what country. We all share where are qts are from, and it’s not like anyone could find her just based on her country anyways. But yes, go meet her
Asher Young
Yeah I'm not assuming nothing would happen, it's likely they might. If they did fuck however I would stop talking to her, though it would make me feel sad.
Xavier Rogers
Is it not possible to meet her before she meets her "friend?" I think that's the only way to get rid of most of your doubts.
Oliver Hill
i'm not sure of the exact time she plans to meet the guy. She just said "we plan to meet this year" and she said she wants to see me at the end of this year too. The reason it'd suck even more if they do fuck is because this guy just seems like a massive asshole, she told me how he shit talks all his friends and thinks he's superior to them. I don't want to keep trying to convince her he just wants to fuck because it'll make it look like im just being jealous and trying to destroy their friendship.
Joshua Morales
Still. Can't. Fucking. Register. On. Instagram.
Evan Russell
Maybe she sees that the dude is a dick and still remains friends with him because he isn't like that to her. I want to believe she realizes that if he talks to others behind their backs, it is possible he doesn't have much regard for her. If he does meet her before you do, that'll be sad but then you'll know if they fugg. and if they don't, then you can trust that she knows what she's doing. Also, that she is a tease. :')
Oliver Brown
Yeah I really hope something happens that stops them from talking somehow, because its pretty obvious he wants to fuck her. If they did fuck I would stop talking to her straight away, like I said it'd be sad but I wouldn't want to talk to her anymore if she did that and I wouldn't hold much regard for her.
Hunter Gomez
I'd even start distancing yourself now. Just act like you don't care, especially don't show her any jealousy Start talking to other qts
Easton Torres
Should I actually fill out the interests sections on my profile if my interests are generally unappealing to girls? I'm a gamer as you would expect from how autistic I act but I'm not really interested in meeting gamer girls.
Jason Russell
Don't mention that unless it's some shitty online game women play. It's still a turn-off for most women
Matthew Wilson
Thought so. Guess I shouldn't mention music either if it's not normie radio shit too then?
Oliver Cooper
How should I do that? I'd feel like an asshole if I stopped talking to her for no reason, I feel like it may have come across like I was jealous of the guy, but I told her I wasn't jealous but rather just knew she assumed the best of people, she said that I didn't seem jealous as well.
Daniel Torres
>I'd feel like an asshole if I stopped talking to her for no reason
Not really, i think what the Americanon try to mean is to try to make her miss you and that doesn't mean don't replying to her or something like that, but if usually you are the one who starts the conversation to not do that and wait till she fell the need to talk to you and start the conversation with you, now that you guys already having some intimacy. Make her serve topic and content for conversation not only you. that is a good way to measure how much someone is interested in you.
Btw, do not necessarily take advice from me, but that is what i understood from what the other user said. I can be wrong.
Chase Martin
The fuck is wrong with you? Put what you want. I've seen tons of girls in interpals who have music taste beyond pop radio shit Interpals isn't tinder even though we treat it like that, it operates differently
this is what I meant Don't ghost her, but don't devote all your time and energy to her
Samuel Cruz
I feel like after our conversation yesterday her feelings towards me have changed a bit. But yeah probably best to put in less effort for her. I find it difficult not to talk to her because I really like her though. Right now i'm just hoping so much things change between her and the douche guy and they have a disagreement and don't talk again.
Dylan White
>The fuck is wrong with you? I'm just trying to cast a wide net for when the ones I have shit in common with don't respond
>"I like Russian history" >"haha maybe we can visit sometime together btw I donl't even have your whatsapp yet so we've probably been talking like two days" it's your own fault you literally autist
Ethan Morales
Instead of insulting me you could give me some tips to improve, Cletus
Elijah Nelson
Making an silly comparison is like playing poker, you do commit to it, but do not show despair or any other strong emotion to make you be able to be read easily or give the wrong impression.
> I find it difficult not to talk to her because I really like her though. Temperance is a virtue difficult to master, and that is a good opportunity to train it.
Luis Rogers
Thanks for your advice lad, both you and the american user. I'll keep you guys updated with what happens, I hope this doesn't end up with me getting cucked but hey who knows.
Hudson Brooks
Actually pretend to be interested
enjoy it while you have it no matter what ends up happening, friend. No point in stressing too much about things you can't change, and you shouldn't allow what should be enjoyable (talking to a qt who likes you) turn into something painful
Caleb Diaz
I just don't want to ask too many questions because then they're going to ask questions back to me and I'm uncomfortable telling them about myself because I know they won't like it.