I have brown hair and brown eyes but my wife who has beared my son has blonde hair and blue eyes

I have brown hair and brown eyes but my wife who has beared my son has blonde hair and blue eyes.

How does this make you incels feel?

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i hate you

like my ancestors :D
how does your kid look?

white just like me

How does your child look?

brown eyes and brown hair :)



keep it up bruv

I don't understand how america keep breeding BHBE woman if all of them finish with brown hair/eyes guys ?

yeah i love MEDing nordic whores


i dont care YToid, you all look the same regardless

Ok, this is epic.

t. blonde haired blue eyed YTboy

i'm a brown bvll, deal with it

Brown and blue both start with B

Kinda happy, good luck with your wife

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How do you keep popping blondies blue eyed qties even if they keep getting browned ? (when you know that in almost every case the brown color is passed to the baby)

Well women who are stupid enough to breed with you deserve to have stupid children.

so do blonde and brown :)

>t. blonde haired blue eyed YTboy
those are native nordgoloid traits, they have nothing to do with wh*tes.

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Women tend to like alpha males, which fairer men just... aren't. They're incapable of pleasing women really, have smaller cocks. I'm of southern french descent so obviously I have a 7.5 inch dick

Well I failed biology but I'm pretty sure the recessive gene pops up once in a while.

I have unironically a 9 inch dick, don't know how it is with other white men

average german dick is 5 inches, nice LARP. only way your dick is 9 inches is if you're a somalian refugee

>average value means that every dick has that size
Your low IQ is too obvious.


you're the one who's getting cucked m8. nordic women love med cock.

really does, nice LARP m8 and my iq is 135 government tested

It's really not that simple. Sometimes even full siblings will have different hair and eye colors. My mom and one aunt have darkish hair and hazel eyes, but oldest sister has blonde + blue. As long as everyone's white you never know for sure what the coloring will be on the kid. I've seen Black/brown + blonde/blue = red/green and black/green + red/green = brunette/brown.

mom has brown hair + brown eyes, dad has brown hair + green/blue eyes.

my little brother has blonde hair blue eyes, another one has black hair brown eyes and tan skin, i have pale skin but brown/hazel-green eyes and brown hair, my older brother had light brown hair + green/blue eyes.

>really does, nice LARP m8 and my iq is 135 government tested

Last time I measured it was about 22 cm, stay mad faggot. Also how do I know you're not larping with your 7.5?

They did special thing to get this mix of kids ? like your months of birth are close or far (months because the theory of the sun and heat to influence on the kids)
Oh and btw how did they pull 4 guys ? no girls ?

My dad was really blonde and my brother and I ended up the same, both sandy blonde with blueish eyes. Mine look green sometimes though. Also, we're both 5 inches taller than my dad was and my mom isn't tall either.

My mom and dad both have blue eyes and me and my sibling all have blue eyes and so does most of my cousins and my brother in law has blue eyes as well but my husband has green eyes. Stay tuned for more eyeball news

my sister has black hair and brown eyes, married a light brown haired blue eyed aussie lad

their kid has light brown hair and blue eyes, hoping i can do the same and wash the disgusting br*wneye genes out of my family and ascend the ladder of aesthetics throughout the generations

no girls. dunno how it happened just luck i guess?

my mom who is brown haired/eyed has two blonde/blue eyed brothers, her dad is dark haired and eyed, her mom was like light brown + blue eyed

my dad has like two blonde siblings and like 2 brown haired ones, but i dont think either of his parents are blonde, both brown hair blue eyed i believe

older brother born in winter 92, i was born in spring 96, younger brother #1 born spring 03 and youngest one born late summer 05

i think its just a coin toss

Look like a great family user. Congrats !

(pic unrelated of course but wanted the opinion of the anons on the thread)

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is that pic legit science? lmao

caffiene thing might be it, my dad's a fatass so maybe that's why we're all boys

>my dad's a fatass so maybe that's why we're all boys
You mean that he's not a stallion in the sack ?
your mom is a huge coffee drinker ?

dunno, don't think my mom is a huge coffee drinker.

my dad has always been a fatass, he probably killed all the female sperm from like drinking soda and shit lmao