I don't want to die because a bunch of retard hicks thought it'd be cool to make a reality tv show star their president

I don't want to die because a bunch of retard hicks thought it'd be cool to make a reality tv show star their president.

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I'll be drafted the moment a war starts...

everybody dies

Some much sooner than others.

Just come here and pretend to be an underage Afghan, they will let you in

>be me
>shredded, athletic, muscle man
>people tell me I have their goal body
>born with asthma, the government would rather take 18 year old girls than me
Get fucked fit-for-service cucks

Attached: America Pepe.jpg (499x499, 38K)

i support iran

what has iran done wrong?

Attached: shrug.jpg (384x313, 71K)

I'm planning on culturally enriching Norway for a PhD if I get the chance.

Piss off the Saudis.
Don't worry m8, nothing will happen. No one simple carpet bomb a country with nuclear capabilities.

Sadly the support of the average citizen doesn't mean anything when you're on USA's shitlist.

>culturally enriching Europoors with honest education and work
You are doing it wrong

That is unfortunate. Should have better policed your home country rather than allow it to be a part of the shitstorm of controversy that has plagued multiple generations of western powers for decades now. People here began giving up on peace beyond eradication in your region in the very early 2000's and few hold hope in it anymore.


He did this whole stunt with North Korea remember to get the diplomacy started. I don't think he wants war with Iran nor does the average American. We'll be fine bro.

I don't want me or my fellow Americans to die to some tusken raiders in some sandy shithole because our government is filled with subhuman warmongers

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Iran has oil

LOL. but nah you're alright

we don't want to die either because of some islamist savages in the middle east. you should hate them not us. that said, we stand with israel.

Chin up you pussy, you are fighting for the right thing

>Don't worry m8, nothing will happen.
That's probably true, neither side is dumb enough to get into a shooting war. We already lost the economic war though.

He doesn't but Bolton definitely does.

Trumps an impulsive retard, but he has no will to actually go to war with Iran. It’s just Bolton and crew trying to live out there psychotic fantasy’s

How impressionable is trump? You talk as if he'll totally not roll over to his advisors

A lot of people "has oil". Stop using this excuse to pretend to know anything about world politics. Also, the current petrol prices are pretty much a joke.

And Pompeo. Don't forget that greasy fat fuck

You should have thougth that earlier before kicking out the Shah

Nothing will happen. There is no way congress will agree to an invasion of Iran.

>Trumps an impulsive retard
He did not declare war on no one yet. Calm your tits...
NK crisis is lower since trump "negotiate", there is no longer support for "moderated rebels" in ME, no real atomic threat between America and Russia.
If things keep this way, Trump may actually be the most pacific president America ever had...

Also we never relied on the middle eastern oil that much. It is easy to check where we get most of our oil from. I don't get this muh oil argument. That just sounds salty.

Post body

that was just banter. they dared to talk back on twitter and he showed them their place. i hate trump but these iranian fuckers shouldn't act uppity either.

This ones pretty old but I’m too lazy to take a new one

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Tell your Shia militias not to do anything stupid and you'll be fine

It's not going to happen, don't worry about it.

Wow, that actually unironically is my goal body.
How's your dick? You can fuck my girlfriend any day of the week


>saying you'll defend your country if attacked is uppity
Why can't you people just stay within 1000km of your borders?

he has asthma dude.


Unless of course, Israel makes the call

Well, your country actually do. Even tho television tell you that Canada is the biggest oil exporter to the US, the bulk, summed from all the arab and non arab "asians" countries, is still way more that half your crude oil.
But oil is cheap right now. And war is expensive. Technology to extract oil from under water reserves improved a lot in the last 5 years and it is only getting cheaper to do so.

Damn you look pretty good. No homo.

We tried to stop it, OP :(

lmao. good post
but he is well hung.

just banter, mate. i don't really care. i am just shitposting dont get too worked up. we will be fine.


Israel is the main reason why US will not engage Iran in a war.
Why? Because Iran nuclear missiles are not pointed to USA (they don't even reach there) they are ALL pointed to Israel (maybe a couple is pointed to the Saudis).

>more than half
kek. nah

There's nothing that americans love as much as fucking other nations up. Every single american wishes to get his hands full of foreign blood. That's why their military is venerated as gods.

It doesn't work that way any more. The democrats want to wipe Israel off the map now

Attached: rashida-tlaib-palestine.png (658x579, 544K)

We don't have nuclear missiles.

>dumb monkey thinks iran has nuclear missiles

I'll join Iranian forces if I get a cute zoroastrian Iranian gf.

that's the difference between you and us.
we are just shitposting for fun and you get seriously butthurt. that may result in high blood pressure. not good for you

Tell me about it. Americans, Russians and Israelis already stopped us trading with you. We'd love to siphon your gas and oil here and sell Combines and elevators back. Except Americans would freeze our banking in that case and Russians are attacking all the countries the pipe would go through.

Iran won't ever threaten Europe like Russia and now we pay 500bn per year to Russians for oil so that they can use that moeny to attack Euros.

What nuclear missiles? They're normal ballistic warheads can't even reach Israel and they were never able to enrich uranium to a weapons degree before the JCPOA when they scrapped it all

Wait what about WMDs?

Just looked up the data from your gov. You are right, in 2018 your country purchase way less oil from Gulf countries that a year before (the one i was using as a reference). But i need to enforce that those data is talking about "oil", any derivative from petrol. Not only crude oil, and as you know, refined oil (and products based on oil) is expensive that crude oil, which make Canada looks like a bigger exporter...

Tell me about the Basij, do they still enlist 13 year olds?

>*destroys your country and kills everyone you know*
>bro it's just banter light up
One day I will personally hang every american and the world will thank me for it

It's not really to just use the oil, it's to manipule the price.

That's why you would never attacked Norway, they have oil but are a docile people, but some MENA countries don't really want to join your cartel

: ^)
I like how optimistic you guys are...

But. Even tho Iran has nuclear weapons, they have capabilities to build dirt bombs that could reach Israel and turn most of their towns in a wasteland.

BTW, officially we did not had nukes too, but last years we fill the radioactive test sites with concrete.

>you would never attacked Norway
whoa no shit. how did know??

They are not that bad. The ordinary Americans really don't want wars like displayed even on int. Hard to blame it on them.

The Russians however pile up on every country their regime illegally attacks. They'll post gore non-stop about Ukrainian soldiers fighting for their country and act like they had the right to attack. In Russians' case you can easily blame the so called ordinary blood thirsty Russians.

Based. We should form a alliance

Pic related. Officially, not a nuclear test site.
As a curiosity, America did not get angry because third world countries where building nukes. They got angry because we got the teach from East Germany at the same time that we gave helicopter ride to communists.

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Except americans do love war. Every president had a high approval rate after starting a war and sending americans to die in the fleshgrinder.


The ordinary american is a warmonger, a natural born killer, a potential genocider. All americans desire to have blood on their hands, preferably foreign. Every single intervention the US has done has been applauded beyond belief.

Not really. The 60s peace rallies were nation wide and as were the ones against war in Iraq. Afghanistan war was de facto defensive. There was opposition for both in Congress too. More against OIF. Bush lost so much traction that Americans voted for a black man.

There has never been legit Russian peace movements. 2 voted against the Ukraine war in Duma and they got poloniumed. Putin's approval ratings rocketed to 90% after the attack on Ukraine.

Fuck off and die, faget.
Dead set.

America changed during the Cold War. WWII americans and modern americans have nothing in common

They really only started to hate wars when they were losing it

>tfw very athletic and structured
>army didn't want me because of pollen allergies I had as a 12 year old
enjoy your weak 18 year old field mattress girls, norwegian cuck army


post pic

Bolton should just retire to Alaska so he can eat clams on the ice in peace.

Attached: bolton_walrus.jpg (400x501, 54K)

ignore the butthurt spic, it is pointless

>Afghanistan war was de facto defensive
Kill yourself yank.

The invasion of Iraq was in 2003. And it is arguably one of the most unpopular wars (since the beginning) in America history.
I gave you 3 examples from 3 distant time periods.

you're a wild animal that should be put down

keep the thread alive and I might when going to gym later

If you legitimately think Americans aren't scum then you are braindead.

>Every single intervention the US has done has been applauded beyond belief.
I don't think most people even know about 75% of the things the US has done abroad.

The 60s rallies were a thing because glorious America was losing. This is a foreign concept to the American mind, so they lashed out. Same goes for the lack of progress in Iraq.
Americans like steamrolling nations. If North Vietnam had started to lose important battles, Americans would have continued to sign up en masse to slaughter every single non-American they could find.
Also this:

It's also not mine or your fault that your parents and grandparents' generation decided replacing the Shah with a medieval theocracy was a good idea.

If you can hand over the tripfag formerly known as Chubek, I'll make the call to Pompeo to ensure there will be peace in our time

>this english
Wang, bitte...

Anyways, it was. Afghanistan harboured the perps to the point it was malicious. Any sane country would have hunted down foreign Saudi Terrorists using their country as staging area.

We hate wars because they serve NOTHING to the common man. We could have literally leveled any of our enemies in the so called "defeats"

no one even knows who that is anymore

kek look at these seething subhumans
funny how every aussie flag is a shitskin.

Not really, we're bootlickers not warmongers (excluding evangelicals). Whenever there is a war no American wants a change in administration which could possibly prolong the war or have a different idea of how the war should go and cause more casualties to the troops

America would get creamed so hard in a hypothetical US-Iran war it wouldn't even be funny. Their meme army with a trillion dollar budget couldn't rescue a handful of embassy staff from Tehran.

Politicians are the scum of earth. Do you think that if your country had a real army, it would not use to rule the Asia?
Do you think that if my country did not had guarantees that we could defeat the entire south America, we would not do it?
The blunt sword keeps the peace.

The movement started before major troops were deployed. They won in Iraq.

Saddam thought the same thing to too. we did to Iraq in three weeks what Iran couldn't do in 8 years, at the cost of 150,000 Iranian souls

America can just bomb them from a distance, while wanking off to the footage.

Don't worry. You have the capability to make one and use it if a war does break out. The US will not be able to steamroll Iran considering its geography and terrain and the location of the war being halfway around the world. You can probably make one during that time.

we use drones all the time you fucking idiot
also being a brit flag, you started shit in iran in the first place.

we also killed bin laden in your country, that was a bold raid, remember? nobody on our side was hurt.

I will protest in the streets if (((Trump))) invades your country

>Iran makes a nuke
>it can't reach the USA
>using it would ensure entire NATO would probably send a real military instead of some meme assistance