*singlehandedly destroys American hegemony*

no wonder the mutts hate him so much

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China is the future.
America is in the past.

I dislike China, but I appreciate a nation actually standing up and replacing the USSR. America was at its high points when it had an enemy to face down.

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That red remember me the roman empire

LMAO, you got the shit mixed up, retard.
Everyone hates USA, so deal with it.
Not even your shitty media can spin that Russia isn't any where near as shit as America.

Come on broski can’t we all be friends here? No need to attack a country let’s all just get.a long dude!

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Winnie the Pooh

>tfw 6 year old sticky

We are literally God's nation. We always come out on top because of it. We'll never lose to insects like you.

Yeah fellow ameriabro! Good to see some patriotism!

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Not sure what this means but good job! Canadabro!

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you shill for a country that mows down its own citizens, while living in the west and using a western made website

you're an absolute joke. this is a western world, and you just exist in it. Good job giving money to a western country genius

Aw! Come on ameriabro let’s not to be harsh for our totally tubalr neighbors up north!

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when I'm president, they won't be national neighbors. they'll just be your neighbor next door

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what? china is suffering more than the US you retard.

moortuguese intelligence

Must you be so predictable?

Chinks really have no shame.

I don’t really agree that you would take over our cool neighbors up north! But good job ameriabro I like your enthusiasm!

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White women love big Chinese cock.

and I like you, creepy motivational post maker

>"Now we toast to a prosperous future with a traditional glass of an elixir solely comprised of dog blood, rat blood, ground horse penis bone and buffalo dung."

Aw shucks man! Thanks for your compliment bro! You’re a totally radical person dude!

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>White women love big Chinese cock.
Two false statements in one sentence, impressive.

That sounds a little disgusting ameriabro but good contributions! You’re a totally radical dude man!

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>Chink weewee

Sorry, u can only pay poor russian whores to suck ur microdick zhang

>big Chinese cock

>Now we toast to a disastrous global hegemony run with a traditional glass of BBC semen

>you shill for a country that mows down its own citizens
if they were going against the state then they deserved it. weakening a society for your own selfish whims Is the most selfish thing you can do
>while living in the west
he is canadian
>and using a western made website

Hey super awesome brazilbro! How’s you’re day Ben?

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>he is canadian
Kek, no.

where is the proof that he is not? look at his flag. if he was chinese he'd be posting with a chinese flag


You're a devil worshipper

I disagree. He has received a lot of help from Trump and their supporters, in about 2 years Trump has almost dismantled the whole of the diplomatic power that the USA carefully built for almost 70 years and accelerated the process of destruction of their industrial and technological capability strangle the American manufacturing sector imposing tariffs to a bunch of raw materials and semi-finished products that they need to keep running, increasing their operating costs.

In 40 years history books will talk about how the 2017-2021 period was the downward inflection of American power in the world.

Hey Australiabro! He could just be an immigrant!

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Australian women love big Chinese cock.

But you have to recognize that he is a very skilled politician

>if they were going against the state then they deserved it. weakening a society for your own selfish whims Is the most selfish thing you can do
Honestly as the person you replied to, I have to say I appreciate the genuine honesty. I really want some team dynamics going on here, you know? West vs East ideological clash. Not the west vs a murkey here-nor-there mish mash. Bring it on, chang. This is based

Hey totally tubular bro! I think white woman like all penis!

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The only ones that are afraid are the Chinese.

i've talked to this poster before
very educated, very smart
he was born in canada
he is canadian

>West vs East ideological clash
what does this mean? i am australian so it should be west vs west

but china is the future, twenty years from now most countries will be emulating china's example for prosperity

going against the government weakens your country, the Chinese know that best through centuries of civil war and violence
governments will never be perfect
that is why you should accept your own and naturally through its own will it will fix its mistakes and become powerful
PRC wasn't perfect at first, and people could have just revolted and obtained another useless regime that wouldn't fix the country. but luckily that never happened, and now China is seeing prosperity

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How do Americans know it's God on their side but not the Devil?

Weren’t you that paki Muslim guy that had a chink girlfriend and you tried to piss off Asian incels posting a picture of her in a hijab?

Maybe. It is easy to steer to stay in power when there are no real elections in your country.

I'm really liking this material. Seriously. Just stop with the "oh I'm western" bit, it's kind of annoying. Can you call yourself "eastern adjacent", or something?

besides that, seriously, I like it. Strong government fixing all the problems, yes.

Russians and Germans already both claimed GOD WITH US, so I think we either selected Santa or Ronald McDonald as our patron saint

Go China go!

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>Seriously. Just stop with the "oh I'm western" bit, it's kind of annoying. Can you call yourself "eastern adjacent", or something?
i am australian
i simply recognize the superiority of china
soon all western states will dissolve and emulate themselves after communism with chinese characteristics like soviet bloc shitholes after the cold war

like, no joke, a white australian? okay, you can be one of those covert eastern sympathizers. those always make for an excellent twist. talk about a 1950s throwback

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Why would the devil want anything to do with us? Sure, America does horrible things but for the most part we are fine.