Is it Brazil or Brasil?

is it Brazil or Brasil?

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Call them South America.

Brasil for us and Brazil for you guys


Brazil in english, Brasil in spanish and Portuguese.

Their economics is bigger than yours.

The "S" sound is the same as "Z" here. nobody gives a fuck anyway

How would you say it Ingrishu?



Brazil, but here almost every country has a different name, like germany is alemanha...

Wow wish I lived in Brazil now

Where's that money going then? Since most of them are dirt poor.

yeah, our economy is pretty big only in paper, i wish our money was more stable

Historically, it's both. Now it's only Brasil today.

But call it whatever you like. It's not as if I'm going to call your country by itself english name






Should we start calling Germany "Teutonia"? It makes more sense than Alemanha

Do you have the iPhones?

Get drunk, hit your head against a wall and try to say Brazil while you're spiting blood and a front teeth.

In french it's Allemagne, but yes it comes from the same source.

Funny is that the allemani were just a relatively tiny part of Germany

1 S sound like Z. 2 S sound like "S".
Yes, we are retard,

You would be a bretty good teacher.

They do have 10x our population

If no one understood, Brasil (as is wrote in Portuguese) sound like Brazil (with Z sound) because we have a rule that say:
If it has 1 S in the middle of a word, then it sound like Z. But if it has 2 S (SS) in the middle of the word, then it sound exacly how S should sound.
But any word starting with S just sound normally.


haha, idw why we call them that, i thought that others countries did that too

only the retarded (rich) its like 5k in here, but everybody has a cellphone or pc

And then we have "ç" for no reason, because SS already has the same sound. Not that I would want to drop it, I like being a snowflake in terms of language

The Alemani people where a tribe up the Rhine river that frequently trade with the Romans.
Franks where other German tribe (or Germanic, if you don't want to offend the french people) that took care of what "roman left" behind.

Which, funnily enough, is also the name of the capital

And to think that we already made Portuguese less complicated 2 times in our country history...

i'd like to call them germania would be cool

But we also ruin important things.
Like the "¨". Lingüiça and linguiça have different sounds, or pinguim and pingüim.
In theory, now we should speak "linguiça" with the sound that "gui" has in "Guiana"

We keep stuff that makes no sense, but drop usefull accents.

Forget the capital. It's the name of this iconic VW car sold in brazil during our golden age.
It was absolute crap. The engine (like the beatle) was air cooled and in the back, but differently from the beatle, technically the engine was inside the car (AND HELL, IT DOES SOUND LIKE IT'S INSIDE THE CAR).
So, it was a popular car from the time, but the only pros of having one was NOT BEING ABLE TO LISTEN YOUR WIFE AND KIDS. And latter on your life, became deaf.

Attached: carro-brasilia_miniatura.png (560x397, 439K)

”BraZil” is only spelled that way because amerimutts have an obsession with the letter Z

Los bananos "republicas"

Attached: brazil flag 1.png (2000x1400, 83K)

the italians do call it Germania

lol i envy them

user, it does sound Brazil. If they pronounce Brasil, with S, we would laugh at their faces.

based nip


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>pinch his army to check % fat