1. you äre a cunt

1. you äre a cunt
2. WHITE, milk or dark chocolate


Attached: dark-vs.-milk.jpg (610x319, 41K)

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white chocolate isn't even chocolate

A little chocolate with your sugar maybe?
I only like 70% + chocolate


dark, just like dicks in my ass


Attached: the-feast-pink-chocolate.jpg (1825x1217, 314K)

Dark all the way
Milk chocolate is too sweet and the white stuff isn’t chocolate at all

>too sweet
the mark of a faggot right there

black is the only valid answer.


Dark one tastes like it looks ...like charcoal
White is too sweet, but good in moderation

you have the palate of a child, Sven

White and milk are the only ones i like.




Milk is the only correct answer


English chocolate artisans are at the cutting edge of chocolate technology, and have created a bold fusion of milk and dark. It's a super rich chocolate without being bitter, it's delicious

Attached: Cadbury-to-launch-dark-milk-chocolate-bars-in-the-UK_wrbm_large.jpg (749x355, 61K)

dark all the way, I'm not a babby

Attached: slitti-luciano-gran-cacao-82-100g-54584.jpg (1400x1400, 184K)

>It's a super rich chocolate without being bitter
Yeah I love them not-sour Granny Smith aswell

None, that shit kills dogs, should hint you how toxic it actually is

Attached: 1554795723529.jpg (1080x1331, 81K)

owned by yanks and made in poland

Dark for the health benefits.

What a bore

Rich does not mean bitter, I thought the French were meant to know about food?

Cadbury is fucking bottom barrel absolute runt-tier garbage, my friend.

Humans aren't theobromine intolerant

So maybe take a good hard look at yourself. What next, you're going to tell me about this handmade English cheese (actually made in Hungary) that tastes just like milk?

That doesn't make sense when it's literally children that are biologically programmed to like sugar more than adults

That's just kike shit propaganda

I prefer dark chocolate


Don't know what you're going on about desu

White chocolate

>white "chocolate"
75%+ or bust

Dark chocolate obviously as I'm an adult male. "Men" who prefer white chocolate belong in reeducation camps along with those who dislike onions, garlic, black coffee and olives.
Don't even @ me, you triggered soyboys.

The lighter the better

All at once.

Attached: EA04FB25-F302-4E43-820A-90C4431422C1.png (680x760, 191K)

i don't like coffee so i don't like dark
white is for butterbros

Milk is for kids and white is for subhumans

white is butter pretending to be chocolate

milk ofc

Dark is for angry oldfags

I fully support this post.

>angry oldfags
I don't think you'll become heterosexual with age, user.

>anons acting like picking one candy type over another makes them manly when they browse a fucking anime imageboard
Self-awareness really has died on this site.

yes but whats your candy preference shithead?

This reasonning is absurd because it would mean there is absolutely no difference between you and a discord tranny just because you browse the same website.

Processed sugar lowers testosterone.

butthurt milknigger

There isn’t.

Dark all the way
But I'm poorfag so it has to be mostly milk
"White" chocolate is not chocolate.


this is my go-to

Attached: 61QjfWEqAYL._SY679_.jpg (337x679, 38K)


Attached: cioccolato-di-modica-al-peperoncino.jpg (550x700, 51K)

They are. You just need to eat like 9 kilos of dark chocolate to get enough theobromine to kill you.

White and milk
I already have enough dark things in my life

Attached: 1557939495675.jpg (615x630, 35K)

That's not intolernace though. By that logic you could make the case that we're water intolerant.

>dark things in my life
stepdad's BBC