Nobody even fucking knows my country

Nobody even fucking knows my country

Attached: 440px-Circassian_flag.svg.png (440x220, 10K)

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Cerrjjje orjje, or something.

Attached: Anime character expressing a mixture of shock and disapproval, this could bear immensely on your con (1920x1080, 1.62M)

lots of circassians in turkey
they all integrated too much though, its basically a meme heritage thing at this point

Well done baku

I appreciate you tried user

I'm still trying to keep a Circassians identity it's fucking hard

انتا حقيقي شركسي؟
جدي كان شركسي


should be easier in jordan since circassians dont really look like araps


Attached: Resettlement_of_Circassians_Into_Ottoman_Empire.jpg (1782x950, 425K)

والله؟ يسعد دينك و دين جدك


Thanks for the good land, friend.


my great grandfather married a circassian woman

Yes and tell the chechens I said fuck

It is but then you have the problem of Jordaians marrying Circassians and vice versa

Cpaныe aдыги зaпoлoнили мoй Кpacнoдap. Epмoлoвa нa вac нeт

Tвoй Кpacнoдap? Пoшeл нaхyй

some circassians try the jew method of only marrying other circassians here but the turkish culture is too dominant here and the circassians look like northern and western turks anyway so they get assimilated either way

>tfw my late prime minister was 1/4 Circassian
I wish I can find a Circassian community in my country because I want to marry a Circassian girl

Circassians and Chechens hate each other?

>tfw no 1.95 loving and caring çerkes wife
how do i kidnap one lads help

Кoнeчнo мoй. Имeннo пoэтoмy oн eщё cтoит, инaчe вы, pyкoжoпыe oбeзьяны, пpoeбaли бы eгo кaк и вcё ocтaльнoe.

Not a good idea. Circassians are white gypsies.

I know a special magical realm where you can get a waifu. Portal to that dimension can be opened by putting your head on a high ground through a circle made of rope.

why are georgians so aggressive and rude?

Still better than actual gypies

back to tea farming grigori

More like a rivarly than anything else

i unironically had a wikipedia article about the circassian genocide in another tab wew


Just yesterday I made a thread on it on /his/

Russians are white monkeys

>circassian genocide
ITT: things that never happened

Still better than slavs

show me the way mighty kartvelian wizard

They're salty because their country is in the lesser Caucasus

proofs ?

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Is your name Alexander II by any chance?

>ooga booga tribe power!
>bruuh druuh kill Russian merchants and travelers
>wtf why did you deport us?


>Ooga booga Russian genocide
>being proud of it
>Took you nearly 100 years to win the war
>Considering it an achievement

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maybe it's because you don't have one


Circassians were in the direct path between mainland Russia and Georgia. Circassian barbarians attacked our roads, merchants, soldiers, etc.

Maybe you shouldn't put your soldiers in a country like it's your own, c'mon it was obvious instigated by the Russians

It was self-defense, not genocide.

Method still up and running in Jordan, I hope

>Tfw you marry a Circassians girl and I can't even get a text back

I'm sorry big bad Russia needed self defense from women and children and old men

Circassia was not a country. You were wild tribes that attacked everyone, like the American Indians.

Circassians were tribeshits it's like saying native Americans had their own country

Wtf why would you not want to integrate into your host nation? This is why we hate mexicans here

Because most Arabs are perverts and Circassians are a very proud close knit society

Should we deport you without women and children or what? And not all Circassians were deported, but only those who refused to live in peace.

>Walks into a beehive
>Gets stung
>Blames the bees and kills them all
Nice innocent Russia

who in their right mind would integrate into an ar*p culture

So you wanna create enclaves that diverge from the rest of the nation and think people won't hate you for it?

You mean those who refused to become assimilated and Christian

You did it and started a caliphate

Hey we just wanna go home to the Caucasus and be independent, we didn't ask to be exiled here

your idiocy can be seen from a mile away american


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They live in Russia to this day and practice Islam. Only barbarians were deported.

not an argument

>Buy a dog
>It bites you
>Kill it
Flawless logic

I have 800+ Hours in EU4, I know your country.

I honestly just heard about you guys today so i'm not sure how you guys ended up in the middle east. Who lives in your homeland now or tribal area and is there no way of returning?

>Russians tried to destroy this

Yeah there's protest every year but neither the EU or UN recognize the genocide

There are many Circassians here, my best buddy from high school was Circassian


>Protest for the recognition of genocide
>in Turkey

Russians, Armenians and good Circassians. Barbarians were deported to Turkey.

they protest infront of EU consulates
although im pretty sure picrel is in kadıköy

Russians live in our lands now, they kicked us out and if we return they won't give us independence

Now you know how i feel when American news sites talk about Brazilian police "brutality" towards crackheads.

Because the Russians deported you into non-existence.

You guys are free to come to my cunt. Easily could purchase a chunk of the land bigger than your old homeland and larp as you wish.

So the problem is that you don't want to be ruled by russians so you went to the middle east?

Attached: 200px-Magical_realm.png (200x239, 67K)

how fucking dumb are you?

Baku no pico

He doesn't know that ME used to be very peaceful(for the time) before america.

Sorry we just needed some warm place with nice subtripical climate

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They're muslims that got expelled to the ottomon empire in the 19th century I don't see why I should care about them or what makes these people so special. Truth be told I don't care about any of these muslim tribal people i.e kurds, berbers, bedoins etc. and think all these muslims should be contained in one area as to not disturb the rest of us

Only after years living in Muslim countries.

No they were converted by Sultan Murad IV before they were expelled according to wiki

So what? what is the problem with them being muslim?

Muslims should live in muslim lands away from everyone else. The russian poster already noted that they were bandits, thieves and barbarians which isnt surprising in the least

you are talking to a retarded Jow Forums edgelord stop trying to make sense of what he says

>Wtf why would you not want to integrate into your host nation? This is why we hate mexicans here
did you want white colonists to marry their daughters to niggers too?

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I know this flag lol, we had a lecture once in the mosque from a Circassian brother who told the story of his country and why they live all across Turkey, Syria and some other MENA countries.

I don't even go on Jow Forums and i'm not really racist. Disliking muslims and simply wanting them away from us is far from being an edgy viewpoint Mehmet.

ew it responded to me

It never existed and you are a bunch of muslim barbarians who steal, loot, rob and kill people.

you got me there