What race is the more disgusting male race to western women?

what race is the more disgusting male race to western women?

pajeets or asians or blacks?

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>implying a woman browses any of these boards and its not a larp.
really i thought colombia was one of the smart ones.

Probably Abos

I wonder, what about Eastern European men?

those are not even humans, they're some ancient hominid species.


Undoubtedly abos

Muslims is the correct answer

Women love the Muslim man.

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Getting raped is the opposite of love


I know it’s a running meme, but why do you seriously think women would be on Reddit, Twitter, and every other corner of the web and not here?


Muslim is not a race


at least Asian womens are good looking
it’s literally hard to find a 5/10+ Indian woman in a normal place. Most good looking Indian women live in high class neighbourhoods and only go out with other high class men.

and Asians womens are very thin too, Indian women become fat easily

Fuck you. This hurts as a woman. It’s not like you guys are in shape either. Most Indian guys with abs in their 20s have dad bods by the time they turn 30 lol.

All you want to a white bitch who’ll get you horny and a good Indian girl to cook you food. Fucking cockroaches. Meanwhile that white girl will marry you and then run away with half your property lmao. And Asians? They all look the same. No variety in Asian women. They’re like copy paste. Nobody is jealous of losing men like you HAHA

Yes it is

The solution is for you people to stop breeding. For the love of beauty please stop existing

Seeth cope

calm down lady, i only said about Asians womens. nothing about white women, in fact they ltierally have the same features as you except with lighter skin.

i was just complimenting their looks

All i know is cuckasian looking latinos can cuck any man including white europeans

Being brutally honest in general, Indians. Not just looks, attitude towards women, smell, everything...However if I had to choose between the top .01% Indian vs top .01% Asian vs top .01% black, I’d probably choose the Indian because at least that top 1 in a billion would probably be able to pass for Med.

>as a woman
get fucked

Wtf that's racist and u should apoligize