Is this the ideal map of Poland?

Is this the ideal map of Poland?

Attached: Perfect World.png (987x701, 51K)


>Is this the ideal map of Poland?

Attached: 1541950783637.png (1570x859, 1.15M)

>Slavs are white just like me

Attached: IMG_7595.png (800x720, 551K)

No. Take this map and make Poland look like it. Then you get the ideal borders.

Attached: 1535451209832.jpg (256x197, 13K)

being yourself 56% hardly makes you an arbiter of whiteness

Attached: 1519811866201.png (400x440, 29K)

No Galicia?


Attached: eastern europe.png (500x500, 330K)

No, I do not want polish people in my country.

Jesus christ, anything but not Ukraine, please.

Attached: 1555107415305.jpg (484x461, 76K)

Why are you such a bully? :(

Attached: 1554325535998.jpg (237x212, 12K)

You aren't white, Juan von Tyrone

this is the ideal map of Poland

Attached: Polish-Lithuanian_Commonwealth_at_its_maximum_extent.png (977x768, 181K)

This is.

Attached: Blank_map_of_Polish_Lithuanian_Commonwealth1.png (1837x1655, 221K)

Hahaha yes

What if we renamed the Earth to Poland

>italian irredenta
mega cringe

>you will never witness the Polish space armada performing the largest C-beam charge in history off the shoulder of Orion near the Tannhauser Gates to save VEEN-X2A, the capital of civilised solar systems, from the Okrothan Conglomerate of the Eastern Fringes of the galaxy

Attached: 1546223319961.jpg (2500x2217, 217K)

Attached: 1557519887119.gif (305x320, 980K)


Can we not? I will have no place to run from this shithole

Attached: 1557620629905.webm (996x560, 2.74M)

>elsaß-lothringen part of fr*Nce

Including Galicia into Poland wasn't feasible. Lviv was a very important city for Polish culture, lots of important Poles studied there or had families there, but ultimately it was just one city located within a countryside dominated almost entirely by Ukrainians. Including that city into the state would have led to even more UPA bullshit on the territory of Poland, meaning terrorist attacks, assasinations, and so on, also it would have simply been immoral. Forcing so many Ukrainians to live in the Polish state, even though they didn't want to, would have just been oppressive. This is why I believe that Lviv being Ukrainian nowaways is okay.

Attached: 1553419511692.png (960x740, 912K)

le basé

>hurr durr this land we historically never owned is ours now because we backstabbed our allies in both world wars and acted like fucking retards the entire time