What are the sexiest accents in your country?
What are the sexiest accents in your country?
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>Jew York
Retarded results
>yall fellas be setting up tha traps while i fix the trailer right quick, GITURDONE folks
people generally dislike all accents but their own region
All accents are considered like disgusting shit here. Only proper, school ukrainian or russian is good.
black sea
Is that where you are from?
Pugliese is cute
Nah, I'm Pontic which is about as far away from Crete as possible.
You guys are still around? Where in Greece did you resettle
There is a couple million of us these days if wikipedia is to be believed, my family was settled in Epirus
Chicago does have it's own accent. I don't think it's sexy but people from other places have called it pleasing
Damn furthest from the place huh, Were you guys from Trebizond?
Stockholm accent of course.
Nah, we were from Santa which is further east though very close to Trebizond
least sexy definitely berne and thurgau accents. zürich isn't that hot either. st. gallen and graubünden are hot, also fremch and italian
so easy to see this was made by a norteño, no ther mexican says this
but yeah you're actually right
t. norteño
Bostonian accents are the worst.
fuck you guys, I used to get bullied in school all the time for my Chicago accent when my parents moved to the East Coast. It's a real thing
It's a phenomenon here where people don't have a regional accent as much anymore in recent generations where it's clearly Irish but either a mix of county accents or belonging to none which is objectively the best.
Is that were Santa Claus comes from?
likewise limey
What are you talking about. Can't understand your ramblings
My favorite is when Indian immigrants speak with a Texan accent
We don't have any....
a broad shetland dialect
Philly mentioned!
t. Amish fag
Ukrainian sounds like Russian except wrong and improper
Yea no shit. Bostonian is one of our retarded northern accents mixed with Irish and pushed to the worst possible outcome.
Viking admixture
write about it on your tumblr
basado y rojopilled
>Oozes so much sex appeal that it makes the average American woman squeal.
Is it particular to a certain area. I know people from Chicago and the suburbs, I've been there many times and I've never met one that I'd say had an accent. I'm from CT and Eastern Mass and NYC accents stand out more to me.
i hate mine, sounds fucking disgusting.
not everyone here speaks it though, half my family including me doesn't
We have no accents, because we have an actual alphabet.
South side of Chicago is really noticeable, Otherwise it's not as noticeable but there are differences from the great lakes/midwest
This is a old/stereotypical Chicago (Great Lakes) accent:
This is what Chicagoans/suburbanites who claim they don't have an accent sound like:
Fennoswedish is incredibly cute and adorable, I really really want a fennoswede gf
yeah, personally I have a "midwestern" accent (like somewhere between standard and Minnesota) and am from Chicago. But Southsiders also often have their own "Chicago city" accent
Texan and Bostonian
Just, no.
I suspect that there were once significant variations of the accent based on class/ethnicity/neighborhood but since everybody was preoccupied dickriding New York City during the era when the manufacturing belt was at its peak nobody bothered to record/study it and it's been lost forever.
Also got to call everyone a jagoff
That's a lie.
What does Mainer sound like? Never heard it before.
not true, saying letters differently is an accent.
Like Boston/New England.
t. Seething Flyover
Based post
Didn't know Chicagoans say that too, I thought it was just us yinzers.
Southeast and South
I personally like the argentinean accent too
What Russian accent do you know? (Ukraine is not Russia)
It started with you guys but apparently it somehow spread here and only here.
>What are the sexiest accents in your country?
We have 3 local ones
and Russian/Latvian one.
I would only consider Latgale one ''sexy'' and it's almost a new language ...almost.
Russian/Latvian is hot only when a pretty girl try's to speak with it....when it happens it's really cute.
This is Latgale accent:
What the fuck is a Hawaiian accent?
That list is bullshit, anyone with ears would know East Coast accents are the worst accents we have.
The new york accent doesnt exist. As a new yorker, i have never met anyone who had the stereotypical accent who wasnt faking it. I dont have it myself
my favorite murkan accent is new joisey on a man. too bad the people of these regions are annoying
Nasally Lois Griffin Worcester, MA accent gets me rock hard
Dialects are actually unsexy and if you want to be taken serious, better speak standard German. Every German politician tries to speak as little dialect as possible. In pop culture, dialects are usually used in a comic way. Amon Göth speaking Austrian in Schindler's list is a rare exception, because his dialect (Vienesse, i believe, but i can't differ between Austrian dialects too well) has no strange extra sounds like many other dialects do. So in my opinion, Vienesse would be the German dialect that is best to be taken serious, but it's not exactly sexy, either. Standard German is the only real option.
Would you recognize if someone is from Belarus?
>mfw I'm a native Texan but have a slight California accent despite never having visited California for whatever fucking reason
>mfw I have a slight New York accent because that's where my mom is from
>mfw a combination of the three sound similar to an Australian accent when I'm drunk
>mfw when I'm an abomination
I actually really like girls with Russian/Eastern European accents to be honest.
I found this, thoug:
Isn't a Brooklyn accent?
I really like Baltic accent in Russian.
That's really nice.
Hey , do Russians from Latvia have an accent when they speak Russian. I don't hear it , but some Russians say it exists but can't tell/show what it is .
Well.. these dialects differ in 1-2 letters. It's hardly noticeable
And Belarusians have the same dialect as Moscow (except some west parts)
I cant only recognize if someone from Ukraine (sometimes) and Caucasus / -Stans.
>Caucasus accents
they do, I've been made fun of for it
What do they say ?
This make me confused.
Do they say you sound like us speaking Russian? ...
>California not #1 sexy
shit list
i dunno, some girl just said i sound very feminine
>anyone with ears would know East Coast accents are the worst accents we have
t. Cletus
i think the intonation is a little different, maybe because of the way latvian intonation is a little different
People are acting like Hawaii or Maine or Chicago don't have accents, which is definitely wrong, but I wanna know what a St. Louis accent is. Never heard of it in my life, nor do I have a clue what it would sound like
>Ukraine is not Russia
Yeah, you say that one day, and every other day you say it is.
Russian TV media has a shitty accent.
Like how the USA's TV anchors have a "Midwest Accent".
boner killers:
nah midwest accent is a little diff. they have a standard accent
>girl said it sounded very feminine
Could be good, could be bad.
Depends on the girls preference I would guess.
i guess, she said it in a negative way though
russian tv hosts sure as hell dont have a single accent, youve probably just seen some coincidental excerpts
There are definitely regions where speaking the local dialect is a plus. Bavaria or the Rhineland for example.
Generic Midwest IS the standard American (read: soulless) accent. It's why call centers hire people from states like Kansas and Nebraska, because they have the blandest and most general American accents possible. There are more unique ones in the Midwest of course (DA BURRS style Chicago, Fargo-esque Minnesota accents, etc), but in general it's the basic American accent.
What the fuck? Ugliest accent ever.
>New York
See Boston.
Not even aware they had one.
See Maine.
See Chicago.
See Mississippi.
See Hawaii.
>St. Louis
See Philadelphia.
I mean, I guess it's kind of sexy.
nah you guys sound uneducated and retarded like our southerners
only your southeastern posh cunts sound cute (but still retarded).
i don't know why anyone would want mutt women anyway
ah, it turns out what i thought was midwest is called great lakes