ITT We say nice things about Brazil

ITT We say nice things about Brazil

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Brazil.svg.png (1280x896, 60K)

can't think of anything right now

Attached: 168452.jpg (515x515, 25K)


Attached: Salmão_nude.png (960x576, 839K)



Stop visiting brazilian imageboards, it will consume your life bro

Attached: 1555701479532.jpg (831x799, 55K)

Blackest country outside Africa

Attached: 87703E4E-2B4C-4FD8-92EE-66044B7365F0.png (3000x3000, 620K)

Only by numbers, because most of Caribbean countries win in %.

What's bad about it?

Ta aprendendo portugues, meu mano?

She's ugly.

Attached: salmãozinha.jpg (1440x1920, 268K)

Anons can't see a pale chick
Looks likes she's sick

Subhuman nigger monkies

She is fucking ugly. Why is she so popular in some hispanic ibs?

What's your problem, buddy?
This isn't the first time you make a post pointing out other people's paleness. Is this some kind of obsession of yours?

Mama always used to tell me that if you don’t got nothing nice to say, don’t say nothing at all.

But mama was wrong, fuck Brazil.

Brazil is a beautiful country and I hope someday I can move there and spread dawah inshallah

>a chilean user shares one pic

Kek. Kill yourself, vadia.

before Bolsonaro was... decent

They speak the best language in all the americas

More freedom and more opportunities than Greenland
Also more thrilling as you could get attacked any minute fighting for your life

source: your prolapsed anus

Nice chill bossanova music

they eat exotic potages

Attached: 02562.png (714x714, 867K)

uuuuuuuuuuhhhhh let me uuuuuuuuuhhhh their uuh brap porn

omg i unironically think this but feels egocentric to say so

do you genuinely think so?

Chile is much better. FUCK THIS SHITHOLE!

chile, ecuador, colombia, peru, argentina. Onl bolivia and venezuela are worse than you kek

toppest lel

hottest people in the western hemisphere, which isn't saying much, but its true

also you guys have based ricardo

Brazil nuts are high in selenium.

Yes. Portuguese beats Spanish by default and French is a fucking meme it sounds like ass. English is like whatever i