What were they thinking?
What were they thinking?
This is what everyone else thinks of special snowflakes who don't use abc alphabet like you freaks, ruck off Turkish, Arabic, Greek and all of east Asia just use the Latin alphabet instead of your cringe meaningless shapes.
do they have to know all this stuff or?
they literally just dipped a block of ramen in ink, pressed it against a piece of paper and made a language out of it
To be fair, that’s what I do with my dick to make Rorschach tests.
Why is the éireannach so angry?
we use latin alphabet you fucking retard
They didn't. At fist they were making relatively simple cave drawing type of hieroglyph symbols of common things. Then it got complex and now this what they have. Imagine if Egyptian hieroglyphs became more popular instead of Phoenician/Greek/Latin. As need for complexity rises there started to be more need to do fucky shit like using hieroglyph with meaning to symbolize sounds while still also meaning something else and stuff.
You're just brown savages, who cares, you might as well have done.
go back to using ruins you snownigger
You better be fishing for (((you))) you fucking faggot
>implying we shouldn't either
[throat singing starts in the distance]
That'd actually be pretty cool
Ooga booga, we wuz africans n shit or whatever, I don't care
Ohi. Do you see how shit that looks? Here's how it actually is in Greek: Όχι (όχι means no)
are you a psychiatrist?
Mongol's are white.