ITT: things that scare americans

ITT: things that scare americans

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Anti-vaxxers should be gassed

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these are never funny

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When will this meme end?

Never , let them keep posting it , they'll eventually become pseudo americans

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Forcing people to get vaccinated violates every patients rights compendium ever written.

>Forcing people to get vaccinated violates every patients rights compendium ever written.

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Enjoying your 1 day off per year, Cletus?

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americans don't hate me for saying this but

your body only needs 2 meals a day to survive and nothing more

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Is that a toilet? Looks weird

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Obsessively focusing on one thing or group is a form of mental illness


>drinking anything besides water

I have one in my house, as do a lot of other people I know. Out of all the memes about us I never got why you guys act like we don't use kettles.

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Useless without a cooler/ice holder
What savage would drink tea without putting ice into it?

What scares me the most are uncivilized folk that bake cookies/brownies to sweeten their tea instead putting sugar into it while it's hot.

w-whiter than you, ahmed

You could easily survive eating one meal a day and fasting for 20 hours inbetween

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electric kettles are for niggers. Get one for the stovetop

Herd immunity is a good enough reason to do that.

yes, I said survive but I was referring to "leading a good life"
I drink water when I wake up until lunch, when I have my first meal, then after that I do another meal at night. I never had any withdrawal and I barely have any fat in my diet
americans are way too accostumed to a life of hedonism, eating junk food and masturbating everyday, to be capable to understand this

Dubs checked.

I would totally hit, I mean eat, that.

I don't understand why people like cheese in their salad

cause they mostly limit their cheese intake to that, instead of having a juicy fat burger with three pillars of cheese and a salad on the side

I have an electric kettle and it’s a nice copper gooseneck not cheap Walmart shit like this


Same color as my skin.

>What savage would drink tea without putting ice into it?

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This is a point in which it is reasonable to sacrifice freedom for the greater good. We know vaccines work, and we know that their use limits viral exposure to populations with weakened immune systems, such as those on anti-rejection meds or children with cancer. We also know that the risk of complication is significantly lower than the risks that the disease may have on your child. Don't be a fool, and don't allow children to die horrible, preventable deaths. Mandate vaccinations.

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"vaxxers" is not a word.

nice petrodollar hegemony you got in there Americ-


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There are a lot of factors that go into mass shootings, and similar damage can be done with alternative means of violence. Gun control may help, but it's only a band-aid solution. That's why I don't draw the line there.

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what a disgusting piece of shit
I would crush it's head with a sledgehammer

Quintessentially Russian post

I drive a stick.

I would crush you, and made you mother birth something greater than you piece of shit ever were.
Make her broud

I just fucking hate children

And for that the NKVD would inject mayonnaise into your veins.

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cringe my dude

You aint but a genetical trash

>still ungrateful for the breadbaskets


Pretty based if you get removed by the CIA i'll finish your mission Ivan

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>Americans get a flu vaccine

Why? Are you that weak?

>Communist war tactics.
Lets just put 10 man run wihtouth a guns.
You know you would be there 2019 since you post here.

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>fighting one enemy
>on defense

most should be able do this

Your army is a joke

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Why are Europeans proud of a stick shift?

but europe is more anti-vaxx than america

Yeah. I remember when Cletus went into that school with his Semi Auto Clever and massacred 60 kids.

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Israel being unhappy

You're right about that one, I fucking hate needles

Euros do not have patient's rights anyways. We are tax cattle to our respective governments.
If they say go die in some Jew war this is what you get to do.
Same if they say get vaxxed against smallpox, leaving an ugly scar.
If you become a vegetable and they decide it's not worth going on anymore, they don't give you a lethal dose of morphine (because muh ethics) but pull the plug and let you die a horrible death of suffocation or dehydration.
Getting your MMR shots is harmless in comparison.

They scare France worse

it's tasty

Literally and unironically, sex with women.

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they are not patients you tard

Feel free to opt out of society instead then

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that explains it

only a russian would post this, based

What exactly is this

>Only americans
I think vaccines are vastly overrated and can potentially be much more dangerous than any sickness. Because no matter what, vaccines are a product of a pharma corporation. They sell first and foremost.

gun license

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Americans love these


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Why do you assume that?

I thought the topic was "things that scare americans" and not "things that euros are proud of". Why are you so defensive?

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Yeah, stuff like rabies (((vaccines))) are clearly a scam and it would be much better to get ill with a disease which has a 99.99% lethality rate once symptoms kick in than to get vaccinated :^)

americans don't understand kettles

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was about to post that.

>wa la

>rabies is flu
Imagine being this retarded.

Toi natsi puhu vain rokotteista yleensä eikä nimenomaan influenssarokotteista, vitun tyhmä animehomo
Älä vastaa mun viesteihin enää

mutt cops who can kill you whenever they want

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>öyh öyh öyh
End yourself