Went out on a date with a guy and in the beginning it was all going pretty well...

Went out on a date with a guy and in the beginning it was all going pretty well, but at the restaurant when we ordered our food he asked for mango juice. I giggled and asked him why he wouldn't order wine or champagne given that he didn't drive there, we took an Uber together, and he told me he didn't drink.

Ocasionally, on New Year's or a friend's birthday, he might have some alcohol, and even then it'll still be a small amount. He told me it wasn't because of religious purposes or anything like that, he just never acquired a taste for alcohol. It's been about four hours since the end of the date and I don't know if I want to see him again. He drank fucking juice, he's twenty-six, not six, but evidently he didn't get the memo.

Am I being unreasonable about this? He was a pretty great guy aside from this, but this is a pretty huge bump in the road.

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beautiful faces and legs but weird tits..

i would give them 8/10 and the D of course

Womans are not like this,right?

>T. Roastie
We don't like your kind around here. This is an all male place. is that way

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she dead?

a man should never hit a woman tho

its amazing how well she endured the first hit tho.

Absolute state of modern western "women"

Small tits = straight to the trash

i cant drink alcohol cause i am on a diet

Roasties should be beaten and killed wherever you find them desu.

>implying you wouldnt fuck them

have sex