
snek edition

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Estonia loves Adolf Hitler

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So now /balt/ is just shit flinging with the russian janny? Great. I guess just gotta wait it out till this blows over.

Love you /balt/s

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Love you to

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Mornin', you spineless reprobates otherwise known as /balt/s. How's life been treating you lately?

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That fellow is very autistic! I am happy that he has a loving wife and that he has flags to play with.


Lithuania does too. A real shame he didnt win the war

Probably because you're retarded enough to be of concern for even Jow Forums's "standards".
Though that's to be expected, given the flag you post under.

Latvian bros, why do russians act like this in your country?

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If my threads keep getting on deleted i am of jannys concern. Are you really too stupid to think in abstracts dmitri?

that's what he said lol

I'm too stupid to think in anything.
I'm shithuanian, after all.

You wish you were lmao


Wish I was anything else, yeah.

It's nice summer weather outside and you virgins are arguing here

>hot weather

spotted the virgin

tbqh, it takes a fabled 90+ IQ to appreciate sunny weather. Those are some unreachable heights for people that gather here.

memes aside everyone in here is probably at least in the range of 120, and pretending to be retarded
it seems like a lot of people can't appreciate how dumb sub-100 crowd actually is

If your IQ is higher than 88 then you're a slavshit occupant that needs to get the rope immediately, sorry.

I can smell russians and their low comprehension through the screen, dont bother

I woke up recently, still in bed with my phone. Have an exam to prepare to so wont be going outside much today

ok, fine
*everyone i here, except this guy

But thats the opposite? Russians in lithuania ar literal drooling etards that can only manage to get jobs that require no skill lmao

But you have no comprehension, as eestibro already pointed out.
You're thinking of Poles and Samogitians.

Is that why you're a cringy NEET who can't spell and has the shittiest reading comprehension?

It's the opposite.
He was unfortunate enough to be born pure Lithuanian.
Auto-lobotomy comes as a birth perk.

>You're thinking of Poles and Samogitians.
No im thinking of russians. Its pretty funny, floor mopper teams are always full of their kind lol

post balt lullabies or folk songs

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>one chance at life in the entirety of the Universe
>born in EuroSoyuz Republic of Lithuania
God exists and His shtick is Schadenfreeeuuude

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Why so upset?

Anybody else watching Chernobyl? Haven't watched a TV show in years and I gotta say it's quite entertaining even though there are many things that piss me off

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Im just wondering why do balt generals attract russians so much. Like holy shit, we're just 3 small countries, this obsession is hilarious

no im not
but link me a place where I can and I will

Same reason people go to the zoo.



kek, probably true

I'm more curious to know why /balt/ posters see russians in everything they dislike.

>summer? the worst season, because the sun melts away my karums

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There are some zoos in latvia but back in russia you just had to look through the window the see a zoo, there was need for you to come to latvia

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it's only natural to hate ruskies. If you don't join in then you are possibly one yourself... very suspicious!

I'm Latvian unfortunately

We see russians in russians. No balt would go out of his way delete posts making fun of russia or shit on his people

Basic chimp mentality.

go outside
have sex


Varsti hakkavad pead veerema, sibul

Its pretty easy to tell russian posters apart. They
>get very defensive and insecure when you make fun of russia
>bash the natives of his flag country
>seethe about russians being opressed in baltic countries

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did you know we have our own ib at balkanchan.ga

whoops this isn't balk

>muh boogeymen Russians everywhere
Why is this general so fucking cringe?

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reminder Latvia has 30% r*ssians if you arent r*ssian

post-post-ironic fascist-posting

>tfw you can't just čemodan - vokzal - maskva yourself since you're an inbred aukštaitoid swamp fume tripper that doesn't even speak Russian
Taking German in highschool is why I turned to drink

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Look all the deleted posts, they all were deleted because russian janny got his feeling hurt

You have a made a fatal mistake. You will not live to regret it

>le asterix meme word censorship
when will this meme die?

cuz we oppress them

Rus infested shit thread i have nothing to talk with these rusniggers the time comes soon and you fuck niggers wont exist anymore you are getting genocided remember and no mercy

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boohoo, autismo

Like clockwork Based
At least we have some real estonians here

big oof

I had a russian talk to me a few days ago. I only understood "panjume" and "ponju" or however you spell it.

Whenever russians try to approach me and ask for something, i tell them to fuck off and to either speak lithuanian or an international english language

Based Janny, purging the thread of the mentally ill.

>he needs to "take classes" to learn russian
хaхaхaхa xDDDDddd

The fight was NOT about basketball. No one cares about NBA ...specially Russians.

Fights like this happen all the time. Porziņģis is a man of the people and likes to do all the things regular Latvians do.

The Russian/Latvian thing also is not the reason. It's just more fun to add politics/race/religion to the fight.

It has been rumored that one of the guys involved was low level gang leader. That is probably why there is not bigger support for Kristaps in the video ...pussies .

Žemaitiu Ruoda should be official language of /balt/

>not drinking kārums juice

>I'm Latvian
>has Latvian flag
obvious rusky

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>Žemaitiu Ruoda should be official language of /balt/
Latgalian should be the official language of /balt/


To be fair, we're all probably half-russians ourselves through our ancestors, but these tiblas who refuse to learn Estonian and don't even know English piss me off as well.

da calculator does not lie

Still drunk, sorry for anyone i treated wrong last evening .
Sad toast for that

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At the favorite cafe lads
Truly living a life of profound comfort and joy

good edition buddy

Ėjau gatve ir pamačiau aš rusą,
Storuliuką, šūdiną ir nuogą,
Pamatęs jį aš pamaniau,
Kas dar ne viską pamačiau,
Taigi nusekiau jį patylia,
Bet sėlindamas sau su tyla,
Aš greitai, greitai supratau,
Kad tai tik rusas,
Įprastas, šūdelis rusas,
Taigi aš apsisukau,
Aplink apsidairiau,
Nupėdinau namo,
Išsiviriau kavos,
Ir nuėjau miegot

Katik eksprontu sukūriau

>tfw happy-sad when drunk and mostly just want to get away from people even more

What are you having lad?

been harassing the serbian girl again pekka?

nemeluosiu, virai........ šitoks menas mane sugraudina

Black coffee and a slice of cheesecake

Ką manai apie tai, kad postai šitoj thread yra trinami jei šaipaisi iš rusų?

Ačiū už svetimgėdą. Senokai jau bejaučiau.

atėjo laikas mums sukilti, taip pasakius.....

Me and frens hang out in local cafe/bar.
It's very artsy and hipster.
It has awesome prices for beer.
We sit outside by the table and we get verrry loud and obnoxious. Usually Hitler is a theme and Latvian Legion songs are a must. Hipsters get real silent and angry. Friday we got a little too loud yet again and they said they will ban us :)
Will go Saturday and find out if they have a good memory

they are being tsundere, they will not ban your money

Based vatnik braliukas.

Šiaip realiai norėjau tiesiog pažiurėt ar dar yra lietuvių šitoj temoj ar vien tik rusšūdžiai su mūsų, estų ir latvių vėliavom

>Usually Hitler is a theme and Latvian Legion songs are a must.
Absolutely based

I have some good news for you: we are not. If anything we are half germans

t. Professionaalne Filoloog ja hobiist antropoloog

>be me
>see that retarded seething tibla hate posting about estonia again
>report all his posts for violating the "respectful discussion" rule
>10mins later
>all his posts are deleted and he is presumably banned
Heh, nothing personell kid. Tbqh this is reddit 2.0 atm where mods delete whatever the fuck they disagree with and no fun is allowed

>Tbqh this is reddit 2.0 atm where mods delete whatever the fuck they disagree with and no fun is allowed
Pretty much. You can call black people niggers and talk about exterminating them here but say 1 bad thing about russia and you get banned

We are not so different brother