Fuck this piece of shit poor excuse of a country

Fuck this piece of shit poor excuse of a country

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_Lithuania.svg.png (2000x1200, 2K)

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Enough self-hating, tranny.

Who says im a tranny? If im anything im a westaboo

Hm, i am just heard that on Jow Forums we have Latvian tranny, which hate Latvia and want move to the European cunt. Is that you?

No. Im a straight male. I hate this shithole because it is sl*vic and e*stern

What are you going to do? Move to another EU cunt.

Attached: tiddy cushions.webm (684x854, 2.08M)

He can't. Anyone applying for a passport or an ID card needs to provide proof they're not a tranny.

It doesn't seem so bad

Whats the point i will always remain a low iq slav.

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You could always rejoin Russia

Even Ukrainians consider it a downgrade

Read and

*remain a tranny

Shut up, slav. At least im partly german, so i am better than you in every way.

Sorry, no. Trannies are just the worst.


>If im anything im a westaboo
So a tranny faggot. kys.

>Yet another slav seething
Like fucking clockwork

Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth when?

And yet there are 4 millions of Ukrainians in Russia, biggest diaspora by far. And no, it's not just from the soviet times.


This thread is you "coping" with the fact that you'll never be a woman.

>This self hating 84 IQ samogitian again

Attached: 1553279955945.jpg (294x294, 19K)

>low iq sl*v at it again
Imagine my shock. Seething sl*vs cant accept their countries are shit

The s*uth is more sl*vick though. Opinion discarded

Why do Poles and Lithuanians dislike each other in the modern day? They seem like natural allies and have a common history, allies, and enemies. Does it have to do with ethnic enclaves and border disputes?


i wish i was born lithuanian

why don't you kill yourself as many of your countrymen have?

>lithuania and p*land
P*les were always trying to exterminate us and our language. Not that it matters because l*thuanian is also sl*vic

Why would your people leave to a country where being a fag is a crime and you can't even take a shit without the government knowing?

Conflict between us is a meme
Polish minority in Lithuania are Russians in disguise
Teaching Polish is a problem in Polish schools in Lithuania because of law.
Commonwealth was pretty one-sided.

It has to do with poles being arrogant, imperialistic, backstabbing cunts.

Are there really that many Ukrainians living in Crimea and the Donetsk oblast?