
What can we do to help Venezuelans?

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end US sanctions

End US sanctions.

He ate his entire stock. What a fatass.

end US sanctions

end US sanctions

>complain that their country is going to shit
>do nothing but cry and protests who lead to nothing instead of doing something helpful to stop it
they deserve
this shithole too

>Miami, FL
Ah yes, that explains it

We try to do everything we can in Colombia.

End US sanctions
It’s like when retards point at Cuba and go “lol the cars are from the 50s” well yeah we’ve been embargoing them that long

Nuke the US

Don't worry, China and Russia have their backs, so his shop is now full again with loads of surplus vodka and noodles.

Can't say they deserve it, I work with a guy who was on a protest, he got shot with a rubber ball, lost a ball.

>end US sanctions
ROFL they aren't even on the shit the people need. We've been buying oil the whole time until the most recent sanctions and they were fucked long before the sanctions. Most of the sanctions are on individuals. Russia should be happy though their oil sales to us have jumped as a result.

Why don’t we just buy more oil from Canada and Mexico? Is Russian oil cheaper?


Message to all the Maduro-supporting retards itt: Jow Forums stands with Guaidó, not with your fat usurper starving his country. This has historically been a board that cherishes liberty and democratic institutions. We /GUAIDÓGANG/ here, you cucks. You can Gigachad my post and point out how based it is now.
Commie subhumans, don't even bother replying to me.

>Message to all the Maduro-supporting retards itt: Jow Forums stands with Guaidó, not with your fat usurper starving his country. This has historically been a board that cherishes liberty and democratic institutions. We /GUAIDÓGANG/ here, you cucks. You can Gigachad my post and point out how based it is now.
>Commie subhumans, don't even bother replying to me.

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Annex Venezuela to Puerto Rico

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Not against him, but all the venezuelans I've met have told me he wasn't known up until these days, they don't trust Maduro but don't trust in him either, they believe he just wants to bring the US warmachine.

>muh sanctions
Venezuela was already fucked way before the sanctions.

Not him... But Guaido need the US military aid because venezuelans are pussies.

The venezuelan biggest problem is the lack of balls of it's own population to stand up against the regime.

That's right, the influx of venezuelans entering Colombia started long (like the second half of 2017) before the sanctions

We even export oil. It's this whole clusterfuck of imports, exports, refineries (which VZ is fucked with due to neglect), etc. You take it from where you can to have enough when you need it.

Right, even 5-6 years ago, every latin american saw it as a shithole.

>Annexing the Capitanía General de Venezuela to the Capitanía General de Puerto Rico? Why would you mix up two legitimate colonies of the Spanish Crown, bro?

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Venezuela has made tremendous progress, people eat three times a day.

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You sure this wasn't France?

Leave them completely alone.

>The Capitanía General de Venezuela has effectively proven not to be able to govern itself. It needs to be merged with another Capitanía General

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And yet Maduro welcomed negotiations in Norway, unlike guaido who knows his legitimacy is dubious.

End US sanctions, free up aid funding and redirect it their as opposed to Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Why was your president gassing his own people?

>And yet Maduro welcomed negotiations in Norway, unlike guaido who knows his legitimacy is dubious
Their constitution and Maduro's "election" give him legitimacy.

Only the supreme court can decide that. He discards that because he sees it as not independent.
I think a good middle ground for negotiation would be that Maduro stays president but the supreme court is flushed so that the next elections can be truly democratic.

Imagine all the possibilities

Because they deserve it

leave them alone. But build a wall around here so we don't get affected any further

it started in 2015 m8, but even in 2013 I already had plenty of Venezuelan acquaintances in high school

No estoy totalmente de acuerdo, pero el país está muy mal.

Based. He's all sold out. guy must be swimming in super bolivars now.

Ask a venezuelan anything

I know, but the greater influx began 2 years ago

Why the fuck does he protest instead of doing something about it? There's plenty land in Venezuela, just fucking put some seeds in the soil and God does all the work of growing it for you. How much of a fatass do you need to be to not just do this?

Good, shouldn't have become filthy commies and stolen American property.

they can improve if oil prices go up and save money for the long term. However that's not as easy as it sounds

Take a bullet for them then, negro de mierda.

Si tan boludo sos, ve a que te arrollen las pelotas los tanques de maduro.


How much did the VPN cost?

I have to agree with I would not like to get hit by a shit like that.

I'm not using a VPN. I'm working at a company that has a satellite internet plan.

No dude, I mean, OUR country, Colombia, we are fucked up, with all due respect for venezuelans, our health system is destroyed, educative system is collapsing because of all the kids entering school here, and it will get worse and worse.

we should send them some aid

probably to mexicans too

Maburro is utter trash and destroyed Venezuela, but Guaido isn't any better, another run of the mill company-puppet drug dealer.

End US sanctions
Venezuela was doing great until US got butthurt over it's oil
Much love my Venezuelan brothers

Is Guaido an American puppet?

>imagine dying for muh country
Fuck that. the world is big and nationalism is for brainlets. I'll just fuck off since I shouldn't be held liable for the shitty decisions of my countrymen. Democracy was a mistake

The real solution to all this shit is that the US temporarily close borders and forces all latam governments to set UN anti corruption comissions.

All of these fucking governments are full of shit. Every single one of them, left and right, come to power to steal and enhance their drug trafficking network. It's pointless to support either right or left wing here or anywhere. We can't rule ourselves.

I don't know. Is Maduro a russian/cuban/narco puppet?

and you think it is any different in the us? stop sucking so much burger cock. No wonder why like half your country is already transplanted into the us

Hes his own thing. Also, every government in latam belongs to narcos, so it's pointless to argue over that.

Confirmed for not Venezuelan.

based retard

The US is one of the worst shitholes to ever come to be. I recognize this, and also i recognize that my people are still fucking illiterate retards who only have the US in mind for fleeing. Mutts don't want people going there, our governments do because that's our main source of revenue. We can't handle the extra half of our population that lives in the US already, so that may be a good bargaining chip to force our shitholes to get their shit together.

No matter what we do ourselves, the governments won't listen, we can't rid the narcos out. We can't fight gangs back because then the government will punish us throwing us into the gang hell. The only civil way to solve this shit is an external pressure to judge our corruption.

>Venezuela was doing great until US got butthurt over it's oil
This is bait, right?


>Assumed the US isn't corrupt
>Assumed the UN isn't incompetent
If the UN could solve LAm problems they'd solve Europe's Muslim problem

Yes Guiado Is an American puppet, he was raised and educated in the US so hes obviously biased
Maduro isn't a puppet. He's just a useless idiot

Governments aren't owned by narcos, but money is a very strong incentive. If they were owned, the government wouldn't take away they drugs they confiscate, or kill them in raids. But El Salvador Is different

En realidad no creo que un verdadero Venezolano se puciera en una posicion de offenderse por el beneficio de Guaido. A lo mas yo ni defendi a Maduro.

>offenderse por el beneficio de Guaido
Y cuando yo me ofendí? Yo solamente te pregunté algo sobre Maduro. Tú eres el que tiene el culo ardidio.

It's literally history. Look up Venezuela in the early 2000s

Give them gold on RuneScape


Mira, si es cierto que hay bastante tierra en el pais. Pero no es precisamente como si fuera posible hacer lo que dices. Para poder sembrar necesitas semillas y fertilizantes, hace mas de una decada el pais tenia una industria agricola capaz de suministrar las necesidades del pais. Pero eso cambio cuando Chavez (en el 2011 - 12 creo) nacionalizo la industria de fertilizantes y semillas, y como con todo lo que pasa luego de ser nacionalizado, se convirtio en un pozo septico de corrupcion, esa corrupcion hizo que fuera mas dificil sembrar, las cosechas menguaran y etc.

Hay otros factores, como el hecho de que la renta petrolera fue utilizada para sacar a los agricultores del negocio a base de importaciones subsidiadas, o las expropiaciones que no llegaban a nada.

Voy a tocar el tema de las sanciones de USA diciendo que las mismas al estar enfocadas en cortarle el oxigeno a PDVSA han creado efectos que no se han podido ver del todo todavia (osea, las cosas ya venian mal desde hace rato).

Aunque si es cierto, que parece que el pais pronto se quedara sin combusitble.

Te pregunto por que estas en la cosa. Para que va valer mi opinion si esto en el estranjero? Lo que yo se es informado por las noticias. A lo mejor le preguntario a un americano si queria una respuesta ignorante.

end US sanctions

What's funny is that despite Caracas being the city in the world with most guns per capita and Venezuelans being murderous fucks they haven't Lincolned Maduro yet. You can blame amerifats for lots of things but this shit wouldn't happen in the US, they would've killed the incompetent fuck five times by now. I guess venezuelans are brave enough for robbing cornerstores in foreign countries but not for magnicide

Based goalpost moving leaf

Sure, because the money from our oil is the bank accounts of Bush Jr.

Wtf? How did you find Internet access?
Anyway, how did the total blackout happened? It must be like near apocalypse

I'm sure their deal is not based around maduro, but his party.

Mira yo lo que sé es que a estos mamaguevos hay que sacarlos porque no sirven. Bien sea Guaidó bien sea quien sea, pero hay que sacarlos.

If only I could get some surplus AK47

Venezuela was already going to shit long before the US started actively seeking sanctions on Venezuela, just because nobody talked about Venezuela before 2017 (might I even say, 2019), doesn't mean it was doing great. They were already the talk of the region back then and everyone was already talking about how it was going to shit.

Nice source. I don't like the US by all means, but there are better ways to do it than with the "muh evil empire" narrative, and that one clearly has an agenda.

So how to help concretly?

lost weight and sell everything in this shop and people say communism doesn't work

I am a very lucky person, since in my block I have BOTH electricity and internet access (nothing special done on my part, just a funny coincidence).


Biggest power plant in the country went bust when its power lines caught fire, that was the first one, I don't have much info on the subsequent ones but are along those lines. March was hell.

there's no way. Transhumanisn needs to occur first in order for people to realize that socialism is a fucking disease

Based on what happened on the failed coup of April 29th, I would say:
Guns, and lots.

Maybe, just maybe well get a lucky break and these guys decide to go out peacefully, but I think it's hardly likely.

I know right, I sure love how communism helps me keep fit.

end US

Pues tu sabes mejor que yo. Pero para ser honesto yo no confiaria que los americanos vayan a ir aya como libertadores.

They just have to kill Maduro and Cabello and watch the party crumble

How much do you pay for internet per mo? Is it capped?
Do you play video games?
And also can you give me quick rundown how this firstie went to middle age like in less of decade, I would kms if that happened in my cunt (which is shite already)

No soy al que le respondes, y mira concuerdo contigo, la idea de que USA envie tropas humanas a mi pais es medio absurda.

Supongo que lo mejor que podemos esperar es una campaña aerea o algo por el estilo, pero eso obviamente desencadena en cosas peores si el ejercito no esta preparado/dispuesto para sacar al gobierno, y con lo que paso hace unas semanas, pues mira.
Fat chance

seems like hes doing fine, he sold out of products and even lost some weight

>soldados americanos
Creo que manadaran Colombianos y Brasileños en ves. Eso es lo que mas me hace amargo.

won't happen. Duque already ruled that out

You have more confidence in the autonomy and honesty of the Colombian government than I ever will.

>guns and lots
Heh. Try that and watch as your people go in a decades long guerrilla war. Can't wait to set a MS subsidiary in Venezuela.

end US sanctions and end the US

Deje de confiar tanto en Duque, llamelo por su nombre, Uribe.

Going back to English. Ok, nobody wants a war to happen, but the people want a change of goverment, which they can't have because we're living under a dictatorship.

around 2$ for a 2 Mbps plan, speed is abysmal, I get around less than 100 kbps (sometimes it's so shit that you can't even complete captchas) except in the late night when it goes to around 1.1 -1.5 Mbps.
I changed my plan from unlimited to capped, companies are banned from changing plans to costumers so most just have old plans at around 1mbps uncapped, way cheaper than mine I suspect as well (I used to have that one, but I got really shitty this year).


Online? Not really, my PC is a potato and my connection is shit, I can play WoW sometimes, but lag is so unbearable that I just changed hobbies (mostly watching anime lately, god bless torrents).

>How to turn your country into shit.

>Be oil country, lots of money.
>Be corrupt very, corrupt (think 1980s).
>In your exhaustion from corruption elect a military strong man, he promises change.
>Change he did, start implementing "socialism".
>Expropiates land and factories, people don't care/notice bc we're in the biggest oil boom in history and everyone is having a blast with corruption money.
>Turns out, military money man brought with him a bunch o even more corrupt people.
>Oil boom fades, money starts to shrink.
>Economy in the shitter thanks to years of imports killing basic industries.
>Can't feed yourself, don't have the money to buy food from other countries.
>Thanks to old and stupid exchange controls your currency is way WAY in the shitter.
>Hyperinflation starts, everyone predicted it, goverment didn't do shit about it.
>Keep at it for a year
>Current situation.

I know it's kind of a shit explanation, but it's a very long and convuluted history.

Past tense
Which is where Chavez got all his money

Sanctions were in place since before Chavez. He was doing fine regardless. Look at China and Russia now. They both have sanctions and they're still alive
That was the first to mention it on my Google search. I could have linked any other

I'm not saying Guiado is good or even Maduro. All I'm saying is Venezuela was doing alright until Maduro came in and pissed everyone off and added sanctions onto himself and his country