How straight and clean are you teeth?

How straight and clean are you teeth?

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straighter than yours are about to be *dosh*

straight enough but no matter how much I brush there's definitely a yellowish tint. Can't be arsed about doing a whitening though

about three fiddy

Having my bottom wisdom teeth out soon bros. Anyone else had this done? How was the procedure and recovery period afterwards?

they are this yellow because I smoke pack a day and drink ~8 cups of tea

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quit smoking. it's bad for your health.

had mine out about 6 months ago. Dentist literally just gave me a local anesthetic, then proceeded to heave with all her strength (small woman) to take it out. It was pretty comical. Gave me a few stitches and I was out of there in about an hour

Yellow with a gap in my front teeth

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yellow as fuck

very, had a machine in my mouth when younger
very, never had a cavity
they're getting yellower by the day because of caffeine addiction

pls fix the gap

im too old for braces

Very straight since I had braces as a kid. Not very clean though since I snus a lot.

plus asymmetric incisors (one of them is shorter) because I hit my chin very hard as a kid

They're not.

damn :/

pls stop, it's bad for you

Got diastema but look straight enough
Not too yellow but not white

They're pretty wh*te even though I only brush them once (sometimes twice) per day.

straight and clean, but not wh*Te anymore. I use eyeballs as comparison.

>his eyeballs aren't blood shot


I used to have pretty straight teeth but as I've gotten older my teeth have started shifting so I'm probably going to need to get braces if I want them to be straight again

How? I've seen people in their late 20s with braces

I'm having a general anaesthetic as I don't want to be awake. Your experience does sound funny though; can imagine her with a pair of pliers doing her best to yank the tooth out.

Not looking forward to living on soup for like four days afterwards though.

>used to have braces for about 3~4 years as a kid
>got my teeth all straight
>parents were legit and literal retards and didn't hear the dentist that was in the same room as them saying i'd need to wear some sort of teeth retainer for quite a while after i take the braces off because else i risk my teeth getting crooked again
>they never got me one and when i brought it up they just sort of ignored it, later claimed they didn't know or heard anything and ''why didn't you tell us??''
>about 8 years later now and my teeth are all fucking crooked again
>lowers ones basically look like what they used to be like back then when i didn't have braces
>upper ones are still partially straight aside from the front upper ones that look like rabbit teeth now
I'm not sure I want to get bracers for god knows how many more years when I'm in my 20s now.

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My teeth are almost perfect except for one tooth being chipped due to me faceplanting on a rock a few years ago

She didn't restrict my food at all, maybe she advised me no chips for the day or something. But maybe that's because she stitched me up

Having braces at 20 years old is embarrassing

The farthest from "straight"
Pretty clean

Better to have a year or two of braces than to have a gap for the rest of your life