Jow Forums
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International #1060
Excuse me gamers, but why doesn't your country produce games for gamers?
Rate, hate, bait
Post pictures of girls from your country wearing your flag as a bikini
The EU will collapse any day now
The Chinese are very mad at America
ITT: Stupid policies your country enforces
Do you want to marry an Italian girl?
Coming to the international culture board to spam it with incel self-hatred, lust, misogyny...
/ita/ il filo
How do you call "mother" in your language?
How does one seduce and court a swarthy Persian filly in the 21st century?
How come Jow Forums makes fun of America for liking burgers so much and even call us burgers?
Is it true that some Arabs are racist?
Sverigetråden - Lennartupplagan
Why do black people in the US say "finna" instead of "gonna"?
What's going on in Donbass? Who's winning?
Latin America
Over 95% of Poland would want to stay in the EU. Only 5% would want to leave
>suddenly westerners love asian girls now
Why are Asian countries so racist?
/deutsch/ AfD-Sonderausgabe
It makes my heart race with arousal when I see arab or black guys walking around with white girls
/fr/ - Le fil à retorde
Jow Forums kpop Thread
Imagine losing to fucking Finland
How do we stop the massive increase in Chinashills under the US flag?
5000 years old
How do we solve the Catholic Question?
I'm a white male and it hasn't helped me get anywhere in life. Where are my privileges?
Why yes, i am way more complicated and the HRE looks like a complete joke compared to all my Natural regions...
Do you love Russia?
Why are they so annoying?
Do Americans really do this?
The virgin dollar vs the CHAD EURO
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Tastes like Freedom
Are these popular in your country?
Why yes i will marry my boyfriend
Leave Jow Forums forever
The perfect woman has the ass of a Colombian, the pussy of a Japanese, the breasts of Russian, the feet of a Chinese...
What are some differences between east and west Germany?
Is your country getting dumber?
This is basically where current French Forces are placed in 2019
European boys
Why don't Greeks look like this anymore?
Sverigetråden - Död åt EU
What's the most boring country?
The western man trembles at the sight of this
What race Jomon Japanese is?
Is it true men in the West walk almost naked in beaches or it's a Brazilian thing?
How's the process of getting Jow Forums gf going, user?
Why do BLACK women do this?
Why are Asian girls obsessed with white guys?
Most pathetic countries
/ita/ il filo
What makes white people so weak?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Morrowind? I'm more of a Gothic II guy myself
1.your cunt
You wake up in the UK
Why do zoomers ruin everything?
Chicago and new york are sooooo different, it's like you're in a different country!
1. cunt
1. Country
Mfw when i find out serpentza married a divorcee who's had an abortion
R*ussians BTFO!
Fuck off americans, my personnal life don't concern you
How white are Cubans?
What is the difference between USSR and European Union?
Tfw no turk gf
Why are they always so angry
Jow Forums in the 1980s
Do Japanese girls like Portuguese boys?
Sverigetråden - Kartupplagan
Texas WTF?
Where do you fall in the looks hierarchy?
Japanse girl stabbed her boyfriend to death
/lat/ - hilo latino
/brit/ + /shit/
Be eastern european
Tfw no sushi girl who stabs me to death
Why do incels generally hate the summer and prefer cold weather?
I take my coffee black
/fr/ - le francofil
I hate those three Southron countries so much...
I am unironically addicted with shemale (gay) porn
Reminder that YOUR people will NEVER EVER achieve anything close to this
Are they really white?
When I first heard about Jow Forums...
In Europe, you can easily get a gf as you can take a train to another village or city if you can't find one locally
I did a terrible mistake that made my company lose thousands of €
I'm so thirsty
Why are they so brown and hairy?
Please don’t let señor Trump deport us, papi <3
Average Russian poster
No, i don't fast in ramadan, how did you know?
French woman aren't h-
You're going to vote your local communist party at the european elections, right user?
I am a Swede and my opinion is that blå blä blå blä blå
Ahhh she's smiling at you :)
Now you know
/cum/ Canada, United States, and Mexico
Japs are sane
The perfect woman has the ass of a Colombian, the pussy of a Japanese, the breasts of Russian, the feet of a Chinese...
Visit Pakistan!? But I dont want to get raped and beheaded!
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Imagine when the name your nationality is an insult
Washing chicken
ITT we tell Japan what to do with its aircraft carriers
You wake up in XIX Century Spain
Based asian girl tell the truth
The definitive map regarding the regions of europe
Seriously, why do Japs love NTR so much?
Mexico should become thailand 2.0
Wyte pipo be like: *never talks to any of his relatives *
Imagine having a genuine interest in Japanese culture, even working hard to learn the language...
Who would win?
I let the random generator determine a country and got Turkmenistan. Thus...
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
I think it's possible for all of us to agree that this country has, objectively, the worst food
To all German posters and 1871-1919 Germany fanboys
Are these girls in Finnish school popular? Are Finns look alike Asians being bullied?
What do they think of each other?
What phone will you be using after the trade war wipes out Apple and chinkphones?
Why is korean people(?) such hypocrites as sin?
Mongolian rape babies
Poo in loo girls are ugl-
/v4/ plus friends
Real recognizes real
Don't worry America, we can take on Iran
Kurva anyátok
Do you own any guns? What are they and which is your favorite?
What's our opinion on New Zealand?
Do you rather have winter or summer? Why?
F*ck this education
Lightly banter a white person about food
Would routinely commit atrocities against american POWs and soldiers
Why is Austria such a great country?
Why do muslims leave their shariah islamic countries to go to countries w/ completely different cultures if they love...
Hey you yes you
Based Scots
Whatever 's life like living in a big city? Is it easier to get laid?
Will people in your country engineer high IQ babies?
I'm in Los Angeles for the first time and despite what Jow Forums has told me, this is an awesome fucking town...
How do I get a hijbai hottie gf?
Colombia now produces more oil than venezuela
You wake up in Mumbai, India
/cum/ - 附带
Why can't east asians grow facial hair like real men?
Why are half blacks such Superior athletes ?
What's living in a city like? Is it worth it?
We rule the world
What do americans think about this
Fuck S*avs
Korean study thread
Why do nigger people love east asian foods so much???
Lightly banter a Mexican
There are people on Jow Forums right now that do not know how to ride a bicycle
Why don't they have any strong swear words in their language?
Somebody please stop my President I don't want another pointless war
Im glad europe is being destroyed by niggers and sandniggers, im white but my own people bullied me and rejected me
What are some things about your country that surprise foreigners?
We must liberate Palestine from the illegitimate state of Israel
So acording to this pic incels want to be incels due to their shallowness is this true anons?
Your cunt
I want my foreskin back
/kreuzzug/ ehemals /frühschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
His flag is a fucking tricolour
Is it true what they say? That American girls are more fun?
Claim your Jow Forumsfu
Steal the country from Native Americans
/mena/ - nafris in paris edition
Map thread
LMAO, even Amerigoblo experts realize that China is the future
Do any dangerous animals live in your cunt?
Thoughts on this mutilated brown-colored dick?
Captains for the Cricket World Cup 2019
What's your least favourite aspect of American culture?
Breathe through your nose
What does the ultimate mixed race human look like?
*exposes the dark side of china for a global audience*
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
How do you all speak English so well? I took 7 years of French and I'd still make a couple grammatical errors...
Do you want to find love in Japan?
I want to visit Spain but I'm afraid they will call me a "gringo" and hurt my feelings
/cum/ + friends
What does Jow Forums think?
/ita/ - il filo
Tfw you're American and you give foreigners (You)'s to make them feel good for having been acknowledged by a real life...
What exactly is Trumps endgame with the Trade War?
Opinions of Mexicans?
What is the most important meal in your country?
Hilo latino edicion sol hermetico
Would totally invade this shithole just for the lulz
Is it just me or is Canada actually becoming less Canadian and more American?
Is Band of Brothers well-known in other countries or is it only a thing in America and Britain...
*ting ting ting*
Please buy our aircraft
What the fuck is Hindu nationalism...
If you live in a city how the fuck are you an incel? Like if you live in Chicago, New York or LA?
Go outside
Quality of Life and Cost of Living Around the World
Haven't jerked off in three days
/nachtschicht/ - früher /deutsch/
It's an american thing for Hollywood or americans really wake up at 6am in the morning ?
Frankie Batchelor, of Lucey Way, Southwark was sentenced to five years’ detention in a Young Offender Institution...
Parents are sending me pictures from Rome. Seems like a nice city
Sverigetråden - Snart soluppgång
Good morning Jow Forums
Why do asian men actively reject masculinity?
Who's Boris Johnson?
1. your country
I just found a discord server dedicated to the Islamization of the West unironically. I feel like killing these people...
I only speak fluently my native language + English
If Austrians didn't speak German, they wouldn't be considered white or Germanic...
Korean Plastic 1.17
1. your country
Is it ok to be a 26yo male virgin who never had a gf in your country?
/fr/ - le francofil
Are Israelis the best looking people in the world? They're basically a European/MENA mix
This is Princess Martha Louise of Norway
I finally got a job, 45 dollars per week
My country is still very Christian, therefore we'll always be a low IQ country
Have sex
Travel to many different countries around the world for my job
New Democracy - Greece
Would you date a Russian boy?
Feels nice to be Canadian :^)
God! I hate this life so fucking much
Be a spanish explorer in the early 16th century
/ita/ - il filo
I'm trying to improve my life but I still want to browse Jow Forums but it's impossible with all its negativity and...
What is the "Quebec" of your country?
China is going to cut off Americas Rare earth supply
ITT: top 10 Jow Forums betrayals
ITT: Jow Forums in 1959
This is Sebastian Tynkkynen. He's a Finnish politician, and a high ranking member of the Finns Party...
Soul vs Soulless
/niemehrCDU/ auch bekannt als /deutsch/
The exemplary conclusion of racemixing
USA illegally invades and fucks up middle east
Sverigetråden Laibachupplagan
Italians get bullied in the midwest for not looking white enough right?
What is the difference between Germanic and Nordic people
I fucking hate living in this country
We're going home
I want to say sorry to you if your ancestors evolved in a jungle
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
I fucking hate my fucking life so fucking much
What is the point of this country?
What do you know about Lithuania except for suicides?
Innocent slave owners
French MENA women and black men
What are some countries?
Why isn’t Greece considered part of the balkans?
"Stop trading with iran we will sanction you"
Reminder that Finland is an eastern european country larping as a nordic one
Is Italian hate for American pizza just a meme?
Culture Pals /cp/
Why are there Europeans against the EU when it guarantees peace and ensures prosperity across the continent?
If they disappeared tomorrow, would the world even notice?
/ita/ - il filo
Matteo Salvini
I have no respect for them
/brit/ + /shit/
My parents had me when they were 15
Your favorite Russian YouTube er is half Baltic not even a real slav
Are Hapa mixes the only successful and good mixes?
/balk/ ADFX-02 Morgan edition
Buy weed from a West African weed dealer in town center, get his number
California appreciation thread
All frens report in!
/v4/ & associates
Sverigetråden - bard är dum i huvet upplagan
Your cunt
/fr/ - Francofil
Henlo Frens
Reminder that we won
Rangeban an*me shitters
I hate those three Southron countries so much...
So what's up with him those days ?
What's the most fucked up power fantasy you've ever had?
What do you think about mega churches?
Mi Europa
Why are poles like this
/luso/ um fio lusófono qualquer
Countries by Spanish speakers
The magnificent city of London
WTF chechnya is so epic
Post cars that poor people can buy in your cunt
Your mom calls you up
What are people from the capital like in your country?
Why are Europeans so afraid of hard work and self reliance?
Are there any Ameriboos on Jow Forums? If there are, what do you like about America and its culture?
Alright, Jow Forums, where does Europe end?
Would you racemix with a Colombian girl?
Sverigetråden - Debattupplagan
Which city in your country is the most hated by people?
Why yes, I do slaugther wh*te ""men"" and rape their women in the name of Allah, what gave it away?
Russian posts something in English
All of this tranny posting starts with one (1) single picture of a smug an*me girl
How would people from these countries react if you called them non-white or Arab to their faces irl...
Eating dhal aka food of the poor and weak aka lentil diarrhea for the third day in a row
Go to the gyro restaurant in my USA town
1. your country
White women
Are these countries frens
I'm jealous of the proud black and asian groups, like black panthers for blacks and Jow Forumshapas...
Why do Americans do this?
Head of state crying in public
Are you guys okay, Ameribros?
Is this why Spanish and Portuguese look like Arab?
My older sister is anorexic and rarely eats. She collapsed today and we had to go to Hospital...
Innocent Romanovs
Do you hate your own country?
They kinda ruined the planet and this timeline forever but it's cool
When a Jow Forumstard meets an Jow Forumsellectual
/fr/ - Le francofil
Why do Americans do this?
/ita/ il filo
/brit/ + /shit/
Does your country need more black woman?
Why do we really have to share a country...
Describe UK with picture
Underwater by 2030
Do you love Germany?
What types of girls are in your country?
Australia is fucked, The Sydney and Melbourne are a complete multicultural nightmare...
There are countries that sell ten eggs instead of a dozen
How would you stop the Everest meme?
This shithole muddy island of inbred incestuous scum are so bloody ungrateful they unironically made their own innocent...
ITT: ví szpík inglis júzing proper szpelling báj proper I mín jú júz jor nétív szpelling
If the emergency number of your country is 9-1-1 it means you are usa's bitch and you must do whatever you can to...
2D > 3D
/Ronnystunden/ ehemals /deutsch/
I thank god for making me Croatian every sunday
Sverigetråden - Japanska upplagan
/lat/ - hilo latino
Made out with in ugly chick last night while shitfaced
Asia is the white man’s sex paradise
E-ey wh*Toid why is yo dick hard
How do you call this in your country?
What kind of videogames do Jow Forumsellectuals enjoy?
You are probably wondering how is it possible that poles are so extremely physically powerful?
Lmao white people be like
/ita/ il filo
Have sex
Do you play tabletop RPGs?
Ur cuntry
What's going on in Russia?
Who will you vote for in our European election, fellow Europeans?
90% of women that you see on the streets suck dicks. Let that sink in
/skandi/ -hyggefredagsutgåvan
I want to have sex with an English woman. What kind of sweet nothings would she whisper in my ear when we make love
/T*xchen und S*mmeringer ins Gas/ sonst /deutsch/
I went down from 100kg to 70kg in 2018 and managed to maintain the weight for 6 months
I wish I had a mena bf but most people from that region are muslim and hate gays
Mocha boys
"Dude, we believe your tech company is SO DANGEROUS we have to blacklist it"
/MENA/-No whites allowed
Average Swede. Morally superior arrogant autist
Honestly feel bad on how we fucked over the Abos famalam
Why Brazilian guys have so big butts?
Straightest countries on Jow Forums
Imagine living without Turkish bidet
/cum/ + friends
1. Your cunt
Med girl is very popular in Japan
What's it like to live in a g-green country?
Liberal social democracy with free market, safety net, endless NEETbux, and literally the land of opportunity
Girls fantazise about rape, but don't actually want to be raped
Anyone else here who speaks English better than their own main language?
Do you want to find love in Japan?
Tfw your country is small
Zoomers of Jow Forums would you drive these?
See a German
Do you love China?
Owner of a bar in Barcelona stops a couple fight, takes the girl inside and beheads her
Im with China. they are based. they are the future. they are anti hook nose
24 May
Me???? Yes I suffer in my f*rst world country! It’s so stressful! I don’t have a gf, can you imagine that...
Is Bjork Iceland's greatest and only national export? What else have they given us?
/tv/ isn't the worst boar-
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Post military uniforms from your country
Finnish woman is a twerker star
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド (幣舞橋edition)
Why are they so primitive and backwards?
Why are americans so emotionally fragile?
Kurva anyátok
Why are americans so afraid of EUropeans?
What do you do on Friday?
Ukrainians have chosen just a fucking clown as their president in the midst of a military conflict with Russia
FUCK Marry KILL which?
Your cunt
If India has existed for thousands of years , why is it a shithole...
Mushroom culture
/SIMMERING/ früher mal /deutsch/
How can I be proud of my country?
How can I satisfy my nicotine addiction without quitting nicotine?
In this thread
American white male
I like to imagine each poster here is good looking, too bad all you guys are actually ugly
Imagine unironically being a peruvian
Kind of curious, what do Brazilians do when they come home from work/school etc and they see this in their living room...
Do Prussians really look like this?
Do they feel an affinity toward each other?
Sverigetråden - :|-upplagan
Just ran 6 miles, did any of you lazy fucks even see the sun today?
Relative GDP per citizen change: 2007 - 2016
I hate my country
/v4/ + friends
1.your cunt
You want my boypucci, don't lie
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2197
This is the skull of an American, cut and painted, we use it to eat rice on special occasions
What the fuck is wrong with bongs?
Is there any life more pathetic than that of the european?
Map of European countries recent elections
How do Europeans have the gall to complain?
Based or cringe?
18 years ago Netherlands became the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriages
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Culture Pals /cp/ general
Australians are discount americans
My fanny having a cheeky slash
When your "white and 1st world" country is so pathetic not even your Brazilian favela monkey neighbors want to migrate...
I just masturbated
YOU are cunt?
Post the most swedish image you have
Based as fuck
How handsome I'd be in your country?
I'm a white guy who's been through the wringer with white women. They're too ego-centric, selfish, self-entitled, rude...
What attract you to asian girls?
I'm going to japan next year
What does the writing on her say?
Why aren't you learning Korean?
My status in Canada is similar to my english
Jow Forumscraft - historical rp minecraft server
Is climate change really that bad?
Russian Support for LGBT Rights Hits 14-Year High, Poll Says
Do white people have any real problems?
Hilo latino
I work 10 hours in a day, 5 days in a week. How about you, Jow Forums?
See cute girl in real life
American comedy
You will never EVER life in a world where France and Britain, after centuries of tsundere relationships...
Your country
What job does Jow Forums do?
Post the most American image you have
Why do Kazakhs have blue eyes? How did this happen?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Squad Goals
This plug powers 1/3 of world gdp
Why are Russians on this board so self-hating?
Last pisspost for today
Depressed as a NEET loser
Describe your day from the moment you woke up
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What is work life balance like in your country?
Goddamn i Love Being Swedish
This is an ethnic russian
/nachtschicht/ irgendwann wieder /deutsch/
How can I make a Latina love me?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why do Americans do this?
Guess his ethnicity
Is it an Arab or Italian?
Why do Asian girls support wh*tes in their wh*te supremacist signs?
I wish I was Japanese
How did they become the greatest country in the world?
W-wtf did you do to me wh*Toid... inshallah I'll have you beheaded!
I fren post in real life
Are men with weak jaws in your country seen as subhuman monsters?
1. Cunt
No seriously, why do people go to india? No hate or love for it just tell me
Why yes I am balancing on one hand, how could you tell?
/lat/: Hilo latino
Whys the south so fat
Do you love Portugal?
Words you use when foreigners are around to make them pull out their translator
Did you know that the whitest country in Latin America is actually Cuba? Not Argentina and Uruguay
1. Your country
/ita/ il filo
Mfw browsing Jow Forums
Sverigetråden - Känsloupplagan
This is how spanish white people looks like
IRL, Britain doesn’t matter. I don’t talk about Britain, my friends don’t talk about Britain...
How do Amerifriends survive being constantly made fun of here?
Please sterilize modern """architects"""
Hahah we won the ice hockey kendo thing against sweden
Why isn't Latin America developed like Spain?
Gay Sweden loses at hockey :DDD
Hows your mental health? Feeling positive?
German architecture
Ruthenians are not eastern germanic arya-
Would the crime rates in mexico go down if all the mestizos were forced to take the pink pill?
/cum/ + friends
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
This is how it feels to be a white person:
Indian women
I love Italian food!
Wernher von Braun was an AMERICAN hero who helped defeat the commies during the space race...
Post your hair Jow Forums
ITT: Jow Forums in 1850
I'm going to withdraw all the money from my bank account (10k euros) little by little and I am going to disappear to...
Keep on pissposting in the free world
He speaks more than 6 different languages
Why are swede girls so cute? are they the peak beauty of all mankind ever produced?
/antideutsch/ nie wieder /deutsch/
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
I’m running low on reaction images Jow Forums frens
ITT: we describe our current ambition in life
/ita/ - il filo
I skipped the gym today and I feel terrible guilt
How do people in your country cope with being ugly freaks with feminine facial features?
Khajiit has wares IF you have coin
Sverigetråden - Vandalupplagan
Do Americans really?
You're cunt
Who has the most kino name?
I am a Türk who is learning German and dreams of living in Germany
Been interested in learning German after couple years of listening to German music and taking interest in German...
Worthless piece of shit jannies
We are the only whites left
How would your parents react if you changed religions?
Is killing your own king the most brutal thing a nation could do?
My dream is forming anarchist terrorist organization dedicated to destroying the PRC, USA and israel would you join?
/deutsch/ - Die jährliche Gedenkausgabe
Have open borders
This is what girls from Iran look like
Do Americans really do this?
What's the point of this country? If it's supposed to be a Bosniak ethnostate how come only 50% is Bosniak?
Imagine a soccer player trying to do this. Americans truly are in a class of their own
DAMN, Czech cars look like this?
I want to live in Hungary
Do people speak Spanish in your cunt?
What happens here?
Brazil have branqueamento
What do you call this in your country?
Hej, hej, ludzie. Sseth tutaj
ITT Controversial deeds in your family
ITT: Things your country invented that no one cares about
Why do incels behave like this?
Sverigetråden - AfS vs SD upplagan
/fr/ - fil francophone
Trans rights are human rights
How straight and clean are you teeth?
/ita/ - il filo
/was studiert ihr den so?/ ehemals /deutsch/
Do americans really do this?
/lat/ - hilo latino
Does your country have ethnic G*Rmans? How many?
ITT: We Wuz Countries
Why yes, we're Mexican
How long does it take to typically find a job in your country ?
Poles? I hate them
Europeans are cute
Tfw nobody likes blond guys
To all the Chinese drones and their sleeper cells in Australia, Canada and elsewhere: tyrannny never last...
What is the language of the elite in your country?
You have two choices that lay in front of you
What would happen irl you called a Spaniard, Portuguese, Greek or Italian a non-White or Arab to their faces?
The age of China is coming,our new overlords will give us the power to rule Europe
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship