
manlet edition

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why is this tranny yank so obsessed with tommy robinson

Sadie sub edition

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it's election day

voting for the liberal democrats tomorrow lads

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GUARENTEE I can eat more powerful hot sauce than any of you weaklings.



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ask me do i care

i'm 5'8

I still voted for him
what you gonna do about it yankoid?

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Just gave Tommy Robinson a reach around

Might move to a different country lads

can not be asked to vote

the meeting of minds

Leftypol where are you now???

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Iceland was looking for lads last night

Analyze this.

Do you think she knows how fit she is?

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bruv ed sheerans new album is acc banging ngl

just had a load of this with my lunch
not sure you could handle this wyboy
over 1 million scoville

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Wouldn't go to Iceland if they paid me

this was faked

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a picture for the history books

God I'd love to see them punch a fist clean though some lefty's skull

ah yes leftypol and his conspiracies
take your meds skitzo

not for me

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oooh 2 old timers going to help out an even older timer, would fucking chin them both little bald pension collecting gimps

Why has he still got yogurt on him.

If the country is now heavily remain - why are remainers panicking about tactical voting?

leftypol screaming into the phone telling them to get this banned

toilmate at the next desk chewing like a fucking horse

Leftypol writhing and squirming on the ground

bit rude that mate, what's brought these feelings on then

ur wet bruv

Rorke here in my rented thread in Jow Forums's Jow Forums

Janny's got the swiper

Cowardly leftypol are doing hacks on my PC again because they aren't as bright as me

If someone from /cum/ can get me a green card I want to leave this general and never come back, i'm SICK of leftypol messing me about and forcing me to see opposing opinions when I don't want to

the so-called "tolerant" leftypol

Bunch of hipsters the Icelanders are

any CUKlads in

Leftypol frantically arranging their excuse in the discord

doug, a chinky man, wants white Europeans 'put in camps'

the chinks are infiltrating us to destroy us from the inside out

Fuck the EU

And fuck the blacks

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ah yes spicy sauces from little glass bottles hmm yes you're very manly grr etcetera

Leftypol, you have to defend yourself! I'll stop the fight if you don't raise your hands!

look at her


who's in

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went to an Indian restaurant in Amsterdam and the owner was talking to us about how badly Americans and Dutch people handly spicy food and made us spicier versions of everything that were still weak


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zo3y fám what do the brothas think when they see all this faggot shit everywhere now

leftypol are going extra hard this evening
can tell they are sweating about the election results

Sometimes I just wish I was vietlad 2bh. Such a peng life.

already been and gone mate, where were they earlier on hahahhaha
absolute state of the wrinkly old boomer twat's shirt

Could and would pour chilled milk over all of them, given the chance.

Got em by the balls


>How to vote in the European elections? Our panel’s verdicts
Gaby Hinsliff: Vote Liberal Democrats, Greens or Change UK
Aditya Chakrabortty: Vote Labour
Sonia Sodha: Vote Green
Rafael Behr: Vote Liberal Democrats
Dawn Foster: Vote Labour

I'm appreciating the diversity of opinion :)

I didn't vote because I was busy so the vote is void

rorke sees this in his nightmares

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more manly than you muhammad

i'm leftypol and i voted for the brexit party

anyone looking for an agent or representative? will argue for hours on your behalf free of charge

my experiences are as followed:
bullying gimps on imageboards since 2014

get back to me if interested

>the guardian

why would you expect anything else from these cucks?

to 148

if you think i'll be clicking on that you are very sorely mistaken

got pissed in bordeaux today

What's the point in voting for Labour

see you there pal

JTRIG niggers thinking swaying opinion on a brit general that gets 40-50 average users will make any difference

shite london wanker accent song
I'm jewish mate

Reminder that leftypol was at Glasto (ticket paid for by the Bank of Mum and Dad) the day after the referendum and consoled themselves with shite poetry

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why do you think diversity of opinion is important?

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same here and both counts lads
rorke doesn't know what he's talking about

blog on

not sure why you'd admit that

rorke is FINISHED

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any oldfags in?

Leftypol losing control of their pet niggers

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oh nonono this can't be

yaxo btfo


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Britain must leave the EU, NATO and become a socialist republic allied with China, Venezuela, Syria and the DPRK.

>Our little mate the EU
This is a fucking joke.

the rorke phenotype

because I'm glad they weren't all saying "vote Labour" or "vote Lib Dems" that would be boring, I'm glad there's some variety

The vegan girl in my office admitted to crying when the leave vote won

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Just noticed how big Paul's bottom lip is
Kinda peng t.bh

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based squaddies

Couldn't be fucking arsed to vote then and didn't today I bet

i don't like living in a democracy


grrr rorke big and strong!!
would fucking batter the geriatrics with one hand

good job you don't then isn't it



if I had the money I would definitely consider it

would like to remind you that today is an ELECTION day and the discussion of politics is strictly forbidden!

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just had a look into 2035 its mad lads, we all speak russian and tanks patrol the streets

imageboard not likeboard