Do Americans really do this?
Do Americans really do this?
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youre not white
All pumpkins are racist. The difference is, I admit it.
Just did it again!
Dios mio... la creatura americana!
>Slav diaspora
Cope more non white *Hits the dab*
>Therefore only Americans are white.
they're really desperate
Whatever you say Tyrone Smith Hernandez
Shit tier: All Europeans are white.
Okay tier: Slavs and Greeks aren't white
Good tier: Only Germans, Scandinavians and Anglos are white
Great tier: Only Americans are white
A S C E N D E D tier: White people do not exist
>We wwuz white n sheeetttt
The absolute state of Asiatics
>mongoloids and muhammads
ok nonwhites
none of you are white
Do americans know there has been a shit ton of mixing between swedes, finns and sami? If finns or sami aren't white then swedes sure as hell aren't either.
Americans are the only true whites left on this planet.
they really do
Yeah only Balts are white
youre not white
Ok, we are not white.
Totally ok with that. Only americanmutts dumb enough, to be proud because of skin color.
too much dirty slav rape, not white
Wider than you Mohammed
youre not white
I am white.
American Whites are the best whites in the world get over it.
With my great knowledge, I declare you all not white.
You're absolutely not white amigo
Im glad, fuck white "people"
Gonna improve your race all the same, bitch boy
I'm white because I continue to wait for Half Life 3.
>implying Russians aren't mutts
>With my great knowledge
Reminder that this is how butthurt am*ricans are about the mutt meme.
ironically russia has always been way more multiethnic until very recently
Why do Americans place so much value on being “white”
They still have no idea where this shit comes from. Until this day Jow Forums is still butthurt and paranoid
It's all that Kraut blood in Americans that makes them mutts btw. Anglo Americans are the elite of this country.
lel, at first they said it was soros propadanda to incite racemixing
The slave theory, a poorfag gets to feel closer to the rich elite than to the nigger slave. If the german-irish-french mutt identifies himself as closer to the anglo/jew guy that owns the town than to other unprivileged castes in his society it's most likely to side with the rich guy.
Because you're a young nation I think. People seems confused about who they're
Makes sense. You never see the Anglos and Jews here going on about "MuH Heritageee" around here. It's always those people, and in some cases the Mexicans that come here.
I'm white
as an actual mutt in the US, I'm not sure if this meme makes it harder or easier for me to breed with white women
everything in that pic is true though...
>Be American
>Get shot
>With insulin
>That'll be $4000 plus tip
what's her instagram?
Whiter than you Muhammad
>No I'm not white but am from the UK, how could you tell?
fake tities
Not sure if this can be saved in my memes folder cuz its a bit too close to the truth for comfort
Fucking Soros Shariabloo russian chinese bots
Cry me a long and wet
they do
I love this image so much, there's something so noble in the eyes of the amerimutt, The loyalty and innocence of a retarded dog
Why are people from americas so obsseced with being white?
I'm tired of the america/brazil/argentina is white meme, we had a lot of white immigrants but we also had blacks and the native
Fuck this
Patton was such a fucking retard
Him being murdered really was the icing on the cake
You don't stop calling me mate
not at all you stupid brazilian monkey.
patton was 100% right about everything.
He wasn't murdered, he was just a typical loud-mouth who thought he was too good for a seatbelt.
He was the complete ameritard giving shit opinions that are irrelevant and fighting wars he dosn't no why he even fights
He was, he was already frustrated and would eventually rationalize and spill the beans to the public so his dumb ass got whacked.
>He was the complete ameritard giving shit opinions that are irrelevant and fighting wars he dosn't no why he even fights
I imagine this brazilian monkey just pounds the keyboard until words come out
Cry me more fucktard
Imagine being yuropeon and believing youre white.
This seething chinkroach kek
>some poltards post warrants a whole thread on Jow Forums
We really are Jow Forums‘s bitch
shut the fuck up poltard
>all these mutt armchair eugenicists
i like you guys t.b.h.
>danish flag
shut the fuck up ching chong laplander
I love spoiling references.
Balts are goblins with square jaws, pajeet.
lol that projection
mutt education does it again :^)
scandinavians mixed with each other. you're a laplander get over it ching chong
whiter than you mohammed
Wew lad.
Only Americans
t. jose
they’re also blaming us(Jews) for it
based and muttpilled
>Checks date
Can't be real. They're schizoid.
lapplanders aren't Scandinavian and they got steralized as soon as officials found out they were lapplanders up until the 80s.
Can't believe I didn't put the extra hours for the Soros bonus pay.
>Wanting to be white
Since americans started to call themselves white humans got ashamed of using this word
na you mixed with lapplanders you pathetic ching chong swede
it's why haplogroup N is present in scandinavian populations
You're not very credible
swede talking about credibility when he's denying that he has indigenous blood
next thing you know, swedes are going to be claiming they're not faggot cuckolds who enjoy watching scandinavian women get fucked by big arab cocks
You keep proving my point
I'm not white but I get laid with white girls and you don't
There is actually a very easy way to fight back. Those amerimutt memes are usually made by achmeds, tyrones or south americans.
Meaning posting facts about these places will inevitable make these people mad. Like pic related for example.
these fb BASED&REDPILLED latinos get me everytime