Indian women

Why are Indian women so beautiful???

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are you really ethiopian

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because they are

no, he's not

You may think they look beautiful but Indian women are the worst kind of women to be around.

were gonna take your women pajeet

>post penis pls

Attached: indian-lady-working-on-a-tablet-with-a-keyboard-computer-at-home-in-rajasthan-india_ri4w22ixx_thumbn (1920x1080, 1.94M)

I warned you.

I (literally and unironically) went to secondary school with her.


no, they're perfect, they're just smell like shit

you are just scared of getting cucked by a superior BWC


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now post you with your western woman

Are those hats already like that or you have to wrap them up everytime


Eternal butthurt, Portuguese cum dumpster.

Attached: Jus 5.jpg (1332x460, 232K)

now post you with your western woman

Again get an Indian women if you want to, I am just warning you.

Out of 1+ billion, at least a few of them are.

ahh.. your posts makes me hornier and hornier

india is an aryan cumdumpster
no need to warn me, my sidebitch is a pajeeta and she treats me very well

what's wrong with them? i have an indian pal he just says they are unfuckable, but some indian chicks are hot

Most of them have princess complex and are clingy as fuck.

most indian men are incels who look like this

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>Posts some halfbreed mutt

Attached: Snookerboi.webm (1138x774, 676K)

Her white father is better looking than her Indian mother.

Causacaloid people. They aestethics are almost perfect. Very nice looking guys

>superior BWC

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Can't wait for the new movie with her so she can be dressed up in the red slave outfit and get raped by Jafar
My penis is already anticipating how sexy she will look in chains

t. pajeet johnson

that's a very beautiful woman, wish I was a high caste rich pajeet so I could buy her from her father.