Just ran 6 miles, did any of you lazy fucks even see the sun today?

Just ran 6 miles, did any of you lazy fucks even see the sun today?

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enjoy your knee and back pain

Yea I bike 7 miles to my gym and lift four times a week. I think the majority of people on Jow Forums exercise. We're actually pretty normie

I've had pains in my body going on for years now, the trick is to not be a pussy

I want to start biking so I can get a job. About how long does it take you to bike 7 miles? What do you do during extreme weather and temperature?


>We're actually pretty normie
speak for yourself, i weight 430 pounds and need someone to wash my back sometimes. screw your gloating dude

>I want to start biking so I can get a job.
do it, shit's fun as hell and liberating. You get avoid traffic and find cool routes inaccessible to cars. You learn your part of the city so much better.
>About how long does it take you to bike 7 miles?
30 minutes
>What do you do during extreme weather and temperature?
Not much, just wear enough layers and if the wind is real bad wear a scarf to breath through so I don't hurt my lungs.

I suggest you start with a semi-cheap hybrid bike around 100-200 range and go from there. Find a bike shop in your area, the ones that are hangout spots for bikers are the best because the people there really go all out to get you setup.

the sun was not out today, all gloomy and rainy. kinda nice. my workout today was installing about 750 square feet of nice wooden floor at this big ol nice house. gonna sand and finish it tomorrow. didnt bring my kneepads so my knees are killin me but hey, $1200 dollar day so cant complain

It's 7.49 am you faggot

Haha there's no alternative routes here. I just happen to live 7 miles from the nearest town (of 800 people). Just one straight 2 lane highway into town.

Fuck bikers. If I could send them flying off the road legally I would. I'm tired of these scrawny faggots going 20 in a 40 taking up the entire lane and impeding traffic for 10 minutes, while still wanting to claim all the benefits of a pedestrian going on the sidewalk whenever they fucking want.

My mile time is around 7 minutes and some change, 20-30 seconds
I want to get it down to 6 minutes

tfw just realised i havent taken a rest day from the gym for 18 days

nice blog m8

enjoy your sweaty cuckbox

Has the invention of air conditioning not made it to your 3rd world rock yet?

thanks. tomorrow after finishing the floor, i am installing some fancy raining for he stairs and a brand new sink for this ladies kitchen. she bought some crazy ugly steam punk looking sink, ive never seen one like it before, atleast it is hueg

Yeah, kind of hard to miss it when it's up 22 hours a day

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Why are cagies so violent?


AHAHAHAHA my 50 year old that runs the same distance 4x a week you fat sharting blob. Go reward yourself with some BigMacs and 5l soda.

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That's kind of boring, but at least you'll be getting exercise and biking straight for a long time might be good meditation. Hey you could even learn to do no hands like you could do as a kid faster.

On my route there's a shopping mall I go behind that leads me to the wooded area of a park, that has this sketchy ass bridge that goes over a huge ditch. This path is usually empty, but there's this old man I see walking his dog sometimes. I make eye contact and nod to him but he never acknowledges me back.

I work out before 5 AM, keep making excuses

>6 miles is nearly 10000 km
WOW metric sucks

I also ran 6 miles today but it was cloudy so I didn't see the sun

Do they really do this?

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Boring is alright with me. What I'm really worried about is the air quality since it's just a long ditch of rotting food, animals, trash, and rain combined with the exhaust from cars stuck in between the cliffs. I used to run on the side of the road and it would trigger my asthma pretty hard. But I'm more terrified of leaving my room More than anything. I won't be buying a cool bike like on /n/ for a bit though since I don't even have a bank account. Luckily my old man has two mountain bikes that he's never used, those will have to do the job for now.

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close your laptop and walk 200 km to your bed and go to sleep

t. gymcel

I did a set on the bench press, but when I finished it felt like my shoulder was burning. This is probably related to an older shoulder injury I had a couple years ago. It clearly hasn't healed properly.

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it's true though. This isn't /jp/

Wtf americans


Mountain bikes are good enough. That's what I started with actually. Don't worry about car exhausts this isn't the 80's where everyone uses leaded fuel.

>I'm more terrified of leaving my room More than anything.
What are you afraid of? That someone might break it or a fire might start? That your parents will change the locks on the doors?

they really do it

btw this = , is a comma. If you ever left your incest goblin hole, you would know how much a km is.

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I wish I could go to the gym but im too tire after work (I already do physical shit at work but not enough to be fit, just make you tire).

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You didn't even understand pal

>btw this = ,
wtf is this. I don't speak code or jaba or whatever. speak frickin english dude

I tought you were lying, before I googled how much 6 miles are. Only Amerimemes could be smug after running 6 miles. This is proxy bait.

Of people that aren't me

10km is a good running distance. Stop pretending so hard.

6 miles is a pretty decent distance though

Dumb memes aside, you don't want to grind your joints down with long distances all the time. I spoke with a track coach a while back and he says he regrets all those decades running half-marathons and marathons.

6 miles is pretty good, considering a recent study showed that eating processed food typically leads to eating 500 more calories daily on average, and 6 miles roughly translates to burning 600 calories, so that's a good amount

is there even a benefit for going for jogs or running outside. i usually go for morning walks and though i know its not a great benefit or workout its nice. its probably better to just go on the threadmill or the other one that works on your leg muscles instead i think

A good distance? Maybe a average distance. A reason to show off on the internet? Only for +300pound sharts.

being able to have stamina in a situation where you need to run

Doing any exercise at all puts you far ahead of many people. The FDA changed its guidelines a few months back, just encouraging americans to move a little (once again the onion fortold the future: youtube.com/watch?v=iUAXMTiwDz4 )

Running or jogging, as opposed to walking, obviously increases your heart rate and allows you to better attain more of the benefits, such as physiologic heart remodeling, increased mitochondrial density, stronger bone structure, etc. But walking is still great and burns calories

theres no shootings here yet.. i should be fine

funny meme but it could literally be anything

I'd be dead before the first KM is up

I drank in my backyard for a bit earlier and fed my koi. That's my extent of seeing sunlight.

no i didnt see any sun today but i have a home gym so it isnt so bad

You can start by just biking to a location where there aren't many people. The thing is just getting out. When I started exercising I couldn't even do one pull up, but then I read about progression exercises and have started applying that strategy of easing my way into things instead of leaping in head first to many other aspects of life.

The act of biking itself is pretty solitary -- interaction with people when biking is little to none. Although I do run into weirdos that ask me for shit while I'm zipping by... but then I remember I'm on a bike, and that I'm quicker. From the sounds of it you're in a place where the main form of transportation is a car, so it will be even more solitary for you.

I would suggest to bike to a park or a museum. Interaction won't be zero, but it'll be really rare.

Seven years ago I started exercising. I have asthma and was really overweight and could barely make it a km

now I can run a sub-6 minute mile and easily outrun anyone else in the gym. even got a medal at a local run.

You can do it. You just got to take the first step

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Running is for cucks
I live in the hills here down the block from Haile Gebresselassie
All the runners practice here to use the inclines wearing their hi-vis gear looking like glow in the dark stick figures

i plan to run after i lose some weight through lower impact cardio and lifting. if i just started running now my knees would probably be fucked. I plan to do sprints though because i used to like those much more when i was actually in good shape

ill think about it, i dont want to look like a retard running outside. or with the band gear and workout clothes everytime i see some people wearing

An Ethiopian? I bet you could sprint a marathon with minimal training kek.

What is Ethiopia like? I heard good things

I meant crime

Thank you
How do you manage your asthma?

nobody will care what you look like running outside, unless you get an erection in your athletic shorts.

That happened to me once when I was a month into No Fap. I couldn't get rid of it and this woman was approaching so I crouched down and tied/untied my shoes for 15 minutes till the coast was clear and I could run back

I don't run
I ride a motorcycle because it's 2019 and motorized vehicles exist
Here's a wise man debunking running

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>build a church? nah fuck that carve one out

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I was out for a walk at 05:30

I work in private security and usually get assigned night shifts, I go days without seeing the sun sometimes


my asthma is not as severe, and I only have trouble fully breathing if I'm sick or suffering allergies. My asthma used to be exercise induced quite badly, but just doing running consistently for years improved my lung functioning so it became a non issue. Running also decreases inflammation, which helps keep my airways open. I do notice a slight benefit from taking my inhaler before a big run, but I mostly don't need it anymore

>I go days without seeing the sun
wouldn't mind this

sounds comfy. I love falling asleep to the pinkish sunrise barely creeping through my blinds

Yeah I had a pretty productive day overall

4 mile run at average pace
2 sets of 2 minutes long wall sits
250 normal push ups
60 diamond ups
60 wide push ups
200 sit ups
100 side sit ups each side
2 sets of 2 minutes long planks

Then I took a shower, ate breakfast, and studied until my evening EMT classes which lasted for about 3 hours today. By the end of the summer I'm going to have a respectable job and look amazing desu.

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what the hell, good advice i guess. i think this happened to me before when i was younger. if youre wearing sweat pants you can just punch your shorts out through the pockets to hide anything

It’s not half bad, combined with the fact that I rarely interact with anyone my age anymore though (22) and it kinda grates on my sanity sometimes

but now that i think about it it probably wouldnt work now.

I have congenital heart disease, so I skip jogging.

I scale the mountain i live in to get the city everyday because i dont want to waste money on the bus.

Other than my family I've barely interacted with people for the past 7 years

it's okay once all of your friends have had kids and moved away you'll have no reason to care anymore

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>60 diamond ups
>100 side sit ups each side
never heard of these but they sound good. im guessing diamond ups you make a diamond in front of your chest, side sit ups is putting one hand by your side and ascending descending, they both sound good to do in addition to the others

what is it like? do you foresee yourself getting back into socializing, ever? are you lonely? what does your family think?

non-anglos use a comma as a decimal point
absolute subhumans

> My asthma used to be exercise induced
were the symptoms
chest pressure, dry cough/wheeze? When I first started jogging I got this for a month, and I had no idea what was going on. It only happened after exercising never during, so I just ignored it.

does it really matter either way? I'm more bothered by people that don't separate by 3 digits. some psychos to stuff like 1.0000,0000

Yeah, any good routine is about making sure you really hit each group of muscles to make yourself proportionately stronger. If you focus too much on certain excercises it can cause muscle imbalances that can cause a lot of pain.

Muscular imbalances are a major cause of patellar tendonitis for example

It’s hard to describe, but the main thing is you have trouble breathing. The wheezing is just secondary to the bronchi closing up, but it can become quite loud depending on severity. From the way you mentioned it, it sounds more like your body just initially reacting to exercising and then adapting. Ive had asthma since birth (has an asthma attack when I was born which probably explains some things kek) and it has taken years to fade, but I’m not totally sure if asthma can be acquired

I was in Quebec once and saw that somebody turned a period into a comma on the English part of a sign with a sharpie

mild doses of ephedra suppresses coughing and gives you energy
taking too much fucks your heart though

ah yea no trouble breathing. What you describe sounds scary as fuck. I would shit myself my throat suddenly start closing up

LOL I run 10 Miles every week with a 50 lb weight vest in under 2 hours. Be humble kid

If you can't do 9 miles in less than an hours you're not much different than the rest in here.

I've done the vest trick while hiking uphill for several miles but running with it would give me suicidal urges.

>When I first started jogging I got this for a month,
That's just your bronchi being sore because they weren't used to so , otherwise known as sports induced asthma. It's especially a problem if you run in cold or dry conditions as this will cause more swelling to the bronchi

It's not usually a chronic condition, but if this doesn't improve over time, as your lungs should adapt away from this over time you might want to see a doctor about it

being in the army isn't impressive

Damn that sounds intense af, I’m going to try that thanks

I can't even imagine how fucked your knees are gonna be

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for whatever reason hills aren't that bad for me but I hate moving any speed beyond slow

They’re already fucked up from my years in cross country and track. Every time I squat I hear a creak :/

Mate there's midnight sun, I see it all hours of the day