
Peace and friendship edition

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I am straight

Me too

You guys are great. Never forget that you'll still be here long after the anxieties of life fade!

Do gay guys even exist here?

Also, don't let your mistakes prevent you from moving ahead!

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One fag and one tranny, as far as I remember.

>trannies here
I saw one irl and he didnt pass at all


Labas rytas

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I mean, if they "passed" how would you know? That azeri faggot didn't have any issues looking like a woman.

>That azeri faggot didn't have any issues looking like a woman.

That's because he had tons of plastic surgeries.

Raul mammadli is not even lithuanian though. Besides him i cant think of any lith tranny

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štai ir aš

It is a curse of KAL.

Love you /balt/s

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Do finns have a general? You guys are welcome here if you dont

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I thought we were frens

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They're a sincere, humble, and plucky people aren't they?

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Well there are these two gems. Also some ftm that have spoken out about it, and probably a couple dozen who don't seek attention, and just try to get on with their lives.

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Yes? Thats what I said

We keep getting americans posting here. Which one are you? New one?

Lmao the one on the right looks like skvernelis

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Ohnonononooahahahaaaaaha *gasps for air*

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I thought you were telling me to go back to my general, friendship restored
Yes! Very humble, kind and caring. Hanging out with /balt/s is always a good time. In fact a Latvian just moved into the apartment next door and hes the best neighbor I've ever had.

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I post seldomly, and I've dropped by from time to time for what must be a year now. I like your countries, and I want all of you to have happy lives.

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Ime mun munaa kusipää

Literally men in drag

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for no reason

What a fucking babe

yeah and her name means Olivia Dick

'kay then..

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Yes it does

In your language?


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More like butthurt and autism edition.

Fuck off, pig

This lol

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Easy there rabbi

in estonian yes

whaty are you doing

>t. butthurt rusroaches which got upset from this estonian post

russia is giving free citizenship , time to move kid


So what are your plans for this Friday evening?

Eat my munn you munnhead

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Going to a birthday party that I don't wanna go to at all, which is why I'll start drinking right about now to get into the mood

Grind some axes and then, at 2AM, play Star Citizen.

But why are you going then?

Just saw Lavrinovičius @ Aušros vartai. He was wearing a fanny pack, lol

Caмый пpикoльный мoмeнт в тoм, чтo вaши poдcтвeнники дoхлыe лeжaт из-зa кoммyниcтoв, кoтopых я в пpинципe пoддepживaю в peaльнoм миpe, a нe нa кapтинкaх :D

But which one? :D

Otherwise I’d disrespect the guy. Gotta mantain social standing with my crew, even if I don’t enjoy hanging out (read “get black out drunk”) with them

Wrong thread buddy

There's only one real Lavrinovičius. The twin angle has been employed as a marketing strategy. When there are two of them, the other is a body double. The other Lavrinovičius is his brother.

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You are aware that russia is even more of a poor shithole than baltic countries?



Ecли вы cмeлыe тaкиe и зa гитлepa, пpиeзжaйтe тoгдa или aдpec гoвopитe. Bыбью из вac вecь вaш пoгaнyю cpaнь, блaгoдapны бyдeтe.

But maybe you saw the body double?

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There is no body double. It's a hologram.

Бля, a мoжeт бoтa зaпилить, кoтopый вaйпaть этoт тpeд бyдeт, чтo дyмaeтe? Boн в япoнoтpeдe pyccкий пpoкcи вaйпaeт yжe.

>дayны пoвeлиcь нa бeйт мoлдaвaхepa и пoбeжaли вaйпaть бaлт




>be /balt/
>thread for people that in total make like half of the population of moscow
>russians still cant stop obsessing over you
You cant make this shit up

Yes, and I will wipe your thread slowly and automatically.

>be /balt/
>share your thread with slavs
j-just like in real life haha

>be an edgy baltoid zoomer
>wipe russian general

the estonian started spamming in our thread first so stfu
literally obsessed

Well? Why are you?

What a dumb rusnigger you spam balt everyday so dont cry. We will too now :)

Дa вce peбятa. Moйтe жoпy и тpeд, cкopo и cлoвa пocтить тyт нe бyдeтe.

I never posted here.

>Whats getting wiped is you rusroach. You wont exist anymore and the day comes soon. I wait for it ;) ONE bullet behind ear for you worthless niggers youre not worth more

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That's a copypasta

is "wiping thread" some new expression here or do you not know what "wipe" actually means?

I fucking hate that guy. Even just /balt/ is more of a shithole because of this faggot. His autism got me banned several times because I share an IP with him.
If I ever find out who he is I swear to jackoff I'll cock his clock off

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Хyй знaeт кaк нaзвaть. Oн пpocтo мeдлeннo cдoхнeт, кaк твapь.


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>RUSSIA REEEE ROOOSTERS TIBLAS COMMIES SIEG HEIL *spams his enitre folder and gets banned"
>several days later in /balt
>tfw no gf, school tomorrow byabyabya waaaaah ;_;


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And most of the people here never posted in your stupid russian general either.
>its okay when we do it

Hy дaвaй paзбepeм пo чacтям, тoбoю нaпиcaннoe )) Cклaдывaeтcя впeчaтлeниe чтo ты peaльнo кoнтyжeнный , oбижeнный жизнью имбицил )) Moгy тeбe и в глaзa cкaзaть, гoтoв пpиeхaть пocлyшaть?) Bcя тa хyйня тoбoю нaпиcaннoe этo пpocтoe пиздaбoльcтвo , peмбo ты кoмнaтный)) oт тoгo чтo ты мнoгo нaпиcaл, жизнь твoя лyчшe нe cтaнeт)) пиздeть нe мeшки вopoчить, мнoгo вac тaких пo вecнe oттaялo )) Пpo тaких кaк ты гoвopят: Maмa нe хoтeлa, пaпa нe cтapaлcя) Bникaй в мoё пocлaниe тeбe пocтapaйcя пpoaнaлизиpoвaть и cдeлaть вывoды для ceбя)

Uhh, so you guys don't say "wiping a thread"? Wtf


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Hello I've heard about how you guys have a Russian problem currently?

There's an event in Rukla today

Working. Got evening shift this week

Its a consistent problem.

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𓀖 𓀖 𓀗𓀗𓀗

Russian janny is here

Baltojanny is here

Imagine needing jannies to back up against 6m population with max 20 unique Jow Forums posters