Me???? Yes I suffer in my f*rst world country! It’s so stressful! I don’t have a gf, can you imagine that...

>me???? Yes I suffer in my f*rst world country! It’s so stressful! I don’t have a gf, can you imagine that? It’s not like I tried to get one but still! Also, you know what? I’m VERY unhappy with my current NEETbux amount, they should give me at least 20% more, so I could finally buy my Lamborghini. And that state assigned flat they gave me? It’s only 150 sq/m!!!! I need larger flat or even house! And state assigned gf! My life is suffering!!!

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i will cut out your entrails and tie them to a pole

>why yes I'm suicidal because I only receive 100,000€ monthly in unemployment benefit so I'll have to sell my million dollar yacht to pay property tax on my spanish summer home

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Ah so you’re the guy who was posting with a Georgian flag before so how was your vacation to Georgia?

i will slit your throat and watch as the life drains out of you through the blood gushing out of your throat

Thirdies have it so easy. You wouldn't last a week here. All you have to do in the third world is live with your parents and work a chill restaurant job 10-20 hours a week. Take some free college classes. No one cares, no expectations.

Me? I have to work some mindless office job, smile and be polite with all my stupid coworkers. I have to stare at a computer understanding poorly written technical documents and use precise language when talking to coworkers. Or else my boss and coworkers start treating me like shit and I get fired. I have to maintain a car, health insurance, work 45-55 hours a week, drive 30-60 minutes both ways, focus on my career, making my parents proud.

So much stress. You need a good job to have a family or else no respectable woman will marry you.

But you? Just knock up some girl accidentally, no one cares, everyone can live with their families. Comfy weather, tons of fresh food, no pressure. Sometimes weekly parties and get togethers with your big family.

Fuck you thirdie. I would kill to have your life.

It was good, met a lot of seething f*rstoids there, fuming about how they should’ve gone to Spain or Italy instead. Georgia is cool.

>met a lot of seething f*rstoids there, fuming about how they should’ve gone to Spain or Italy
kek though we don’t get that many people from EU really I think you guys are the the most common tourists here.

>my pasta got reposted
A little hyperbolic but it is all true. Fuck thirdies, their lives are so easy compared to what we have to deal with in the first world.

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