California appreciation thread

What do you like about California?
Would you ever visit?

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Also reminder In-n-out is overrated

Blassed state
Best flag also

Best state of the union and if you don't agree you're a ass blasted flyover faggot

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shit thread

If San Fransisco and the Bay could unfuck itself the entire state would be a 10/10

Bad post

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I wish the gun laws weren't so strict. The handgun roster is pretty lame.

It's an amazing country for black people, almost as good as Paris and France overall I'd say.

No racism... White and Hispanic (love them exotic) love black man and the white dudes are down to us breeding interracial. The womb of diversity

Wish I could move to Cali

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Just don't tell them about your guns ez

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I like the scenery in the rural parts, everything else is gay and I hope California gets nuked by China

As an expert in third world shithole countries, I would not risk a visit to San Francisco.

I've visited San Francisco back in 2009 or 2010 or so. I thought it was nice. Has it really gotten that much worse in just 10 years?

>Commie sympathizer

The beach scene is the same just inland towards more of the heart of the city is where theres a lot of bums

The thing that I like most about California is that I'll never have to go there.

>Would you ever visit?
Yes. But not the disgusting sprawling mess that is LA.

Also the flag is really cool, probably the best with the South Carolina flag

>What do you like about California?
That it's several thousand kilometres away
>Would you ever visit?
In the event of a war I would gladly visit to help destroy it


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This is a California appreciation thread leaf

30% of california is Republican
57% of californians are white nonhispanics (because all of california isn't socal)

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Is California really the best state for beach volleyball?

Wh*tes are a minority in el estado Mexicano de California

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LA resident here. Everybody outside hates Cali, but especially LA. Reasons?

Absolutely based

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Nice post. Mind if I store it for future use?

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Same reason provincials hate wealthy and successful cities and regions across the U.S

Basado y rojopilado

I'd like to visit it some day but i wouldnt know what to see in particular.

I like pistachios though I never buy them

>Los Anglelenos actually believe this

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I have family in California, visiting them is always fun

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Not really but Jow Forumstards hate it because muh liberals so they shit up Jow Forums and Jow Forums and /sp/ and probably also Jow Forums with memes about it.

How much of a third wolrd is california compared to Germany?

Reasons? Jow Forums. And jealousy.

Northern California seems fine to me, although people have that "shallow - friendliness" were they say "hi whats up how are you" but actually don't want to have conversation, I still get confused by that

LA attracts all the worst people from around the country and world. In an interview many years ago a porn producer was asked about the type of women that do porn. He said there were 3 types, those that love money, those that love sex, and those that love fame. He said he could work with the first 2 types but sent the fane-whores packing. They are an empty people. No one minds muh shekel whores in NY or the debauched in Las Vegas, but those sad empty people that flock to LA are the literal worst. They have no roots, no soul, no identity. They consider kitsch to be art and art to be disposable in favour of the new and profitable. Even when they do something right it isn't out of any sense of social consciousness but because it's trendy. A place where Perez Hilton or the Kardashians can have a lucrative career as respected thought leaders. A place where everyone is obsessed with the self but no one has any self-awareness.
When the natives finally realise how hopless it alll is and commit to yet another wave of great white flight from SoCal, they take this lack of self-awareness with them and slowly destroy the lands around them. CO, WA, OR, etc. all have fallen in large part to clueless Southern Californians. They take with them the same thing they claim to flee from. Suddenly charming old trading posts and mining towns are filled with 6' cedar fences, and a town that was remarkable for its simplicity and timelessness is filled with joggers in fluorescent outside trendy cafés, fusion dining restaurants, muh micro-establishments push out mom & pop while protesting big box with absolutely no realisation. It's all yet another vapid and souless plastic place, made by vapid, souless, plastic people, from a vapidm souless, plastic city.


didn't read lol

Where is a safe place to live in SoCal? Orange County?

I would be surprised if you did, or could

East L.A

Hmm, how is the traffic there? I heard LA has terrible traffic so I’m not sure I would want to live there.

so you are stereotyping the entire state of 40 million based on some hollywood bimbos and whores? nice.

Your city is more relevant that 99% or this country. Flyovers and their eternal jealous butthurt

I'm telling you about the """"culture""" that exists in SoCal and that they export. We are painting with broad strokes because there is no other reasonable way to do it.

anywhere where there aren't mexicans or blacks

The relevance comments are always the saddest. It's a nebulous term that has absolutely no impact whatsoever on an individual's life but when you have nothing else to fall back on you can always claim geographical relevance whatever that means. It's the "Do you know who I am? Do you know who my dad is? I'm kind of a big deal." of Jow Forums comments.
Stick to the GDP comments, at least those have something substantial as long as people ignore the cost of living, income inequality, social/economic mobility rates, and indebtedness.

based, SoCal is a pestilence but to stay positive,
There are pretty golden hills in this state

I live here, the nature is amazing and there's lots to do but there's just too many brown people. I'd give my left nut to experience California in the 50's and 60's.


So you don't like something they do or just the fact they are not white?

Inland empire isn't too bad, just stay out of Pomona, Ontario, and Riverside. Montclair, Upland, Claremont, and Chino hills are great cities.

California is fun to visit but i'd never want to live there, too many people of brown complexion
t. Washington state

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>be californian
>part of the most important state in the union
>have one of the lowest obesity rates
>have the best state flag in the whole union
>self-sufficient in agriculture
>film capital of the USA
>best fast food chains like Inn N Out
>for dinner have the choice of filet mignon, sushi, pad thai, kebab, chicken tikka masala, pho, wats, and much more
>get an IT degree and have guaranteed and instant employment making 80K/y
>inflation has also put our wages high as we earn more more in a year than southerners and midwesterners in twenty
>start colonizing the red states and turning them blue so hard they complain from the hard cucking
>same red states live off of our handouts

We just can't stop winning Calibros

the most based and redpilled post ive seen

California is getting browner by the year :)

the central coast aka Monterrey to ventura is the best part of the state fuck everyone else.

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don't forget
>amazing nature, oceans, snowy mountains, deserts, lakes, nature parks, you name it
>the technology capital of the world

can you live on that in ca?

They're dirty, they smell, they barely speak English (the older ones at least), their children have this shitty Chicano wannabe Mexican culture, and they're sneaky mother fuckers too. Especially the old ones, if you're not careful they'll cut in front of you in line and shit. Obviously you're not going to be killed or anything but to me they're like cockroaches.

As brown as the South :)

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Why so many californians are blond?

hair dye

The whites who came to California came from the blonder Northern states.

Californians, how is living in the best place in the world?

What I like about California is when it's diaspora go the fuck home. Would only visit the national parks.

'ate Angeles
'ate stockton
'ate bakersfield
'ate the harris ranch
'ate the sun
'ate Coasties
'ate Pelosi
'ate Pinoys
'ate the lakers

Love me Giants
love me 9ers
love me nature
love me redwoods
love me mountains
love me in n out

simple as

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My parents were german immigrants

feelsgoodman, my cousin from Mexico makes $20/hr driving a tractor all day with his Mexican elementary school education

honestly fuck ruralfags who think their copy+paste restaurant “culture” is worth preserving

>have the best state flag in the whole union

We get a fuckton of flyovers, mainly female, who come to live in our state as adults to get away from that.

The Bear >>>>>>> LARPing Paladins > Octopus-Computer-Man hybrid > the Bull

>he thinks he is wealthy when none of the millennials in his state can even afford rent

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Based. No matter the run I always make sure to give skirtboys ironic deaths. Graham gets toasted with a flamer. Ulysses gets fatman’d. Caesar gets his cancer cured via bullet.

I dont even live in a highly populated area and one bedroom apartments are ~1200 a month

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can confirm but I still crave it every once in a while

>'ate bakersfield

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>tfw no SoCal bf

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>he kills basedboy Graham
He's a reformed man, user, no longer is he Caesar's dog.

>tfw no civil war
>tfw California will never conscript gang members and prisoners into penal battalions
>tfw no Californian general will ever march through the South and cause massive amounts of butthurt for centuries like Sherman did

fucking top notch post

Nah, I don’t buy it. All his endings confirm it too. Even in the “best” one he still only shows mercy to his enemies on occasion. It was clear he was going to be a problem in the future for someone so the best solution was to cap his ass. Plus his DLC sucked anyways.

I like San Diego, very nice city. I go there a lot.

Time for California's #1 sport. Mexico or any footballing nation, i summon you.

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>horrible city-ruining diaspora
>smug champagne progressives
>smug batshit insane republicans
>obsessive need to talk about what things are like in California to anyone within a mile radius
>insurmountable social problems
>superiority complex
>CoL in the cities that matter on par with the more expensive parts of NYC but with a fraction of the culture and charm
>maniac drivers but have to drive to get anywhere
>food culture is overrated and mostly shit
>80% chance you'll have to move there and live in a crackerbox for a few years to break into a tech field
>extremely materialistic, catty, and competitive outside of the weird subculture scenes
>bay area transplants killed seattle
>bay area transplants killed Portland
>bay area transplants killed Austin
>bay area transplants are now spreading to midwestern and east coast cities and killing them too
>the existence of Bakersfield

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we're a baseball state, chicano

who tf r u trying to kid fag? its a fucking warzone here everyone is fucking fighting and the fucking taxes are high

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Basketball tbqh

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lakers fans arent people

Americans aren't people


The weather
Software engineering jobs with high salaries

I like Philip k dick

the weather here sucks

FUCK summer

Yeah maybe one day I will visit Alta California, I want to experience all my country


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That was then. This is now.

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