Why isn’t Greece considered part of the balkans?

Why isn’t Greece considered part of the balkans?

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cause they're open to the Med and thus possess deepMed culture and history

Because they invented democracy and used to be blonde haired Nordics 2000 years ago so Anglo as a sign of respect freed them from punishment of being categorized with savages.

they're meds, or as I prefer to call them, PIGS

Because shitskins.

Because they're not of Slavonic extraction.

Because Greece has contributed to human culture.

they're as Slavonic as any of the non-Slavic Balkan nations because Greek territory too was overrun by the Slavs for many centuries. The Slavs were the dominant ethnicitiy on the Peloponnesus for up to 700 years.

because they're humans

we are BLACK like our med bros

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Not really. It was mostly turk by the time.
Besides, even the slavs are not really slavs, but locals that got replaced culturally

Because they are Middle Eastern Armenians

Retarded monkey

The Peloponnesus was never Turk. Slavs lived across most of it between the 700s and the 1300s and were then overtaken by the Arvanites, orthodox Albanians who eventually adopted the Greek language and became Greek.

First the Greeks came, then the Illyrians joined, than the Slavs, then the Martians and later the evil TURKS JANNIES came and fucked up everywhere LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.

Pipe down in there Fake-Greeks. You are hellenized Turks and look exactly like one.

Maybe one day you will bleach your skin, so you won't look like them, but until then, you should stop LARPing already.

seethe more convert


Because they are black

Greek identity is a meme, it's literally a hodge podge of grecophone sl*vs, Albanians, arm*nians, Lazes, etc. A more pathetic "nation" doesn't exist - total fabrication. And they have the gall to insult fyromians for a made up history, hell, fyromians are more native than "greeks" at this point.

Hai u guyz, I'm the Golden Dawn leader Ilias Kasidiaris, we are 100% pure Greeks, plox make many Evropean babies with us.

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Western Euro intellectuals have had a boner for ancient Greece for the past several hundred years, so they don't consider them Balkan, but they're as much Balkan as the rest of the peninsula. That's also the reason they were so soft on them during the Greek debt crisis. If it was any other country that wasn't romantisized to hell and back they would have been curb-stomped.

>Western Euro intellectuals
You mean Freemason Homosexuals.

we're all like that, beyond Jow Forums autism. Even very isolated countries like Ireland saw significant historic migration from places like Norway, northern France and Belgium.

seething snownigger kek

Selam hocam, Türk müsün?

Based btw

>Freemason Homosexuals
LMAO. where's your tinfoil hat?

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Abi ancak bu ibne sahte Greeklere troll ediyorum, baska bir sey yapmiyorum kek.

seethe more convert

Merkezli, iyi sinirleniyorlar ama ha.

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preach it brother we wuz kangz

Said the Armenoid.

Seethe more, you will never be TRUE Greek.

>we are white iliris

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He's a turk shitposter.