>muh complexity!
Why are Asians like this?
Soul vs Soulless
who cares about these AI games anyway
Perfect representation of
>soul vs soulless
Where is the random element? They both need dice.
This, they need hit points, and match modern warfare better
No character development or loot and gearing options
Fucking trash titles but i'll pirate em probably anyway
I think it needs hats.
Chess is Asian as well (as in first appears in Asia), right?
India, right
India is mtDNA haplogroup M and therefore east Asian.
Club football vs cup football
Op is a cunt
Both games are Asian
Modern chess is spanish
Randomess takes away from the game.
>Where is the random element? They both need dice
I've gotten really into mahjong recently. It has a lot of S O U L
Every time I played pic related, everyone unironically hated each other at the end and some friendships died for ever.