Soul vs Soulless

>muh complexity!
Why are Asians like this?

Attached: chess-go.jpg (895x599, 84K)

who cares about these AI games anyway

Perfect representation of
>soul vs soulless

Where is the random element? They both need dice.

This, they need hit points, and match modern warfare better


Attached: Kriegsspiel_1824.jpg (1024x768, 196K)

No character development or loot and gearing options
Fucking trash titles but i'll pirate em probably anyway

I think it needs hats.


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Chess is Asian as well (as in first appears in Asia), right?

India, right

India is mtDNA haplogroup M and therefore east Asian.

Attached: he cute.gif (800x450, 2.59M)

Club football vs cup football

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Op is a cunt

Both games are Asian

Modern chess is spanish

Randomess takes away from the game.

>Where is the random element? They both need dice

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I've gotten really into mahjong recently. It has a lot of S O U L

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Every time I played pic related, everyone unironically hated each other at the end and some friendships died for ever.

Attached: risk.jpg (1200x733, 198K)