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>france is ga...

2010 vs 2017

People has a massive sense of guilt because of Franco and extra homophobic catholicism

lmao @ turkey

>the population is 128k
mighty vikings


>those trips

But catholic clergy has a thing for fucking boys.

Wish I could move to Spain

That's like 1/3 their populasjon

Spain is gay as hell, but it's also comfy and based.

Yet Spain isn't as gay or degenerate as Sweden. Makes you think

Why are Americans obsessed with Sweden. Like, you can't stop thinking about them.

They are. You just fell for the retarded meme thta Southern Europeans are macho shits or something like the white cuckold you are


are you insane? Spain is gay tourism central

You need to stop taking memes as reality.

Except we're not? Literally my only Sweden post this week.

We live and let live. Hate the sin not the sinner, we are good catholics

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How did Spain become so gay and so feminist? I thought the richer the more prone to fall for this bullshit

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Do they have white guilt from colonial past?

dont pretend you know anything about sweden or spain, thank you.

Yep, seems based. Give spanish gf

Ehem, ehem...

basado hermano

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This is why I like traps

>Do they have white guilt from colonial past?

>population is 358780
is iceland the gayest country on earth?

spain is blue haired feminist central

Only if you gib non-arab French gf

probably not more gays than normal but they have massive pride parade for some reason

Because of this Franco also didn't treat well women, even though he was a true gentleman gamer

Well put.

Alright dude calm down. I'll make sure not to talk with you or your wife's son ever again.

Where do all these fag apologists who enjoy overestimating everything get their "sources"?

good american

I wonder if they have the stats on the number of cops deployed during the parades.

>I hate those gosh darn commie-loving euros

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1/3 of the population is gay wth

read it again, american.

I still don't know why being homo is celebrated. It should be accepted and respected but that's all.

Fags wearing cop costume included? :^)

All these parades are massive businesses now

>spaniards are all a bunch of fags
nothing new here

because everyone loves parties. christians have theirs, football fans have theirs, and so on.

Here we have an saying:
"Hi, I'm a Spaniard, at what [degeneracy or self-hate metric] do want me to defeat you?"

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This. The Spanish government(s) love nothing more than giving money to LGBTQBRAP and radical feminist organizations do to things like these to "increase visibility" and "normalize" their cause.

you're a big guy

WTF Spain i though you were based

pero no soy un gringo. inb4 CHI

>It should be accepted and respected but that's all.
Disagree with both. It should be tolerated, that's it. But not accepted and especially not respected. Let alone celebrated.

Lot's of people have this misguided sense of freedom, thinking that people who are opposed to certain things are "fascists" with "phobias".

I can tell you, I know many homosexual people and many many of them had real mental issues. Most common one was BPD, but schizophrenia was something I observed often too. Why should it should come as a surprise by people who can't even decide what sex they belong to, that they end up being mentally unstable all the time?

that's what you think


They just want to molest boy, not fall.in live with other man

>this week

It's normal to celebrate football, but sexual orientation?
It's not their fault to be born as homo, but if they are ultrahomos (the typical obnoxious ones that have to say everytime they're homos) that's another story.

>but sexual orientation?
it's not like it's always been okay to be a fag, they are celebrating their freedom to love or whatever, I don't think it's really anybody's business if they want to have a celebration.


It's a crime to even try to heal homosexuality. Anyone who pretends they're not a superior caste and homosexuality isn't being promoted delusional. No hay más ciego que el que no quiere ver.

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