Why can't east asians grow facial hair like real men?
Why can't east asians grow facial hair like real men?
Aren't Mongols considered East Asian?
Answer my question chang
I’m 100% Pakistani, stop being racist.
Google image Muslim asians and you’ll see that a lot of them have nice facial hair.
why should i care if they don't grow facial hair?
Facial hair signifies masculinity.
to whom? i don't care about it
You are dirty
they can grow beards.
they don't because its a sign of being some unhygienic bum
> unhygienic
> Pajeet OP
Yep, checks out, LMAO.
Why do Indians have an inferiority complex to East/Southeast Asians while Pakis and Bangladeshis are pretty chill with them?
Cope more insects.
Indians have a occasional poo-gasm. They must vent their self-hating rage onto others, or the poo stuck in them will implode and kill them.
>inferiority complex
lol why tf would I have inferiority complex to subhuman feminine looking """""men""""" when I'm a pure aryan?
Because racism is haram
>All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. You know that every Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. Remember, one day you will appear before Allah and answer for your deeds. So beware, do not astray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.
what if you simply shave it?
Ok, now we know you are a definite proxy fag.
Who the fuck said you should care? You sound like a triggered teenage girl.
maybe i am. problem with that?
um... Hi!
Lel, your kind is so obvious to spot.
Indians civilized insects they should be grateful to their masters
Wow...you’re hairy.
why are you upset specifically?
niggers acting like bullies towards asians jesus christ.. have to feel big somehow
You must be confused, I'm not the one who made passive aggressive posts because of taking offense at someone daring to imply that East Asians don't have that much facial hair.
mongols are not hirsute lol
for east asians, they must cultivate internal alchemy first and balance their qi throughout their body before being able to grow a beard
t. 19 year old chinese boy that can grow a semi decent beard with hairy arms and hair body
>tfw can't grow technosage beard and wear technosage robes without looking like a technosage larper
>chinese...with hairy arms and hair body
This sounds so weird. Is there an example of someone like this?
Then why is India such a disorganized, dirty shithole compared to Asian countries?
you can feel however you want, i guess
classic mexicunt passive aggression. why are you faggots so hostile