1. Country

1. Country
2. What party will you be voting for tomorrow?

For me, it's La République en Marche.

Attached: la-republique-en-marche-voile.jpg (1281x778, 109K)

Other urls found in this thread:



I support globalism and further European integration

Voting ALDE to support Jvpiter from here too

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>your country
>your vote on french elections
how can frogs be this dumb?


1. leaf
2. will be abstaining from voting for whatever you're talking about

what? he's talking about eu elections

rassemblement national


Either won't go or I'll draw a dick on the ballot paper


I do not vote.
But I would vote for Macron of course.
Fuck the losers.

>But I would vote for Macron of course.
>Fuck the losers.
Go vote then. We need all the support we can.

>what is the EU

>2. What party will you be voting for tomorrow?

Attached: me_on_the_left.jpg (1058x738, 49K)

Voted Pirates yesterday. We're probably going to join your Jvpiter faction or Greens/EFA.

which party do gnoules vote for?


animalist party of course, if not some kind of heartless barbarian

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I voted AfD

Is this even an question?

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Proofs of this screenshot?

I will vote for the Muslim party.

For me it's Générations

No idea, try to look in the archive

and VOX

This is a joke right?

France has the digit winds on its side

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thought this post was made by an american ngl

I won't vote.
>B-but at least put a blank vote into the ballot bo-
No, fuck off. I would rather vote the Greens so they can destroy the continent as fast as possible, rather than clinging to a bunch of boomerish fake opposition parties.

The party that belongs to the ECR group probably. That or EPP.

>I voted AfD

>Greens so they can destroy the continent


>I would rather vote the Greens
Then do

No why

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It's the European elections. When you join the EU you'll be able to vote too.


živi zid, voted hdz last elections
im pro eu federalism and dont like nationalism, but eu leaders are too liberal and too out of touch

>wants to vote for an incompetent shit nazi party

its new age, full of feminists and lesbians, should have rather voted for someone more conservative like csu

Constant war-mongering with Russia, they want to import half of Africa as "climate refugees" in addition to their intention of destroying the local economy completely to secure the climate (for the imported Africans btw).

Ugh, to think I have to share this country with your kind of utter retardation, you cheap parrot.

Go read their official report they made concerning the BDS-movement and tell me later that they are not a bunch of boomer-shills. I will wait.

>Front National will probably be first

What the fuck, how a party full of proven incompetent morons, anti-EU Putin bootlicker can be at 25%+.

turns out when you utterly wreck the country people are gonna vote for anti establishment candidates

voting is gay

Well, you can't stop retarded people from voting. Thats the blessing of democracy, in preferring quantity over quality.

Why of course I will vote for le Parti Communiste Révolutionnaire, how did you know?

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I think you overdosed on memes.
Their main revendication is to ban glyphosate.

I'll vote LREM, I hope RN makes 25%. Investors will be more and more frightened and before 2025 the economical collapse will occur.

German politics produces way too much memes to handle. Even ignoring their ideology, I live in a green area where the education went to utter shit and police is way too under-stuffed to do anything. If people want that in their own area, who am I to stop them from doing so?

Fratelli d'Italia

Ahah nothing to see here comrade :^)

Cute fox. They have my vote

Which parties are most committed to the transatlantic relationship?

Usually the EPP

Voting DiE 'cause they're right and Varoufakis is actually based.

I would say the EPP (aka the Boomer party) but even they begin to question USA "friendship" with Trump.


VOX (right, labeled as far-right by retards)

sorry only cool kids can vote

Still seething?

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as an unemployed Spaniard, what political party you recommend me?

that's not an argument
who did you vote for?
CSU isn't more conservative than AfD. Plus I'm not in Bavaria, I can't vote for CSU.
fuck the BDS movement. I'm not a Muslim, I'm not asshurt at Israel.

What's the BDS movement?

Israel boycott

I just looked it up, they apparently want a full ban lmao


They like EU too much. They're NWO paneuropean goys. I wouldn't want them near Brussels.

For me it's Jordan

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Europe can't decide NEETbux.

The PES wants to introduce a European minimum wage

Varoufakis? Is that the retard who wanted to save Greece with WoW gold?

We vote today, and I gave my 1 to IE.


You shut your whore mouth

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>Voting ? Haha, no, I'm a monarchist.
>Oh really, how could you tell?

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I expected more from him than trying to extort Europe because of what he learned in first semester of economics desu.

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