/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends

Here's your confederate thread, bro edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


ahem sage

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pee pee

Based and peepilled

Need coffee


oh my fucking god
europe you need to stop, whats next, stealing our kebab?

>stealing our kebab

user, I...

Awesome thread you guys. Keep it up

Thanks Kanye, very cool

Preemptive bump before I leave

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hon hon

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First verified southron posting

taking 500 μg of nicotine

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high as fuck lads.................

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and then there's me smoking a nice cig

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Howdie partners

get on the times grambabababa
dude consume the nicotine

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My drug is cofe

Bjark bjort

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did the patch help?

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is it late if I make some cofe now?


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why dont you install windows 7 on your pc?

i had a dream where a nigger mafia was trying to kill me for some reason and i was carrying a really sharp screwdriver in my pocket to defend myself

Too much effort and stuff I don't understand
Aren't pirated operating systems kinda sketchy too?

you can get a legit windows file from microsoft, the activation is the more sketchy part
a. you dont activate, you cant change your background and wont receive updates, can be trialed for 90 days
b. buy a key from a seller that wont last for long, maybe a year
c. crack the windows with pirate soft, should be safe but, might give someone stress

if you dont activate you wont be kicked out of the computer or anything you can use all features for those 90 days, afterwards you lose those things i mentioned

As long as I can post here and watch youtube I'm happy tbqh.

i can walk you thought the process, if you want, we can talk on mobile steam or whatever soft you want, even mumble on android is fine



I'll pass. Kind offer tho.

if you use firefox you can back up the data by going to the file browser and putting %appdata% in the text field then navigate to
the folder you see is your firefox data, history addons and such save it on a stick and when you have a new pc place the folder in the same location before installing firefox again

alberts pc

Tell me about Uusimaa
Why is he on a quest to update everyone's tech


what do you mean maybe

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What do you mean what do you mean maybe

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why fuck EESTI?


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pathologic 2 is the game of the year, deal with it nerds

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I too sip

why are americans so afraid of 5g

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why is it written rifle but pronounced rifel

It's actually pronounced riff-leh.

>ray fill
its rai ful

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she says it like ray-flue

what a retarded language

That's the upper class English pronunciation. Everyone else says riff-leh.

how do you hear E? not RJAI full E
are larping as a frechman who cant speak english (none of them can)

never heard rifle liked that, the L is always at the end

same with riffle

hon hon hon je suis riff leh

isn't it they panic every time a new G is being implemented?

yeah, they claim they have headaches afterwards even though the tower has been functional for a month or so

I feel so lazy today.
Better safe than sorry. Also the gov will just use it to spy on is more.

just chill out
i was exhausted yesterday too, didnt do anything now i feel way better
very glad i did that

>rooty tooty point and shooty

I'm thinking about it. Drank coffee. Still feel sleepy.

More sky
I like when there's dark clouds and it's sunny

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have a ciq, nicotine speeds up caffeine absorption

Today is interesting, I’m high and might buy some McDonald’s. I have a family dinner later that I’m showing up to drunk

It's other way around I think

lmao a flaglet

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I have a lot of fun quoting this at my close pals
I only smoke nicotine at night.

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dont know which is more embarrising, coming to family union drunk or coming to /dixie/ without extrafâgs

Relay of Youth in Croatia today

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Where are they?
Tough call

in front of Tito's house

dicks yee

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>pick up phone to order pizza
>Spiderman 3 starts playing on TV
can this evening get any better?

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where's the sambal tho

where would you place it?

just under the taco sauce

you gonna chuck down that pizza with soymilk?

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only if spiderman 2 was on tv
do they dub it in croatian

yea, you got a problem with that?
Spiderman 2 was last week, very enjoyable experience. Nice childhood memories

no, just making sure

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the french wagie should be home soon

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It's saturday, his car may have been bombed by yellow jackets

why the macaron man has not been beheaded yet

is that stuff still going on?

replaying deus ex human revolution
i just realized the crazy guy on the radio is literally just alex jones

you dont say

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Not the riots it was the first month but there are still weekly protests in cities

He is shielded by the bogs

damn he just have made a good deal

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why are your wasps so aggressive

I don't remember Spiderman 3 being this shit

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it was the beginning of the end, it brought about the era of capeshit

what were you expecting

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Idunno, some nice memories

Chernobyl cloud did NOT stop at the USSR border

Good evening, beer is good

beer is worse for you than soy
drink whiskey like a white man

Finna open a Guinness

we still get driftaways from chernobyl
couple of months ago there were news about potential anthrax that washed up to thrace and killed a bunch of cattle, not sure if real though

what kind of swedish talk is that