Do Americans really do this?
Do Americans really do this?
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it actually sounds really cure so stfu
Pretty sure it doesn't cure anything
Also worsens the delusions
Whenever I hear someone muh heritage, it makes me want to genocide all the non-Anglos so we can have a land free of any ethnic pride.
this kek
imagine having 7% spanish and arriving from a new york to barcelona flight landing and thinking you have a single thing in common or will be respected at all
>"omg i love coffee i'm 12% scandi" in a thick yank accent
why something intended for entertainment would have to cure someone?
Dios mio...
We the real Europeans now Mohammad
Imagine the rise in school shootings when truearyanpride88 and odinwatchesoverme find out about their subsaharan heritage
Where do I go to experience my broadly european dna
imagine being interested in your heritage and reconnecting with your culture and ancestry and have a bunch of edgelord homosexuals judge you for doing something cool and normal and admirable
fuck europeans tbqh
Found the 23% Croatian nigga!
Oh yeah!
Fuck me daddy
anyone who takes these tests is a retard
Why does this anger yurocucks?
>your heritage
>feeds with burgers and mountain dew daily
>has been ahot at least once in his life and has 4 firearms
>drives a giat 4x4 truck to go to the store 300m away.
Lmao. One thing is to say you wanna know other cultures but to delude yourself youre part of it its retarded and for people who hate themselves
t. cope because your ancestors are carib indians who never did anything but fuck tapir
23% mutts living on the other side of the planet don't have any heritage over here. Heritage is something passed on, burgers dropped it and do not get to pick it up so much later
>yes goy give us your dna
t. Ahmed proud second generation Swede
Back into your rowhouse hovel working class scum
That doesn't happen
It's anglos that do that shit
People here are so hateful for no reason, nobody in America treats foreigners this way, what the fuck is wrong with Europeans
It's getting stronger.
Tea-aboos get the bullet too(note:when I said Anglos, I don't mean Anglophones, but rather people of British decent since the vast majority of them are rootless fucks. I didn't even think about Quebecois.)
Is it true that most ''white'' americans have native and/or nigger ancestry?
no, only in the south is that common
Oh god pls no
Bet no American is gonna take vacation back to Guatemala and El Salvador
>not an ethnic shithole in 2019
Good one.
Whats wrong with having guns?
They know that we’re one of the few cosmic races along with Mexicans, we have blood claims to not only their dimly lighted countries, but throughout Africa and the Mediterranean as well. And we have powerful happas who are growing.
Why the fuck do you reply to an "ad thread"?
any norwegian-american in?
Yes, ignore the first faggot
i would imagine that this will only be attractive to the biggest "MUH HERITAGE" fags and nobody else
imagine giving your dna to a company that sells it to the government haha
fucking based cumbrain /sci/ poster
youre wrong, only about 3.5% of white americans carry any african dna, most of which is in the south due to it being where most blacks are and slave history shit. Native dna in "white" americans is low too, and is also mostly in the south due to hispanics
based haha poster
My mom, dad, and literally super autistic brother (who is obsessed with Finland in the way that other autists are obsessed with sonic or whatever) are all going to Finland on a "muh heritage" trip next month. My biggest fear is that it won't be everything my brother dreams it is.
being a mutt is better than being a gypsy
Ahahaha can't wait to take money from a bunch of retarded 1/128 slovenian americans lmfaoooooo
Oh yes lake Bled is MUST SEE location don't forget to try the cream cake ahahahahahahahahaha
Its the name my parent give me because when I was born my grandma had a heart attack and was in hospital and they thought she might die so I was named in her honor (she lived for another 9 years btw)
>super autistic brother
he'll fit right in then
He's an extroverted autist who always ask a ton of questions to strangers. Like when we went to NYC he asked a bunch of strangers if they remembered 9-11 and how 9-11 made them feel etc. So that makes me worried. But usually strangers can tell this guy is disabled and are nice to him.
But will that translate in a foreign country? Will Finns live up to the pedestal my brother put them on? Scary stuff for me.
>He's an extroverted autist who always ask a ton of questions to strangers
he needs to prepare for plenty of one word answers and short conversations
I'm always kinda weirded out by how mixed people are. My results were 99.9% European(all British except for like 1% Nord(thank you based vikings for raping my ancestors)) and .1% unknown. The idea of being a mix of so many ethnicities and then on top of that grabbing on to a fraction of that and muh heritaging to the extreme is so alien to me. I can look in history books and have fun larping as British, but I can never understand the idea of claiming the identity of a country you were never born in let alone never visited.
Wrong it's a lot more than that.
tl;dr la creatura abomination created when the Spanish fucked thousands of native women
Its encouraged in the USA to consider ourselves a "nation of immigrants" and to remember where your family came from. The only real American-Americans are Native American.
That said, my brother is the only extreme heritagefag I know and he is a literal autist. I cannot understand his heart fully. He latched onto the Finnish portion because my mother's side of the family is nicer to him, and maybe French-Canadians were too boring? Or since her maiden name was Finnish?
And did I tell you my great-grandparents immigrated here from Prekmurje? :^)
Congrats on being African-american lol
in some southern states yes, but across the US about 3.5% is the truth based on studies. Average is 1% african and 1% native dna, compared to african americans which are about 75% african, 24% euro, 1% native
if you come here on vacation and don't act like a stereotypical retard, no one will fucking mind you
if you come here thinking you're going to reconnect with your roots because "your great-great-great grandfather was swedish and his name was sven and he lived somewhere and he immigrated 400 years ago and and and..." then you're going to get laughed at
What about great-grandparents who immigrated in 100 years ago from Oulu?
somewhere vaguely european
so paris
>acktually I'll have you know im 3.5% pure viking, so let me tell you how far you nodicks have fallen
I have a photo of my ggrandfather actually, he looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger (though not as buff).
My father was born in Finland, he came here when he was 6 and has lived here ever since. My grandmother still lives in Finland and I have second cousins over there, I used to visit at least once or twice a year when I was younger.
He still considers himself Finnish, but I'm not. Even thought "technically" I am more Finnish than I am Swedish, I cannot consider myself to be Finnish. And I'm just entirely incapable of seeing how you think you can.
He'll be fine. People will probably be confused by some stranger asking autistic questions but they'll give some answer after recovering from such a strange event. We aren't rude.
I had one of those done. Had entirely the ancestry I thought I had and absolutely no black, Jewish, or Amerindian DNA.
I've always wondered why African-Americans consider themselves "Africans" when they have 99% more in common with white Americans than they do actual Africans.
hey liz show us your tits or something
I am talking about my literally autistic brother, not you.
Ayo this nigga on a heritage trip to Croatia lmfaoooo
It was because of 60s black militancy and the "back to Africa" thing.
They dont consider themselves Africans but African-American which they are.
To be fair, the Fin was bred out of Finland by their Swedish overlords thru centuries of their benevolent rule, mr. 9/11 poster.
>imagine being interested in your heritage and reconnecting with your culture and ancestry and have a bunch of edgelord homosexuals judge you for doing something cool and normal and admirable
>fuck europeans tbqh
hey LIZ
what is it now
Is he going to act like a retard that thinks because his great-grandparents came they have a sort of deep connection? They won't laugh at his face, but they will think he is retarded.
show the boys your tits
get those pale autistic globes out for us
to be fair you have no idea what you're talking about
Imagine picking where to vacation based on a few molecules in your body
i would do it and talk to euros about how im 5% X or 27% Y just to annoy the fuckers but i am autistic and cant talk to strangers
You would be verbally abused anyway
>a few
>Within eukaryotic cells, DNA is organized into long structures called chromosomes. Before typical cell division, these chromosomes are duplicated in the process of DNA replication, providing a complete set of chromosomes for each daughter cell.
>a few
He's autistic, but a normal IQ and in fact even has an associates degree. So he is going to ask a bunch of autistic questions and also maybe even ramble about my grandfather's family yes complete with birth locales and exact dates of birth and death for all of them.
First of all this is a blue board (sfw), so that type of content has no place here even if I did want to . You are gonna get someone fired
please be in minneapolis
>So he is going to ask a bunch of autistic questions and also maybe even ramble about my grandfather's family yes complete with birth locales and exact dates of birth and death for all of them.
prepare him for disappointment, people don't really talk to strangers here
You will never be British.
>First of all this is a blue board (sfw), so that type of content has no place here even if I did want to . You are gonna get someone fired
yikes, cringe
post your fucking tits lizzie
Honestly I don't think someone who was literally retarded would get into heritage. Its a lot of sifting through boring records, baptism date, death date, marriage date and a bunch of villages you never heard of.
Only autists of middle IQ and above can heritagefag
I am not going to shatter his dreams of the glorious and kindhearted Finnish people and he wouldn't believe me anyway. If his true golden dream of Finland is destroyed, the Finns are going to be the one to destroy it. I hope they dont though
Take down this pic of me at once, not appropriate.
It's a white people thing
I'd kill myself before going back to Nigeria.
Congrats it's a bit more than a few, still fucking retarded.
I share half my DNA with a banana so I'll go vacation in Africa where bananas grow, makes sense.
bananas aren't native to africa though
done my princess ;)