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never had it
never will have it
i'm an incel loser
i just wanna die

How does such a racist movie gets so much tolerance and almost zero criticism? By people who otherwise play SJW all the time?

With the first thing people in the West think of Kazakhstan, being Borat?

send gypsy tears

Pls give me your cousin or sister

kazakh people are not black

I should hook you up with my sister Natalya.


bang bang, skeet skeet, nigga

I can't. I'm a mentalcel
my mind is fighting against me all the time

Let Natalya fight with your mind instead

i'm gay

we have naughty naughty Orkin

Even though you are memeing, you are in the right track: Borat doesn't look Kazakh at all, who have slanted eyes and look Central Asian. He is more like the stereotypical Oriental.

So what's the point of this? Dumbing down people with the most stupid and inaccurate racism?

i want to sleep with someone who cares about me and my wellbeing

cuz it's funny

Do you have other sisters?

Can you hook up me with Aya? We are Turkic brothers we must help each other.

omfg, go for a fucking walk sometimes

who /volcel/ here? rise the fuck up

May George Bush drink the blood of every single man, woman and child of Iraq!

fuxking incels get out of my board

I was for 6 years, then i took the advice of a dutchman on Jow Forums
>have sex
He said
And i did.

same here

uzbekistan have inferior potassium

omg, you really are just a bunch of incel losers.
fuck this board, I'm out

most westerners unironically think kazakhstan is a made up country

kazakh flags attract incel losers cause muh aya lmao

Im sorry my frend but....

...this is her russian bf....

Attached: Романтичная(1).png (600x600, 564K)

i fuck your mother in the ass and make her pregnant with you

People don't know where Kazakhstan is to begin with
I know about it because I love central asian culture and because Kazakhstan has some of the best weightlifters of all time (Ilya Ilyin)

For me, it's Aya.

Attached: 1517037_627082070682971_18881758_n.jpg (640x640, 76K)

>i fuck your mother in the ass and make her pregnant with you

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i was disappointed to find out kazakhs look like mongols and russians and not hairy moustachioed caucasus nigs

>tfw i have inferior potassium

why live

Because the actor who plays Borat is a jew who tends to make fun of everything that looks arabic for free

What did they mean by this?

Funny thing is Russians spell Cossack literally Kazakh.

Eh I meant the word pronounce not spell.

how the fuck would someone know how kazakh look? the centeral asia is so mutt they have all kinds of people.
on top of that you have turkey larping as turk nonstop which futher confuse how central turk nomad look like are they chinky, caucasiod, or arabic/persian like

>Why yes I know Kazakhstan for a lot of things like the Baikonur cosmodrome, the "government" of Nursultan Nazarbajev, the golden horde or GGG besides the Instagram model and art student Aya Shalkar. how could you tell?

Attached: DB038631246B4EB0B25587B1C8203EAF.jpg (680x760, 52K)

golden horde wasnt kazakh though

But they inhabited the zone no?

They look like this

its intersting how they are not caucasianized like other stan country, they look pure asian

can you post half of her face
i need it for demographic purposes, ofc.

Not looking like a Kazakh probably help's the movie not seem racist if anything, allowing it to portray itself as "lol stupid americans fall for ridiculous stereotypes xD" If Cohen had actually chosen a sandnigger country that he could pass as a local in it would probably be seen as more racist.

They also very strong)
Kazakh girl vs Russian

barely, but nogay turks were something of their own back then and not kazakh.
Most of them migrated west with the other oghuz turks

they got MONGOL'd very hard

Such a classic masterpiece
Why haven't there been a sequel yet?

Seething k*zcuck

KIRGHIZstan best stan

>If Cohen had actually chosen a sandnigger country that he could pass as a local in it would probably be seen as more racist.
He did and called it "The Dictator".

Yet that racist movie (that also justifies the stupid Libyan war) got good reviews and zero criticism too.

literally thief-stan lmao

Damn I'd hit that hard.

MANAS' mountain progeny, the humble KYRGYZ JIGIT faces all of life's difficulties without so much of a complaint.

What the fuck are you talking about? You believe in that Indo-European and Greek-Macedon meme?

>We wuz we wuz we wuz

Fuck off. Central Asians all look Asiatic, the ones south to them look rather Iranic or Indian.



Can I fugg you?

Cohen is good at what he does.

just go to google other central aisia blablastan people you will see they have quite a bit of Caucasoid feature