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International #1061
Filipinos are just discount Mexicans in Asia
The European FEARS the American breakfast
The war of northern aggression
Western Europe and the United States do not produce tanks anymore
/danmarktråden/ #3
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Either Im not enough on this board or I really havent seen a opinion thread in a while
Do you love South Korea?
Anime was a mistake
Remember that time Jow Forums decided to ruin this girls life because she said a "if you go black you never go back"...
Why do asian girls settle for such ugly looking whiteys
Why do they look like this?
I get a slight feeling of discomfort and disgust when I see a brown/black person
East asian
Kurva anyátok
EU election results in 28 countries summarised
Sverigetråden - Libbeupplagan
Italians don't want you to see this
/ddr/ früher /deutsch/
Meanwhile in Italy
1- Your country and territorial subdivision
What are the best French cities to live in (as a foreigner)?
Brits, please explain this
Brits, please stop spreading propaganda all over the planet
Alright Jow Forums, britfag here soon to be going to on holiday to America
What's your opinion of Québécois and Québec in general?
The video starts with reporter asking about the German economy...
We never covered the holocaust in my mandatory history classes
Why can't they banter?
White people
What’s your ideal gf like?
What's our opinion on an independent Scotland?
/lat/ hilo latino
/ita/ - il filo
Sigh... do Americans REALLY do this?
Absolutely fucking based
ITT: Jow Forums keeps me company at work
Post currency / rate others
Jow Forums seems like to support China. Does Jow Forums like Chinese tourist?
How do we stop the Japanese obesity epidemic...
>One copy of chinkingdoms please
Firstiods be like, “I spent $1,000 and attended classes for my driver license.”
What do politicians look like in ur cunt?
Sverigetråden - Svenskamerikanska upplagan
Non-Americans do not understand how sinister the educational system of this country is
/wotger red bull/ früher mal /wehrsport/ ehemals /deutsch/
Culture Pals /cp/ general
Wtf is englands problem???
ITT:Post ultra rare ethnic mixes
Has your country been invited to the Moon and Mars yet?
*click click click click....*
The western man trembles at the sight of this
STALKER has made like Russia. Slavic culture intrigues me now
What language does she speaks?
/dixie/ - Foriegn friends & the South
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
I am seriously struggling to understand why Europeans are so mad about their situation when the conditions in Europe...
Percentage of children born outside marriage
Do you ever wish history had gone differently?
K-kar-ara B-b-boga-a, whitoid~
She doesn't gaypost
Welcome to Jow Forums, how white are you?
I hate these countires so fucking much
What's life like in Russia?
What's for lunch, Jow Forums?
Be European
/ita/ - il filo
/fr/ - le francofil
How are the Chinese tanking this trade war?
Japan our greatest ally
My country will forever be known as the first Asian country to legalize gay marriage
Tfw scenerylet
Has your country ever committed or participated in a genocide?
Why are Japanese so butthurt about them?
Why is Emperor Junker so based?
Sverigetråden - Sojaupplagan
Is having very hairy legs a chad thing or something you should be ashamed of?
Your country
What is your opinion on Kurds?
When are you coming to Finland?
Caucasian friendship and peace thread
My ancestors :)
Post typical neighbourhood street from your cunt
I WILL slap my sister's ass one of these days...
Jesus Christ not cool Spain
Daily reminder that 2nd world is the hardest mode of all
You are now aware that London has 900,000 blacks
Do you love Russian schools?
Hey amigos, sex tourist here lookin for a new adventure in latam...
How does it feel to know that castizos are now the master race and that they will rule over you with a righteous iron...
Kurva anyátok
How are you preparing for the century of Asian girlfoot domination?
Feminin pénisz
Your country
You wake up in korea
F for our fallen heroes
Be classy, faggots
Why are Latinos so gay?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Do boys do this in your country?
/ita/ - il filo
Which German state is your favorite?
Sweden is the greatest country in the world
/girls/ general
The King of Bali married a White Australian woman and their hapa daughter married a White Australian
How did Sweden create the best selling game of all time?
Are Miss Peru contestants voted in on the basis of their personality, or just because of their bodies?
Americans want to ban this
Ehem ehem
He based
Japanese Woman Stabs man Because She “Loved Him So Much”
I wish Britain made cool consumer products
Is there a difference between pakistani and indian gril? From what I read so far paki girls are more fair and prettier
Konigsberg is German!
Daily Japanese Thread #2198
Tell me:
What does this map reveal about me?
/cum/ + friends
This kills the american
Korean study thread
How do you feel about your own accent?
Right now I'm an incel, but what are some tricks in your cunt for picking up qts? I'll use them in the best way I can
Someone stole my foreskin while I was asleep
Your country
Castizas are perfect
Hispanics are not base-
*lies about gdp growth*
How garbage must your language be to end up like this? Did nobody give a shit about orthography back then...
Do you want a Latina gf?
1. country of residence
>200 Million people >0 Nobel prizes
Post right-wingers from your countries
Do any of you have family members in America? What's it like talking to and seeing them?
I miss her bros
My parents will leave me a inheritance of around 800k when they die
Post the woman of your dreams
Do turks really do this?
Tourism un USA
This is what I imagine the poster lives in every time a Yuro posts that same picture of an American suburb looking like...
Any /Chechens/ here?
Post your most American image itt
All Europe going right
English is a cringe language
Tfw no Guatemalan gf
Many friends vs No friends
Your country
What's your country's hat?
Jow Forumscraft - historical rp minecraft server
Why did anglos think this was morally correct?
1. your cunt
How do Spain's socialists keep winning?
Why are Japanese and Korean phenotype so very distinct and different?
*restores Britain to its former glory*
/ita/ - il filo
Who /virgin/ here?
Is there any other country with this many names
What is your stance on this company? Accordingly punished or unjustly attacked?
Are Latinas the perfect women ?
You guys don’t really hate Americans do you?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Outer Space Treaty
What the fuck was his problem?
Are NIMBY homeowners a problem in your country?
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
We did it bros WE FUCKING DID IT
What should the first Swedish off-world colony be called?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Go to your fridge, take a pic and post everything inside it, fatties
Do panty shots actually happen in Asia or has anime lied to me?
/ita/ - il filo
What is it like to live in China outside of the biggest/most cosmopolitan cities?
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Is it true that Latin America is culturally 15 years behind the west or are they up-to-date now due to the...
South Korea
Sverigetråden - Kungliga upplagan
Do Americans really do this?
/balk/ FUCK fat """people"""
In how many hours do you earn $1?
Why did Australia and New Zealand keep the British accents, but Canada and US no longer have British accents?
Despised by whites
Do americans really do this?
/lat/ - Hilo Villero
Are they really eating turtles in venezuela?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド (ノロッコ号 edition)
Yep, Jews our Semitic allies
Post ur city's cops
What are some poor countries that people are generally content with?
Imagine spending all your life in a shitty third world country because you "love your country"
What was your experience in London like?
Sverigetråden - bögar är vidriga
They're never going to pay that back
/ita/ - Il Filo
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド (幣舞橋 edition)
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
/nachtschicht/ und/oder /deutsch/
How do you say "Thank you Doc" in your language?
What the F*CK is his problem?!?
How long until China's economy collapses?
Countries don't fundamentally exist
Is it true Latinas are perfect? There aren't many where I live
Post 'em
Finland is new world champion!
Do you really hate the US or are you just toying on the internet?
Right wing parties only 117 seats
/esp/ - elecciones
/fr/ - Le fil des Français
Compliment the country above you
Sverigetråden - Val upplagan
Why are so many Europeans still living with their parents Jow Forums?
/lat/ - Hilo Latino
Kurva anyátok
American tourist in Rome
You know what you need in life?
Stop watching porn
World War 3
I am going to lose virginity tomorrow
Tfw no strong dominant wrestler gf to pin you down
Can someone explain this?
Does the average joe in your country know their own international reputation?
What does this stuff taste like
Sverigetråden - SD2D-upplagan
Why do they deny that they're Serbian?
Jow Forumsint/ thread
/fr/ - Le fil Français
God I wish that were me
What do Swedes honestly think of her?
WTF happened to everyone caring so much about Venezuela a few weeks ago? Is everything cool now?
ITT: jokes from your country
/eu/ european elections polls and results
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Your cunt
Anglophobia General
Are you freaking out over your life?
/cum/ + friends
Western culture and values must be protec--
Are they friendly to tourists?
/ita/ il filo
Lebanon has no Arab genes. Very few speak Arabic in Lebanon
Tfw no dominant bully drunk russian gf to bully me and call me churka
Here i will post average brazilians
What do you drive /o/?
Zoomer sister is playing fortnite again
User this date has been so great
Guy who bought my vote just texted me saying why I didn't vote for his candidate
Sverigetråden - Alkoholfria upplagan
This is a german beach in 1939
Did you vote?
/fr/ - le francofil du dimanche
Favourite European royal family?
Am I white, Jow Forums ?
Salam alaikum my friend
You see someone carrying this box into a Chinese restaurant
Do you have siblings?
Is your country as Based as Florida?
Hey user, can help me with my German homework? You're so good with languages :))
If you are confident, funny and caring everything is possible
Name someone from this country
/SCHMELZRUNTER/ von /deutsch/
We beat them once, we'll do it again. All we need is Russia, Germamy, Japan...
American girls are perfect
This is the average college party in the United States of America
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Why do Swedes worship Finns?
Post right wing nationalists from your country
Top 10 handsome countries
/saufi/ ist nich /deutsch/
In this thread we thank Germany for being a force for good in Europe
Ex-Soviet states ranking by level of living:
1. your cunt?
Your cunt
Ugly couples
Is this normal in your country too?
It is Memorial Day weekend. The time to honor all the American military members who died to keep the entire world safe...
/europa/ ehemals /deutsch/
/ita/ il filo
Kurva anyátok
Is it true that syrians like Pakistani people?
What happens in Dutchland?
/fr/ - Le francophile
Sverigetråden - Dunderklumpenupplagan
Post a picture that represents your cunt the best
Sverigetråden - EU-val Upplagan
Why this kind of man tend to be short and have small dick?
Any US MARINES here?
Offical LAUGH AT AMERICA thread
/islam/ essentiell /deutsch/
Le IQ meme
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Please post more photos from your countries with food shelfs with prices
Congratulations to the graduates
/danmarktråden/ #2
My neighbor looks like typical Slav. Blonde straight hair, blue eyes, sharp facial bones, pale skin and he's like 1...
Countries no one likes
You know what? I really like the Croatian flag
Why are you still virgin?
This is the Dutch dream. These people have 'made it' according to our standards
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
The length of your cunt
Do you despise all Russian women?
/deutsch/ jetzt /EU Superstaat/
Sverigetråden - Vår härskares upplaga
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Gaijin Blogger Week 1
Why are Russian girls such bullies?
Would you marry a western woman?
What do you guys think about women with tats?
Portuguese U20 rugby Team just won themselves a place at the U20 world cup!
Do you want to find love in vietnam?
Which part of germany has the cutest qts?
/ita/ - il filo
Why did bath houses die off in Europe but exist today in Japan?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2198
You wake up in india in 1947
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
"Hi user, how are you? Remember to vote today!"
So who won in the end?
Do your bills have a picture of woman?
Why are they such a failure of a nation?
How would your family feel if you brought home a mutt?
Anglo skwd fall in!
I am fucking caught by police for distributing sexual depiction of minor(not a child!) Wtf what am I supposed to do...
Do you want to find love in India?
/deutsch/ böhmermann neues album
Italian erasmus kick a spaniard in the head in a street fight
Why do they talk so much shit?
What did you know about Korea before Kpop became a thing?
What the fuck is going on in Czechia and Hungary?
First show you think of
Here we go again
What happened to the Australian drawfag? Why doesn't he draw Mikko any more?
Which one of these ethnic groups is more evil, from your perspective?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
What does that even mean?
/fr/ - le francofil
Sverigetråden - Estlandssvenska upplagan
So this is the power of china
"I'll just go on a spiritual journey, what's the worst that could happen lol?"
/ita/ il filo
Do you get FOMO?
Being a degenerate is more acceptable than eating dogos in the world
Why did Good create homosexuality?
Why do Japanese love handheld gaming so much?
Please visit Indonesia
Any other hikikomoris here? People that rarely go out / no friends / no job / no gf and just sit on their pc all day?
I just voted for the EPP
We seek the monsters that you fear the most. We chase the nightmares that haunt your cowardly dreams...
/hell/ Hellas General Ελλάς
What went wrong?
Tfw no bf
Kawaii Japanese girl stabs man in Shinjuku apartment complex lobby
What old countries you would like to restore?
Why turks hates arabs?
K-kara b-b-boga wh*Teboi
What part time job did you do?
Are peruvians ok??
Why is there such a huge difference in opinions regarding the Africanization and islamization of Europe?
Food around the World
New England is the best place to live in America?
/EU/ general
Why are Europeans against the idea of a united Europe capable of competing economically with the USA and China to put...
Mfw i just realised that all of you non Anglos have absolutely retarded gay accents and if i ever i met you IRL i would...
Post the most Romanian picture you have
Has anyone never seen the ocean in real life?
This tiny tiny corner is also part of Europe
Salut Jow Forums j'ai besoin d'une pa
Why can't we be frens? :(
/fr/ - le francofil dominical et matinal
Hey Jow Forums remember 9/11?
Name ONE Japanese person besides Hirohito
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Kurva anyátok
How is Poland so peaceful (only 400 murders on a pop...
How seething will Guy Verhofstadt and the other EU federalists be today?
Fuck this site. Here are some boobs. Ban me
What accent in english is cutest? I say Chinese accent
Im depressed because they exist
Why do I prefer the BLACK QVEEN? Simple
Are boys allowed to wear dresses in your country?
Post your cunt's coolest flag?
White girl wearing kimono
Janny bad?
I hate summers in India. How are summers in your country?
Why were the Japanese so good at computer hardware, then mediocre at software?
Why do wh*toids have gook noses
Do you have any event in your country's history, involving another country...
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
/SIMMERING/ früher mal /deutsch/
I'm going to japan in January
Northern & Southern Europeans friendship thread
Where to go, Korea or Japan
1. Your country
Do Japanese girls really do this?
At last anons, today I printed my thesis for my bachelor's degree on accounting...
Stop calling me fat :(
Korean study thread
There are males on Jow Forums
How is life in the comfy, war-free, peaceful, predominantly safe, melancholic, carefree, suffering free first world?
/ro/ - Firul nostru
Faggots should kill themselves as fast as they can
One chance at life
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
/v4/ + Frens
Why do Asians make supposedly white characters look like weird Asian-European hybrids?
Do you like cities? Would you rather live in a city, suburbs of a big city, a mid-sized city, or in the country?
Are you proud of your heritage?
USA and Japan
What is their fucking problem?
Why are East Asian countries so fanatically anti-drug...
Illegitimate state that must be destroyed
This is Reddit's definition of insane a father protecting his daughter's chastity
Turkish girls look like this?
Do you want a lewd Portuguese GF
This is Portugal's U20 rugby team they won a recent U20 championship
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Can any Canadians tell me how growing up in Canada is different to growing up in America?
I wanna kiss a cute Portuguese guy :3
As crime dries up, Japan's police hunt for things to do
Climate change is indias fault us fat fuck Americans are complete innocents trust us
Tell me your love story Jow Forums
Why do huwhites do this
Well well well
Summertime sadness
Do latinas make good partners?
My country debates and debates over whether we should build 300km/h trains meanwhile the second-world China is about to...
Finns are not white
Please nuke us, we don't deserve to exist any longer
Mexico-Brazil friendship thread
Mfw someone calls me an incel
/carib/ + island friends
Europe is just a smaller version of Asia
Interesting maps
Is Modi a virgin?
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
What do other Chinese think about it?
Do you fucking love blood pudding you sack of shit
Why are you not sleeping?
Wtf is this shit? Why isn't Brazil embracing diversity?
How's the motorsport scene in your country?
/lat/: Hilo latino
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Is there anyone who can beat Vietnam? They beat China, they beat us, they beat the french
Do you eat instant mi goreng in your cunt?
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
/cum/ + /lgbt/
Slovenia general
Why are whites the only people who have any variation in their hair color? Other races just have black hair
Is it common for normies to still have desktop PCs in their homes in your country?
Well...Jow Forums?
/ita/ - il filo
I love Russia how about you
/balk/ - Balkan general
Tfw this Norwegian girl has the same nose and chin as me
/fr/ - Le francophile
Australians go to prison if they watch porn and the boobs are too small
Merkel is just a puppet. THIS is the Final Boss
يلعن كسم الاندومي الشعريه بنت المتناكه يا شوية عالم متناكين و لا...
Hello, would this happen in your country?
What do you like about your country?
Family of 6 brazilian dead in chile
Do you have school uniforms in your country? What do you think of them?
Have sex "volcel" creeps
There, I fixed Europe
When will the race wars start?
He is an American
Top 4 are the only countries that matter
Japan is a safe country
Alright you fucks, I'm tired of being the most disrespected country on this board...
Sverigetråden - Transfobiska upplagan
Le yellow fever has arrived
Based on my eye color alone, am I white?
"Americans ..."
Post men who are considered 10/10 or higher by your media
Why is honor so important to Arabia, Japan and Caucasus?
Do you want to marry a Swedish girl?
Can we PLEASE add a verification to prove that you're not white on Jow Forums?
Jow Forums has the potential to be a powerful global organisation like the jews, freemasons etc etc...
Why must you guys be so mean to us?
Only incels like Asian girls
Now you're dead and have to choose one of these countries to respawn in
Is America the worst country on earth? Why was I born here, just to suffer?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Mexicans actually believe that the Virgin Mary appeared to some native American on top of a hill
Do all Finns hate Russians or is it just a Finnish migrants in Sweden thing?
Be honest
These are salaries from Italy's "rich" north
Why are black people so good at making music? Just listen to this
Catholic Slavs
/ita/ il filo
Why are Latinas so perfect
Why are White American women like this?
Culture Pals /cp/
1. Your country?
Why is Portugal such a disgrace? My school teacher went to live there for a year or something, but came back...
"You immigrated here so assimilate to our culture"
Just imagine living in Southern Europe
Is this accurate?
Why are mexicans so cucked?
What is this called in your country?
Do you love British girls?
This is Hungary. Say something nice about it
This man is your FRIEND
Dubs decide what I will vote for tomorrow:
Where did the idea that Anglo women are ugly come from when they consistently produce some of the most beautiful women...
Sverigetråden OPPA PEPE STYLE
/esp/ nee halt ist nur /deutsch/
What do they think of each other?
How many Jow Forumsernational people have you met irl bros?
What is this called in your country?
If you had to speak Spanish or Portuguese for the rest of your life what would it be
Is she beautiful in the West too?
Is europe really getting islamified as the internet and pol is telling us?
America has over 300 million people with a GDP of 20 trillion. EU has population of over 500 with the equivalent GDP...
You're a cunt
Your cunt
Did you know Spain created the first global currency...
ITT: we recommend European movies to Amerifriends
The only likeable Australian
/cum/ - 精液
Trianon = injustice
Are thick girls hot in ur country?
When will wh*Tes learn? Africa is ours you demons
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship