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i wonder what faction my friends will be playing on vanilla wow

>hehe you can just *go* wherever you want because there are job openings and wages
no no no stay in the country of your fathers
we've had enough of this racial shell game, mr. toilberg

explain this op young man

Hello lads, or should I say, chLads

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I really don't like emma watson



cant relate sorry

Russia needs to be nuked.

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how come Marina DIamandis looks so hot in some shots and so gross in others?

i want to be cremated when i die which will be soon because in the next 10 years i'm going to kill myself

having a low but noticeable amount of finlad withdrawls

The hammer shall descend upon thee, leaving thyself with splattered bollocks.

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sorry Yank, she only dates black guys

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Every boyfriend she has had has been white.

the ingenuitive pole adapts to the situations around him


Bit of a joke here that Americans always mispronounce it as the former

What a hairy, swarthy arm.

Most people don’t hate blacks in Europe , why do they think this?

>Most people don’t hate blacks in Europe
probably because they haven't met our blacks

All heil Prime Minister Rory Stewart

crust for dinner

are you chaps fond of memes?
this is my favourite meme of all time

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and water? or just crusts?

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I want Theresa back

I am a walking meme

>Come across as extreme remainder - even daring to praise the Common Agricultural Policy - a line even some #PeoplesVote retards won't cross
>Still insists on ruling out a 2nd refrendum and says the best way to influence the EU is from the outside

He does an amazing job at ostracising every possible person who could vote for him.
He would never have a chance of getting elected if he wasn't in a solid blue constituency.
What the fuck that deformed retard is doing representing Cumbria I'll never know.

Polish tent.

not sure if I've never had a bad trip or all my trips have been bad

post cool buildings from your hometown
well you don't have to but I'd appreciate it

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might start a band

all either poofs or non white

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don't like this idea

okay sorry

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When BoJo moves into No. 10 Downing Street, then you will see a true Brexit.

*pushes you over*
have a nice trip nerd

>Coronation Street

do these things ever fucking end
I hate things being on TV that have always been on TV (except for the news)

I just want them to GOOOOOOOOO

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Finding myself to quite like the comedy stylings of one Greg Davies thanks to his appearances on Graham Norton

Rate me?

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Dios mio!

Drunk messaged girls again

Ehehehehe oh dear

Had bad acid trips before. That feeling of "I'm not feeling this.." in the first hour then you're stuck in a loop for 16 hours and just begging for it to end so you can sleep for 3 days.
It's not traumatic or anything, just inconvenient.

love taskmaster, me

>weak chin
>pressing your biceps against your chest so it appears larger than it really is
would have pity sex with/10

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let us know how it goes then

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Go crawl into a hole and die babe x

so will the votes be counted live or are we just waiting to hear the results

everyone does this 2bh. nothing to worry about

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very rude
think about what you've just done

kicked out of the pub last night cause I wouldn't stop doing jazzhands and referring to everyone as 'cats'

uff uff i'm gonna kick it uff uff

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Accidently took a trip to /a/. Will never understand the mindset of anime nonces.

>'Gaming Disorder' officially recognized as disease by World Health Organization

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Why? They aren’t hurting anyone?


>heven't left my house in months

how is this logistically possible for neets

pleb zoomer

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you have a sickness

Also debating this.... Dwarf priest or undead priest hmmm

Agree with you but in all fairness to your argument their genetics killed two of their own children at birth

I am going to kill you midget scum



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for me, it's undead mage
will of the forsaken is too good to pass up

polluting the gene pool

whats robson green upto these days? bet he's proper jelly of jerome's recent jump to fame


I prefer melanated king, colonizer

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I thought people using the term fren were just being retarded and doing gay baby speak. Didn't realise it was an acronym for Far Right Ethno-Nationalist.

monarchy socialism is an idea

your nigger brain only knows two things, posting obese women and reddit screenshots

dunno if i believe this or not


kek someone post the coffee frog

Are Ethiopians still salty about colonialism?

not for me

This one isn't, he just marathoned the Marvel Movies

Sounds like high quality content, babe

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Wake up, learn the truth

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