Can someone explain this?

Can someone explain this?

Attached: 100.jpg (1948x1169, 831K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The guy in the picture is not actually bashkir but it's funny anyway

I'd be interested too, since it only shows East German territories having the genetical blessing, and the rapes started before that.

why doesnt poland have some of those gook genes? didnt they get a bit raped too?

Attached: 00389606_n10.jpg (570x800, 142K)


unsourced image showing colours to please your fetish

>rape millions of "subhuman" Slavic women
>act shocked when the Slavs rape ours back
Why are Germs like this?

Nice cope.

op asked how did this happend, i gave him what he asked, so what is your problem?

The Bashkirs look nothing like that

looks like you really got liberated badly, 1/4 bashkir generation

Attached: 1558813541603.jpg (366x788, 94K)

more like

Just jokin my bro. Also a few women of my family were raped by Nazis


Attached: 1558823718126.png (800x1103, 782K)

A group of Bashkir men from the thread you linked. Those krauts still got MONGED regardless.

Attached: xO9BCGv.jpg (1000x851, 189K)


My ancestors :)

>posts an unsourced diagram

imagine being a little german girl hiding in a ruined building and that rape monster finds your hiding place

Attached: 19hitler.jpg (620x1004, 73K)

Russians are not white and not slav. They are asian mutts.

There was a pic of him with his penis out. It's actually pretty big believe it or not.

Bashkirs have huge cocks.

Attached: Stop anytime.png (1002x552, 1.2M)

Implying their pussies weren't waterfalls

Attached: 1558811029238.png (750x1149, 555K)

Polish women comitted suicie or killed the fetus hellspawn. German women kept the baby.

Attached: 1551808001686.jpg (601x281, 91K)

>One sixth of children born out of wedlock
That's not a lot desu

a lot of the bashkir ogres were angry that they couldn't go to scandinavian countries.

they wanted scandinavian pussy

it is when its out of millions

are you retarded?

Okay. The map compares the similarity of Y-DNA distribution. East Germans, Czechs and Bashkirs all have relatively big proportions of both R1b and R1a whereas most other European peoples have much of one and little of the other. That's why they appear somewhat similar here.

Because Bashkirs had a field day in Germany and Czechia

>90% of children are born within marriages
>1/6th of 10% of children born for 1 year were Soviet rapebabies
... Yeah... like I said that's not a lot. I know a lot of my fellow Americans can't into math but ffs.

Jow ForumsAsian masculinity is

That way

I can see you're triggered by this thread.

Imagine being this butthurt about krautoids getting raoed lmao

From the times of the Huns to the time of the Bashkirs, why are European women so vulnerable to getting plowed by big Asian cocks?

Weak beta European men?

seething wh*toid

me on the top right

In many ways, we see the same thing happening today with China taking over the world.

Chinese businessmen in Australia and other parts of the world are fucking the local women, especially white women.

Asian cock always wins.

Why are you like this?

Real estate properties are slowly being take over by Chinese businessmen. I can see why you're angry in particular.

It is not unusual to see Argentinian models being fucked by rich Chinese businessmen. This model is a perfect example. She is the mistress of a rich Asian real estate mogul in Buenos Aires and she loves getting her ass fucked by big Chinese cock hehehe.

Attached: phat_argentinian.jpg (1080x1205, 96K)

that ass was built for big Chinese cock

He's boyfriend Is subhuman from my country,not chinese.
Were did even hear about this?

hello eurasian tiger, remember you will never be white, you will always be a mutt, your children will be the same bastards as you, there is no escape from your curse have a good one

this is autosomal map you haplomeme fuckwit

good lol
who the fuck wants to be white?

Attached: 1437392201671.png (741x649, 23K)

and what? you honestly think she doesn't cheat on him?

she is a known whore who fucks rich real estate owners

>Hand over the R1b and no one gets hurt!

we need to let our fellow black Americans know that these type of asses exist in Argentina.

These type of bodies were meant for big black cock.

how can you tell a russian halfbreed german? they all look the same

Attached: 1558308356337.jpg (129x143, 4K)

the masters of propaganda. 300 years and counting.

Ching chong ping pong. Asian men are not even desire by the their owm woman you stupid chink.

Attached: replyrate-malesender.jpg (493x524, 54K)

what software do you use to make these edits ?

These stats are from the okcupid cupid website.

what a reliable source.

according to that. all those skinnyfat little dicked white dudes are more desired than big dicked muscular black men

totally believable

Attached: its_over_white_bois.jpg (1080x1253, 482K)

>every single german on the eastern front raped a slavic woman
pure fantasy that you made up in your head

oh yeah #metoo, for real my man

White woman do not like black apes. That is meme pushed by (((them))) and the (((media))). They are the ones behind this racemixing agenda.

Attached: jews-behind-race-mixing1.jpg (732x986, 183K)