/balk/ FUCK fat """people"""

Хaзapтa eдиция

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Hello /balk/, how are you?

ti gilfara h Ellh Stah

Im not animetard brainlet just came to post the tits of salma hayek


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cлaдки и зaбaвни

t. delusional. Get this user out of here

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tin gamages tin dourou?

Based and 3,6 pilled

smelly, DUMB, fyrom SCUM

in the name of god (Allah)

>mfw I see Allah
>mfw Indian on him

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Is this kino???


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"I'm not animetard." - animetard


>The discovery at the Shpirag mountain, 120 kilometers (75 miles) from Tirana, has "a flow potential of several thousand barrels of oil per day ... in a fractured carbonate reservoir,"

>Albania, on the Adriatic Sea, has other oil wells with estimated reserves of hundreds of millions of barrels.

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Nothing big, will probably cost more to extrsct than profit

get ready for some democracy.

Eii debeli

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it's still a lot of profit since it's light oil which needs less costs to be refined
also it's on a mountain so it's easier to extract it from below without going against gravity

Attached: Shpirag_Mountain.jpg (1024x528, 98K)

Clean your tablecloth, you utter filth

That's probably over-exaggerated. Albania doesn't really have much oil, if at all.

> thousand barrels of oil per day
1k barrels per day at $50/barrel is a joke in the grand scheme of things.

Miss me with that gay shit

how do we stop the eternal magyar from taking over balk?

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Based as fuck. Albania oil kingdom soon.

eat kulen

freedom crudes aside berat has some nice views

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A what


>eating s*rb food
Nice try, poison shill

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Crnagora is a great country with nice people and wonderful scenery.
Many love.

Shut the fuck up, shitskin

same shit with Golden Dawn

Why do you heff to be mad?

Davai adres, kurvo


last post loses his virginity

Imagine being older than 16 and still being virgin


stop posting

>Albania has shitton of oil
>all the money goes to corrupt politicans
classic switcheroo

seethe harder, virginboi

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its too late
go to sleep you post about this tomorrow


good night, sweet dreams

Cya, dork

so sleepy
good night


good night friend from bulgaria

>USA wants to know your location

U2 senpai

>your mother is gay
i never knew

Time to sleep, my guy

good night to you and your family members

is uruguay a balkan? i think it is



are you turkish and muslim?

i sometimes wonder how people here pull shit about my country out of their asses that even i didn't know about

hes uruguayan I think, not albanian

in order to be Balkan you MUST think that Greece stole a piece of History or land from you?

i'm half german, half spanish, muslim and gay

Close enough

>i'm half german, half spanish
I'm sorry

yes, it's hard to live with mein disabilidad

You ever tried to stop being a spic g*rm?!?

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yes, i tried to put a bullet in my mouth but the other guy spit it out

good night

hate my flag. looks like yours but with a yellow drop of piss instead of a cross


bulgaria's flag looks like ice cream, yum

sleepy :(

Do bulgarians we wuz about the danube a lot?

good night

is it true that romanians are basically italorussians or is my source compromised?

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I literally have no idea what are you talking about, can you try speaking like a normal human being without buzzwords?

no, they are Dacians heirs of the Roman Empire
sleepy sleep

No, we're sicilo-ukrainians

i thought you were veneto-Illyrians?

ah shit, need to kill another journalist then

make sure he's bulgarian first
1 bullet 2 goods

Is the Danube culturally important to bulgarians?

No, you thought wrong, we are calabro-moldovans

Good. Kill all journalists.

arent you guys sleepy?

>Kill all journalists

I mean, its literally a whole fucking border, I dont know, it probably is? I imagine shitloads of peasants that live across the coast literally survived thanks to fishing there back in the day?

im turkish

That's interesting. We have a long border with it, but it's not as important to us culturally as the carpathians mountains and the rivers that flow from them

Just go to sleep, virgin

i envy your nations' culture. uruguay has none

>balkan culture

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based latin-american-low-self-esteem poster

Yeah, I dont think its "important"/popular as the Balkan mointains/Rhodopes/Rila/Pirin, Black Sea, or even rivers like Marirtsa/Iskar, but prolly its up there, especially for nothernerfags.

t. Plovdiv Chad

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no taco, no me entendés. ustedes, subhumanos como son (y no te lo digo despectivamente) tienen cierto nivel de cultura propia, tienen el día de los muertos choto ese y sus churros y sus taco bells. nosotros lo único que tenemos es, si quisieras exprimir el limón hasta la última gota, es vacas y tango.
ojo al tiro: amo a mi país y el único otro lugar en el que me gustaría vivir sería en un íceberg flotando en el ártico, pero su mayor bajeza es su falta de cultura e historia, típico de nación joven.


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based and priyatelpilled