He hasn’t taken the blackpill yet

>he hasn’t taken the blackpill yet

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I'm not a Incel virgin

Why do urbanite women stick their tongues out like this? Looks awfully ghastly to me.

if the average black woman had those features maybe
as is they're more masculine than me

That’s only the case with wh*Te women

No I have a good feeling this is due to colonial influence.

I want to whiten her blood line.

then you must find a white partner for her you mutt la creatura

Ferrous sulfate? I don't have anemia you know.

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I don't think so

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obsessed Incel freaks
Get help

you will never get an asian gf

She looks unironicaly like a demon. She would scare if I met her in rl.

How do you know you bitter Virgin freak?

*watches you while you sleep*

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i really want to snap your fucking wrists holy shit


Why are you Incel freaks so violent?
Is is the bitterness of being a Virgin and always being bullied by girls?

Every women can smell your virginity, gooks are no exception

do black cutebois exist?


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because you spend all day making autistic posts in Jow Forums


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Stop it! I read once an article about people who see schadow people and she looks like one of them!

You are doing the same.........
How do you know I'm a Virgin?
That would be interesting

This woman photoshops the shit out of herself, you realize that right?

No, its because I keep seeing your gay ass posts, I just cant help but think how funny it would be.

I mean how fucking weird do you have to be to dedicate so many so many of your fucking posts to your sexual obsession w/ asian women. YOU are the freak

>making 2 post a day
What da fuck you are obessed omg I WANT TO KILL YOU AHHHHHHHH UGA UGA UGA UGA

Because you confess it yourself on the other thread, even without this, only an insecure virgin would have ask such a question.

I dont know what thread you are talking about
And I hope you realize that I slay pussy everyday

>What da fuck you are obessed omg

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has your tongue never left the inside of your mouth before?

I was quoting you you dumb dumb

Thank you for the laught, i hope you will make it.