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International #1070
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
ITT we post comfy pics of our countries
Redpill me on Portugal
I want an american gf so bad. they would be so impressed by anything
Why is Russia like this?
Post a stereotypical phrase from the count above you
America has tons of oil greater than what the Arabs and Iranians can shit out
Hello my friends, my name is Artur Rehi, and I am an Estonian YouTuber
Lmao and I thought we were cucked
Virtual Tour: Mexico
Planning on moving to london
I live in a God forsaken commie shithole. Ask me things while I still have my 6h of electricity and internet
/ita/ - il filo
Prove this wrong
Why are Asians so anti-marijuana?
Is it true that gigachad is a churka?
Did you know milkshakes are an American invention and part of our national cuisine?
I have been noticing an extraordinary amount of anti-american bias and rhetoric here on the board of late...
How do I like modern architecture?
Do americans really
Is this Jow Forums in a nutshell?
He died for our sins
1) cunt
Most based countries
The reporting of the Mainland China/Hong Kong situations is being skewed
Green > blue > hazel > amber > grey >>>> br*wn
/lat/ - hilo latANO
Why are Americans like this?
Is it possible to say based and redpilled in your language?
/ born in 1996/ thread
All you niggas probably have funny accents
Name literally 1 (one) finnish person who is not Gimi
/brit/ TT Special
Have you ever bullied someone ?
Aw look he's smiling! :)
I wish my country would go back to being a global superpower without global interests
I wonder how this song sounds for native English speakers
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Do women serve in the army in your cunt?
Why do they hate gays? are they muslims?
/ita/ il filo
I am 19 and have no real work experience...
Do americans really?
Sverigetråden - Eviga Caddeupplagan
Do your country have an alt-right?
I don't identify with a "nation". I am a citizen of the world
/brit/ + /friends/
Why my countrys' neighbours are so racist? There is only one race, human race?
1) Your country
Mormon temples I like
Can we have a good ol memri thread ?
Why are Italians so heartless?
Cлaвa Укpaїнi
That one city in your third world country that the government poured billions into to make you look like you're first...
Arabs is this true?
Do you think Cantonese/Vietnamese are ugly?
Women in my X cunt are gold diggers and whores, they're unlike Y cunt who are conservative and pure and hot as fuck
What if the USA, Mexico and Canada formed the North American Union?
Do you know this guy? This guy is a very famous meme in Japan
Here's your German gf, bro
Is Congo the most famous country of Africa
Are Americans like this?
Are northern Slavic peoples just Scandinavians with FAS?
Do you want to find love in Brazil?
/fr/ - le francofil
Have a letter
My girl just caught me, I don't know how I let this happen I don't know what to do
1. cunt
I was recently discharged from the military. Do you have any questions about the South Korean army?
This confuses the American
"why hate china?"
In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, the union will be reorganized into the FIRST EVROPEAN EMPIRE...
What the hell is wrong with Americans? How can they genuinely enjoy this?
Humans were meant to hunt, gather and work with their hands out in nature with the tribe
Chad or incel??
Thoughts on the Kpop boy group aesthetics?
/ita/ - il filo
You can never be polish
Japanese ship got attacked
Country rate thread
/brit/ + /friends/
Fuck india
Sverigetråden - Havsupplagan
Me on the right
*ring ring*
1. Country
Post your favorite church not from your country
Why do oversea "people" do this ?
What is it that makes brazilan women so perfect ?
Give me evidence that:
Why do Americans keep dying in Latin America?
You can live in one of the V4 countries or Portugal
What are your thoughts on racemixing?
How do France, Ireland and Iceland do it?
Be american
Do you like my leg
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why don't they ever question it?
Aaawww he's trying to smile like us. Little angel
1. Flaggot
American """""mansions"""""
Some questions on French
Do you own your home?
/ita/ - il filo
You're nobody till somebody loves you
Conas a théann tú as seo
Please rescue us from this President
Why, yes. I am Danish, how did you guess?
>Perfect Europe doesn't exi
Restore the British Empire
Did you know there is simplified captcha where you should select just 3-4 squares? It works without javascript...
Why does Kazakhstan like turquoise so much?
/fr/ - Le Fil Français contemplatif
Russia-Finland border
Is this the perfect country
Medscum exposion thread
Can we all agree Iran has the most aesthetic borders in the world?
I can tell apart Russians and Nords even when they're both blonde and blue eyed
Nordoids do you really think you can compete?
What's your country's version of black people?
/dixie/ — Southern US & Friends
In Europe we have to pay to pee. Train stations and fast food restaurants charge you up to one euro to pee or poop
Russian summer
1. Flag
ITT best guns from your cunt
1. yuor cunt
I love this website because everyone here is a virgin like me. It's the only place where I don't feel like an outcast
Which part of Germany is most based? Is it Baden Wurttemburg?
Did you know that one of Britain's national pastimes is preserving (sometimes by using poles and staking) ancient...
Which country has the best lovers?
Culture Pals /cp/
1. cunt
As a Brazilian southerner of purely German ancestry
British-Korean wrote a strange article about manga on BBC
Reasons to love Germany
Average Jow Forums gayposters
Kot thread
I suffer in the third world
Who is the most beautiful woman that you know of in your country?
Why are they so violent and evil?
Why do Russians have courage?
Sh/ita/ il filo
Steals French flag, and turn it sideways
With Poland developing into a wealthy country with a strong economy...
My dick gets diamond when l see Asian women dating with white people and humiliating Asian males
This is my city. Say something nice about it
/v4/ + friends
Weather today
Character is an ethnical russian
I dont think of you in the slightest you filthy fuckin nonamericans. But you think of us americans all the time...
I always thought that Pakistan is more sophisticated and more cultured than India
Do Mexicans really do this?
/cum/ + friends
What country has the most degeneracy?
20 questions
Norway and Russia share a border
Yikes: the country
No lie or larp
Hello i am negro
What does Jow Forums do for a living?
Explain yourself australians
Give me one reason why Germany should not let Macedonia join the EU
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
How do Americans , Brits and Canadians unironically believe that they are multicultural and diverse ?
I lie about my nationality in online games
/brit/ + /friends/
I've noticed that Icelandic people speak English like they're speaking with an American accent. Whereas French, Germans...
Post your region's flag
Being female is easy
Very creative eurofags
55yr old woman wants to fuck
What exactly is their contribution to the world?
Wanna find your lover in the NK?
You did this Jow Forums
Kurva almátok
/maghreb/ ehemals /deutsch/
Hello there fellow Polish people
Does she do porn?
/fr/ - le francofil
What's your cunt's imageboard?
Does anyone feel like college is a waste of time and money and regret going...
Do americans really do this?
Ok. Why did it fail if it had no niggers and shitskins only white, yellow people and people in between
You wake up in France
No matter how much of a loser I am...
Thx Russia
Belgium send Uighur people to Chinese police
/luso/ - Fio Hetero e Feminista
Almost feel bad for latinx posters
Do you love Japan?
Wh*toids can't read this
Why do yanks have such adoration for people who serve in the military?
You wake up in Clearview, Washington
Guess the name of the poster above you
How would your friends and family generally react if you began dating a physically disfigured girl?
France is NOT med. Thank you for your attention
Ask a Syrian refugee
During the Second World War...
Post your cunt traditional table setting
I will never forgive the japs for pear harbor
Japanese women are the fattest in the world
Now that USA has proven themselves to be without a doubt warmongering evildoers...
What do latinos think of Cristobal Colón?
Así es escucho música fuerte para molestar a mis roommates
Will you let Jow Forums refugees into your house once our countries become unhabitable due to climate change?
Why are aussies so rude but kiwis so friendly?
I've finished watching Chernobyl. What are some other Jow Forums-related and approved telekinos?
Hong Kong is the rightful territory of the Republic of China
What’s her ethnicity
My political beliefs keep going from far right to far left and back again multiple times every day and it's giving me a...
Which part of Germany is most based? Is it Baden Wurtemmburg?
Who is the prettiest international woman? For me, it's Natalya Poklonskaya
/flagtism/ | /extraflags/
I'm the west but better
You wake up in chile
Porn labels seen by women around the world. Discuss
Hilo latino /lat/
ITT: we thank americans for the good stuff they had done for your cunt
What are your opinions about hispanics?
Tomorrow, 5 million French troops land on your shores as macron declares the restoration of the French empire...
Which one of you did this?
I wish that Mexican faggot from Guanajuato killed himself
Why do wh*te bois get so excited with brown women and pajeetas
Would you settle for a negress?
1. Country
Friday night
Georgians aren't whi-
Please give me your opinion of Mexico and the Mexican people
Do non-Americans really think that Americans who don't live in metro areas can 'barely read'?
Which side will your country be on in the upcoming thermonuclear war?
Asian men are just too hot. I want an asian bf so bad
/lang/ - language learning general
Mfw you see Barbaric West-Slavic/Nordic Huns Mutts knocking at your door
Yeah, I'm thinking he's back
/cum/ + friends
A video released by Phoenix police shows officers confronting and handcuffing a 4 year old girl for stealing a doll...
Do you love and support transgender persons?
Use Linux
What language was spoken in the area in which you are currently residing 1500 years ago? What do you know about it...
This country is turning to shit
Dubs and i die in my sleep tonight
Did the usa blow up that japanese tanker?
Japanese Oil Tanker Owner Says U.S. Is Wrong About Gulf Attack
Being a touristic hell hole
/ita/ - il filo
Question to the Europeans and Americans, how do you all deal with shariah-patrols in your hometowns? In Moscow...
What the fuck are you doing with your life?
/flagtism/ | /extraflags/
Why are they bullying the US? It's entirely unprovoked. Are they evil?
White male appreciation thread
Gigachads edits? Keep it tasteful please
Australians are entitled to a free portrait of Her Majesty
Wanted to get on Grindr and find a cute young man to have sex with
Does your country put black people on its currency?
Does slovenians have inferiority complex against Slovakians ? If so why ?
Do scandinavian women have any flaws?
Post an album that represents your country
Why do Americans make food in their kitchens when there are plenty of restaurants you don't have to clean up after?
/balk/ only big dicks allowed edition
Science takes apart the myth: Spaniards don't have arab blood
Name a tech company from your country
ITT: Jow Forums in 1895
If dubs she dies tommorow
Which country has the best women?
Your country
What are Caribbean girls like?
Scandinavian women appreciation thread
The jews? not a personal fan but hey, what can you do
Another day coming to an end. A day devoid of anything and then another day will be gone
Culture Pals /cp/
What are women like in your country?
Your country
/nachtschicht/ bald /deutsch/
I'm pretending to be handsome Swede on dating app and being cuckold
ITT we move the French Capital
Your cun
How is life in Argentina goin right now
According to research, the hardest polish word for a foreigner to spell is "następstw"
Why is Germany so consistently based? Not matter what they do they just end up more powerful and more successful
Macron's height
Do you like Metal??
What happens here?
Why yes, we are racist towards asian guys, how did you know?
Thank you Canada, very cool
How big is your bed?
Why does France control North Sardinia? Shouldn't it be under Italian control...
Does the sight of two men kissing each other in public cause problems in your country?
American women are beautiful beyond belief
/fr/ - Le fil Français
/lat/: Hilo latino
What happens here ?
What do you mutts think?
Is it true?
Summarize you're cunt in 1 image
Non American user what are your impressions of various American regions...
Do you create race bait threads on Jow Forums?
/brit/ + /birt/
What countries have upturned noses like this?
Do asian couples really do this?
/wa/ - West Africa general
Kurva anyátok
Why yes, Joseph is my favorite Jojo. How could you tell
Tell me all the curse words in your native language
Americans are better than us
Can gypsies past as locals in India?
/ita/ il filo
Do Italians really look like this?
Why Yes I Gladly murdered 7 Million Germans for the Glory of Sweden
HEY! You can't wear that Che shirt! HE WAS A MURDERER!!!!
Me: exists
Do Swedes really?
Treats cows better than Muslims
/v4/ + friends
From today's photo shooting In Lecce, Italy
Do Italians ever sunburn? Do they need sunscreen before being in the sun?
Why muslims do this?
The more white, the more republican
/danmarktråden/ 2.0
Cursed Images around the world
Who is natural chad here and who is natural beta?
Post your gf, Jow Forums
Wow.... so I’m..... the only white man on this board! Holy crap!
Memes aside, this guy can pass as a local in many European countries
Vidya Gaems
Post your region
Sverigetråden - Sommarupplagan
Whos whiter, S. Brazil or Portugal?
/cum/ + friends
Why aren't they first world
/fr/ - le fil francophone
1. Cunt
Why does Jow Forums hate mutts and call Americans mutts like it's an insult? Why is being a mutt a bad thing...
Is it true that Parisians will bully you if you don't speak french while visiting?
Why are americans afraid of tornados?
What is your surname meaning and country of origin?
You have to be 20 to buy alcohol
What's the most dangerous city in your vegine?
This didn't actually happen but I think this is what it would have been like if it did
/ita/ il filo
Describe the Philippines in one word
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Could Russia please sell Kaliningrad to Poland or Lithuania already? It really makes the map ugly, thanks
How common is this phenotype in Ireland?
Guess the country
Manlets BTFO
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Is Argentina really the whitest Latino country?
Americans don't know how to ride a bicycle
Every time you eat a sandwich, you are experiencing British cuisine
His pet isn't a brd
Is there a tackier national dress than the Korean "Hanbok"?
Why do so many latin americans hate arabs?
Wholesome thread
My gf farted on me when we were having sex
So are they russians with a different flag or no
Black weeaboo
Imagine if instead of 1 billion Indians in India, there were 1 billion Swedish people living there
Do Germans really do this?
Your country
Why are Russians so obsessed with cats, why does every Russian household have a cat?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why are Brazilian anons so racist? Do they really think they are White themselves?
ITT: Post your local city for others to rate
What happens when a man reports being raped by a woman? In Finland the cops laugh at the "man" :DDD
Please buy snus from Norway
Why haven't you started learning Mandarin to prepare for the Chinese century?
What is it about castizas that makes them so sexy? Discuss and post pics
Buzzed driving is drunk driving! You need to get an uber home even if you've only had two beers!
You have exactly 10 seconds to decide if your country will host 1 million refugees from Syria or Portugal
Do you value the opinion of brown people?
Which one is whiter?
Swedish polis lmao
/ita/ - il filo
Price of Korea married a Japanese princess
Norway banned women's studies. Pretty based desu
What's a country that's impossible to hate?
Why don't incels just settle for an average 6/10 like her? Why do you want only models?
France is NOT med
Best flag in history
Great Art
Memes aside. Swedish males, do you really watch BLACKED porn?
I literally fap to this picture
What are some nice places worth visiting in Bosna?
Asians should be proud that one of their great grandmothers hundreds of years ago got impregnated by based Mongol BVLLS
Why do East asian women love British(and italian) men so much?
Why are Americans so full of hate?
Why yes, my favorite hobby is copying dictionaries by hand, writing each word to my notebook, how did you know?
What did you have for lunch?
First thing that comes to mind when you see this
"I find white men more attractive."
What the fuck is wrong with British "people?"
Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
Would you fuck Greta?
Post cool flags
Every war in history has been fought in the name of white pussy
/lat/ - hilo latino × hilo hispano /hisp/
Desktop bread
S-so user , show me where it hurts
Athens is the ugliest capital in Eur-
/dixie/ -southern US and friends general
That qt Turkish girl is about to deliver my UberEats order again
Damn powerful
Do jannies get lunch breaks?
Question for White People
/rocket league/ ehemals /deutsch/
1. your cunt
What's your country's/language's version of 'Chad'?
What ethnicity is she?
/Ita/ il filo
Tfw you realize muslims still make animal sacrifice to this day
Poland is based
Well, Jow Forums?
Do your country have blood pudding cuisine?
Why do western men avoid marriage? responsibility is the main difference between a man and a boy. you know that, right?
/lang/ - Lasagna Eating General
What is this called in your country?
What are your thoughts on Imgur ?
What's your experiences with rule breaking, and crime, Jow Forums?
South korea has a birthrate of 0.96
Weather today
Brazilian niggas be like:
/fr/ - le fil Français
Which language seems the most insane to you in its written form?
Sverigetråden - Minus trådcancer
/fr/ - le francofil
My late grandma:
Rate the brazilian race
Visit my country
Your country
Unironically love this city so much and would sell my nutsack and cock if it granted me to live there forever in a nice...
Post your country's biggest church
Sverigetetråden - RIGHTOUS WRATH
>nordics are beta cucks
Chinese are subhuman creatures
Hong Kong was better off under British rule. Did its people protest when bongs gave it up to the commies?
My entire life I've lived in India and I've literally never seen human feces on the streets...
Your country
This is greek coffee
Anyone noticed this recently?
Is Crimea Russian or Ukrainian?
1. Flag
Why are the countries that once under spanish governer turned into extreme shithole? (mexico, philliphines...
No girl will ever want me just because I'm Indian...
Why are spanish girls so beautiful?
Why are German flags on Jow Forums based lately?
Help me out Jow Forums
Are you seriously an adult man who never lived the intensity of young love?
Remember when everyone used to rag on Greece?
Do you want to find love in china?
Though on barbaric Japanese tradition?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
So this is the power of the white race
If Japanese are so smart then why they haven't yet solved their birthrate problem?
Beautiful, Important and a milestone for LGBTQ acceptance
1. flag
My Dutch friend is 5'6" and thinks she is a womanlet. Is she really one...
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
People like these should be purged from our country
Do you know someone who khs?
1. your cunt
/köterbru/ vergewaltigt /bipolare alkfotze/ ehemals /deutsch/
Do you notice the pattern?
Chechnya where white people are muslims
Best classical music composers came from Russia
I would kill to have sex with a white woman
Listen to black people music as a kid
If a war between USA and Iran starts many americans will die
From todays march on Rome
Based Jow Forums manlet DESTROYS Jow Forumsranny
Is Norway better than Sweden?
Be European
There are women on Jow Forums right now
Omg ww2 is so interesting let's talk about it everywhere all the time
/ITA/ il filo
What is THE least talked about country on Earth?
/cum/ + friends
Name one (1) country
This is considered bread in Germany
Do you know anyone of mix nationalities?
/tr/ - roll edisyon
McAfee virus scanner maker has huge revelation
*tornado siren starts up*
Chinese culture
People in third world nations don't have guaranteed access to hospitals and other healthcare facilities
Plenty of European posters seem to hate Germany - why is that?
The Toronto Raptors won. Canadians right now are going wild and celebrating the NBA championship...
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2206.9
What do muslims do in their free time?
Muh evil inquisitoin
Asian boys belong to White men
Space power. We will create Space Defence Research Agency and Space station soon
Why are Latinos on this board either gay or want a Japanese gf when they are surrounded by 10/10 latina women everyday?
How did Russia manage to keep most of it's colonial empire whereas other European nations failed?
Does France have proportionally more blacks than the US at this point?
Kurva anyátok
Where was China colonized?
An Ode to Summer
The criminal "justice" system in Japan is a corrupt joke...
/fr/ - le francofil
Korean study thread
"I suffer in France"
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
I'm making a map of the Sphere of Influence of USA, China, and Russia
Who else really hates them?
I think europeans are cute especially when they speak they all have their own cute way of speaking
Hi, I'm Kevin
I suffer in Brazil
Attempt to crash a nation
We're putting together a team of animals from all over the world
Are brown eyes subhuman?
How smart are the Asians on Jow Forums?
Do hong kongers wish the british stayed
I'm confused. How did nearly 2 million Mongolians live in Europe? And where did they go?
The reason we have smartphones, heart surgery, and cars is because of capitalism
How do we solve this ?
Haha hey bro, why are you on the computer so much bro? This is why you're still a virgin...
What does Jow Forums think of New Jersey?
Do other countries have large groups of organized science deniers or just America?
My thesis advisor wants to make my bachelor's dissertation into a published paper in our shitty physics magazine
/luso/ Fio Lufósono
Is Germany ready for sanctions?
1. you're a cunt 2. what is your penis size?
Thoughts on the next President of the United States?
ITT: Jow Forums in 1992
Get in here Southies! Let's talk about how we are better than everyone else!
The cheapest sort of pride is national pride; for if a man is proud of his own nation...
Pierogi or Pirozhki?
What is this phenotype called in your country?
Why are Nordic people so good looking?
Did you know that despite Han Chinese-Americans only making up 13% of NYC schools they make up 62% of specialized...
There's a rabid feral dog in my yard right now, what the fuck should i do ?
Why do they love stealing ChinkBULL culture so much?!?
Why? (Porque) ?
What do you think it is that make zhang butthurt and seethe at the mere sight of me?
Did you know?
I'm a guy working on cruise ships for 5 years, i've worked with over 30 nationalities probably from all over the world
Are white girls The most beautiful women on Earth?
Why don't people like pickup trucks in Europe?
Any anons here past the point of no return?
Is this true, int?
Is fish and chips popular in your cunt?
Why do British public schools still use uniforms?
Do you want to fuck Ryan Gosling?
What would you like to have today sir
What happens here?
Joined a Volunteer Group and I'm being sent to Greenland in August
In Finland premium quality licorice is sold at every outdoor event in one meter long pieces...
Ask a bored Dutch girl anything
Which country's government is most evil
Your country
your cunt
Yes, we are British. How did you know?
I want to do something besides browse Jow Forums and play vidya, but i don't know what it is
When did they fall from grace?
Tfw nurse circumcized me
/cum/ + friends
Sweden, if you could change your muslim immigrants by mexican immigrants, would it be the same shit or better or worse?
Post your local churches
Wh*Te """"""people""""""""
/deutsch/e /nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch&
You have some explaining to do, Germany
ITT: Jow Forums in 1948
Why don't you incels just settle to an average 6/10 like her? Do you really feel that entitled?
How do we solve the racist Asian problem?
J*panese 'people' sleep on the ground like insects
This is what Poland would have looked like, if G*rmans had minded their own fucking business
I suffer in the third world!
How do you say "Emma the Vampire Slayer" in your language?
/lat/: Hilo latino
What's Jow Forums listening too?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why don't they make their own EU
Why do third worlders love to overcook their meat?
Post your baby pics
NOOOOOO you can't just delete that torrent, you have to seed it first!
/v4/ + friends
Do you want to find love in Norway?
How is Poland and Eastern Europe?
Les boches? Hheeurk
Is the doomer scene big in your country?
Croatia is so beautiful... Did you know we have lakes with almost 0% H2O?
/fr/ - le francofil francophone
Your cunt
How long did your Jow Forums phase last?
These are some common greetings in Slavic languages:
Do the english really?
Post your favorite deserts and thank the nation/culture that invented it. Thank you Greece and America!
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
*Saves the UK*
Why is New York City literally the center of the universe?
Did you know that Asian Americans have overtaken Hispanic Americans as Americas largest immigrant group ?
Japanese Thread/日本語スレッド
How are the women in you're cunt?
Is this normal in your country? Would it be considered ugly? Do people 'fix' this?
How are things my indian friends?
Balkanbros, I'm going to spend the next month voyaging through your countries using pic related as a general guide
Why does he get so mad at this image...
How does rest of Europe treat Finland?
How young is too young in your country?
Based China (Republic of)
He hasn’t taken the blackpill yet
Your country:
Am I white or not?
Tfw you are Tunisian but just 25% North African
Is this accurate?
Why are we so attracted to eastern euro women?
Middle-Eastern beauty
Imagine being named after a river that isn't even in the country
Your country
No you can't show up to work drunk
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
It’s another DNA thread
Literally translations of country names
Why do Americans have so much cancer?
I'm becoming 29 at midnight and I'm a total failure
Why do anglos hate asian women?
A thread for fellow retards, such as myself
Do brits really
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship