When did they fall from grace?

When did they fall from grace?

Attached: download (32).jpg (309x163, 9K)

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In 1821.

what happened there?


They were always shit, they just had a head start

Like 2200 years ago?


Greeks broke from the One True Church and started their own Church! Basically what Protestants did several centuries later!

Don't insult our allies pls


Attached: unchanged.jpg (768x576, 72K)

Gotta update your pic, m8.

Attached: orthodox-christian-timeline.png (1600x1114, 871K)

that's based

When they became christian.

When paedophilia became outlawed.

Does that mean Protestants will meat up with the Jews?

The Greek Civil War.

In their defence, at least they enjoyed beating the fuck out of the Italians on our side during the Second World War.

What do you mean? We're still at the top babyyyy

Its a annual tradition

unironically this. I am a Greek professor at a Danish university. Greece is still a powerhouse when it comes to producing intellectual minds. It is no wonder that you have at least one Greek professor in every major university out there. Hell, this list from the USA alone should convince you enough that my point is 100% valid.



Αλήθεια λες? Τρελό διάβασμα θα έkανες για να φτάσεις εkεί.

ναι, να είσαι kαλά, ευχαριστώ!

Η Δανία υπέροχο μέρος είναι kαι όσο ήμουν εkεί συνάντησα δύο Ελληνες. Η μία δούλευε σε μαγαζί με ρούχα kαι ο άλλος ήταν ιδιοkτήτης εστιατορίου. Δε θυμάμαι πως λέγεται αλλά στο kέντρο της Κοπεγχάγης είναι kαι είχε σχετιkά kαλό φαγητό από όσο θυμάμαι. Τέλος πάντων kαλό βράδυ kύριε kαθηγητά, ελπίζω kαι εγω σε δέkα χρόνια να είμαι σε παρόμοια kατάσταση με σένα

υπέροχο μέρος όπως τα λες, το kρίμα είναι ο kαιρός βέβαια γιατί βρέχει πολύ συχνά, αλλά δεν πειράζει έχουμε την Ελλάδα τουλάχιστον το kαλοkαίρι! Καλή επιτυχία σε ό,τι kάνεις, το σημαντιkό είναι πάνω από όλα να το θες kαι όλα τα άλλα θα έρθουν στην πορεία. Καληνύχτα kαι kαλή ξεkούραση :-)

was ancient greece really that beautiful and great or is it overhyped like the Roman empire?

Attached: interior-view-of-hagia-sophia-by-louis-haghe-after-a-drawing-by-chevalier-caspar-fussati.jpg (620x349, 47K)

When they b3came mutts



Literally who?



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Fought by Albanians and slavs, financed by Germans.

t. Enver
I'm sure some of your ancestors fought with the Ottomans in this war

After the romans conquered them Millennias.

Greece still puts out a large amount of elite research per capita, Greece could still be a rather important country scientifically if it wasn't so demographically small.

Pay debnts

try after the mudslimes pillaged and burned all their cutlural and learning centers in the levant and egypt

The crusaders are the one that burns their cultural identity in those places though because it's considered as heretical and pagan

>medieval Christcucks
>Bringing nothing but mental retardation and stifilling science eventually destroying the romans from internal fuckery.
also christkikes burnt most knowledge in those places

Attached: 1556454314562.png (228x215, 51K)

the crusaders didn't burn shit, they just liked killing muslims in inordinate amounts (even tho their eventual serfs were all muslim)