I'm making a map of the Sphere of Influence of USA, China, and Russia

I'm making a map of the Sphere of Influence of USA, China, and Russia.

Its based on many factors such as presence of military bases, membership of organisations like the EU or Belt-and-Road, corporation with the Huawei ban etc

Help me finish this. Keep the neutral countries or countries playing both sides blank.

Attached: No_colonies_blank_world_map - Copy.png (1357x617, 29K)

My take

Attached: 1560482458763.png (1357x617, 38K)

I would say Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are most certainly not in our sphere of influence btw, and I would say Kazakhstan is not in Russia's anymore either due to poor relations now.

India used to have influence over Nepal but they lost it to China.

They have influence on Bangladesh but China is creeping in steadily.

The only positively Indian sphere is Bhutan

>Kazakhstan is not in Russia's anymore either
Kazakhstan is not in Russia's anymore either

They are shifting to China, but as of now I think they are in Russian sphere because Russia still has military bases there

Afghans like us too

Usa has bases there though. I think American influence is most dominant

Add India, North Africa, and Latin America to blue.

I disagree

theve always played it neutral and try to have their own bubble

>Latin America
Which ones? Obviously not Venezuela or Cuba

>theve always played it neutral and try to have their own bubble
Not really. They were Soviet Union sphere, but they became ours when their economy crashed.
>which ones
Mexico, Panama, Guyana, Uruguay, etc.

line us with red and blue too lmao anyone can just take and do shit here

think id leave england blank

I think one could argue that Ukraine and Georgia are blue-shifted. I wish I knew more about Africa to comment, but I really can't.

Philippines, Singapore -> blue

Papa New Guinea -> Blue because it's basically Australia's burden at this point

Indonesia and Malaysia are traditional US allies, and they hate China. I don't know how much influence we have over them tho.

Not a great alliance but Russia partially protects Iran.

Spheres of influence are really difficult to determine in the modern world, and bases don't really suggest influence.

Russia/Iran have more influence in Iraq than us, and there's lot of other weird oddities. But most countries simply don't fall under any nations influence dominantly.

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Turkey is china

>Mongolia Red
What? It's literally little poor China

update 2

Attached: 1560482740280.png (1357x617, 32K)

>Afghans like us too
Since when? The countries they are most related to are Iran and Pakistan. The former trades with you but that's really it and the second is your enemy.

Now that it's the subject, it's kind of pathetic how poor China's influence is in the world. Their cultural/soft power output is literally 0, their neighbors all hate them (literally not one friendly neighbor) and their best buds are some 5th world african trashheaps.

>leave UK blank

are you actually retarded? or trolling

in the last UN vote only like 3 cunts voted with the US/UK over those islands in the indian ocean. even canada abstained. the US doesn't influence shit unless we park a carrier next to it

I thought they really hated China?

I guess Russian influence died there with the USSR

My god you're actually pathetic lmao

you need to leave your basement.

I have travelled Southeast Asia, and I can say that Chinese investment and influence is very very dominant

In Laos the government buildings were all being built by China and Chinese language signs and flags everwhere

im vietnamese

Despite history, I'd say the Caucasus are under Russian influence. Turkey as well, especially now after the whole Syria bullcrap and Erdogan.

>Turkey as well
Its shifting towards Russia but it still has US bases.

Ill make it stripe then


I love all of you, whether you're red, yellow, or blue.

>I have travelled Southeast Asia, and I can say that Chinese investment and influence is very very dominant

>money and investment equals spheres of influence

That must be why most of the third world loves us. They always think, "Thank God America gives so much to us!!!" SEA must also have no memory retention in your world.

Seriously, if the Chinese think like this they are in for a very rude awakening. I think the Africans will default and tell then to eat shit first..

Many Might not Know this but
India's first foreign military base was built in Afghanistan
We still have Lot's of troops love there but most indian troops unlike UN lead peacekeeping force don't fight the Taliban instead we train their military forces

India has also invested lots of Afghan governmental project
Recently indian government has been built a dam for them too

We also have a mutual agreement to attack pakistan in case of a chinese intervention in kashmir

>Since when ?

Since Soviet Era back when india was Soviet friendly and Afghanistan was under Soviet puppet régime we have been allies

we might have not ALWAYS been friegdky but we both have common enemies which keeps us close

India still has a fully functioning nuclear armed airforce strike force in Afghanistan
We have 2 permanent military bases in Afghanistan

There is even an agreement between india and Afghanistan to attack pakistan in case the Chinese try to intervene in kashmir

Add Singapore
Remove Turkey

Add NK and maybe more of Central Asia

Maybe add a new colour for countries such as Venezuela and Iran that fall under both China and Russia's influence, but not the USA's

Last year I would have called these maps retarded and unfounded
But today, yeah, we are sad US bitches now

>sphere of influneces
>still existing
life isnt a victoria II game

update 3

Attached: 1560483579334.png (1357x617, 33K)

I'd make Vietnam blue stripes because despite being commie they are China's most vocal critic
Iran red
Ukraine blue
Bolivia red, they are anti-American
Uruguay grey, socialist government that isn't pro-American
Cuba red

Iran is not Russian friendly lol. They're their own thing.

Both their interests align in the Middle East regarding Syria. For all intents and purposes they are in that sphere of influence.

This one is more accurate.

Sudan isn't china it was Iran but the president got ousted

>Help me finish this.
Everything is under control of british empire and Queen Elizabeth, even Russia. So paint everything in blue.

Also make Egypt blank, they are very close with Saudi Arabia and are one the US' closest Arabic partners.

India is helping to build infrastructure in Afghanistan like dams, institutions and also we built their parliament. We also have military bases in Afghanistan.

Isn't Egypt run by a US backed general tho?