Why aren't they first world

Why aren't they first world

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Before any one says anything about it I just want to say that it isn't because of the US.

Poor education.
Our schools are a fucking mess.

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Iberian blood, they are the most worthless Euro's with only 8 Nobel prizes between Port and Spain. If the original stock are brainlets, you can't expect their rape babies to be any better.

low iq's
you dont even have to measure it, majority of them are catholic and communist so i can tell their country is dirt poor right away

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americans sabotage us whenever they can

Before any retarded yank says anything about it I just want to say it's because of the US.

>Minimal sabotage=America bad WTF dey ruined us!!!!
>Soviets poured billions into far left militias=They good bro

I am a fairly right wing Catholic but there's literally nothing wrong with defending the oppressed. The USSR did nothing wrong in Latin America.

>Minimal sabotage
don't get me started posting documents, i'm not in the mood

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Do it, i can guarantee you that your governments did most of the work and paid for it themselves.

>Minimal sabotage
Yeah installing entire pro-American dictatorships because of muh Red Scare is "minimal sabotage"
>Soviets poured billions into far left militias
Yeah because America NEVER invested anything into their South American puppets in order to keep their rule going, let alone another other capitalist nations, nope it was just the USSR.

At the dawn of the industrial era, they were ruled by essentially feudal aristocrats interested in maintaining the status quo of farming that they controlled. This ensured that the powerful upper class had an interest in squashing any attempts at industrialization, which caused the entire region to lag behind technologically and in wealth from the first world. Also, some of the places have significant chunks of land wasted (for human purposes) on desert, mountains, or jungles, which means the effective countries are smaller than they appear to be on a map.

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you sunk us a 21 years dictartorship, you put armed ships in our shores, you taped the wires of every single president we ever had

fuck you

Burden of proof is on you to prove that. If you guys didn't want the dictator, why did you all just roll over and accept it?

If it only takes us around 10,000 dollars to install a dictatorship, i have bad news for your people. The truth is, you guys adore authoritarian governments and you guys were gonna fall to it anyways, with or without a few thousand dollars

3/10 I appreciate the effort

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>Burden of proof is on you to prove that.


have a fun

ironically, our country had a dictation supported by the USA that took the nation to almost the first world, paid the external debts with USA, the criminality low to historical minimums, industrial development, abundant food

if you believe what propaganda say, sure

Why should we be?

Gimme just one, uno, um, une (1) pro of being a firstie

Trujillo was killed by the US because he kept on trying to involve himself in Latin American politics. The guy was nuts and killed lots of people for simply opposing him.

You have everything to gain, the cons dont apply to you
>Non white immigration=The bulk of you are brown/pardo
>Leftist ideas=Nearly 40% of you guys are already leftist

is what the elderly people in my country say

I don't have anything against the dictatorship itself, it's just that it was a cheap way of the US temporarily stopping communism from spreading in the Americas and afterward when the dictatorship ended leaving the countries to fend for themselves against their enraged compatriates. In our case during the dictatorship, despite what leftists may say, we also had some huge advancements, but what came after were terrible commie governments back-to-back that pretty much set the country back by a couple dozen of years. Now, was all that really worth it?


I poste proof you cunt,what do you have to say for yourself

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Not enough Germanic/French immigration.

You guys chose the leftist governments, that has nothing to do with us. If you kept the right wing ones going, you'd unironically be atleast semi first world now.

Monroe Doctrine

It's hard to build popular support for right wing governments when everyone is still poor.

Why aren't you first wold if you're white?

> Now, was all that really worth it?
I'm not sure, I do not like dictatorships either, but the other option was an equally terrible regime with the addition of hunger and misery

Ironically, one of the main reasons the dictatorship ended was because of American hippies' influence. Most of the people pushing for democracy were sheltered middle-class artists, not the general population.

idk, why arent you?


> trujillo was killed by the US

Middle classes tend to support democracy. Only small business retards obsess over dictatorships/fascism/right wing authoritarianism in general.

argentina was for a while
but they were never able to recover from the great depression

ACTCHUALLY, our first elected president after the dictatorship your country put us in, was a right wing president, it was an absolute disaster and you can read all about it here

you can use sci-hub to read it, if you don't know how to use it just means you're dumb and don't read articles

have a good day sir and stopping talking about what you don't know shit about

Democracy holds back a nation. Look at how fast China is flying past us. It used to work, but now when all it takes is a TV ad to sway votes, it's useless

This does not explain why the countries were shit before having any meaningful contact with the US whatsoever...

They weren't, though.

mine wasn't

If you guys bordered us, most of your people would have left. Before you guys start saying "But we ReciEVED EuRO ImmiGRants", they fell for the meme that all the Americas were like the USA. All immigrants that went to Mexico realized how shit it was, and came here a few years after landing there. The same would have happened for you guys, but they were stuck there

How were they not? All Latin American economies have only grown since then so if anything despite all that happened in the Cold War they still managed to come out of it better. (Probably because they accepted equality and stopped trying to genocide their own people for having certain genes they didn't like)

then why couldn't you stop outside influence?

Don’t bully Florida

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Amerigoblos STOLE everything from us. Fuck Amerigoblos, kill them all

if you read allende plan it was practically the same as the nordic model and you guys (via chilean oligarchy) still fucked him

Latin America isn't allowed to have social democracy like our Nord bros. Sorry but we need you to give us your gibs instead.

so glad someone put a bullet in this cunt's head

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>let me tell you about your country
You Americans really know nothing about history, eh. The dictatorship happened at a very politically vulnerable moment in Brazil. The president had just resigned and the propaganda against Communism created civil support for the coup. Also "before meaningful contact with the US" would mean before republic i.e Empire of Brazil not before dictatorship.

Wouldn't have worked. Do you guys honestly believe you can be like the Nords? You guys don't border immense markets like they do, to take full advantage of your resources. And with the fall of western civilizations, good luck making deals like they did, with China.

>the commie fag brazilian thinks the military regime was because of US and not because of ourselves seeing the guerillas approaching the country
they didn't even send us help

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How am I wrong? Your economy was much smaller a century ago and you used to have policies dedicated to "lightening" your country.


oh yes the so called guerillas that never existed yes yes, don't you have a nando moura video to watch?

keep dreamin', brazilian commie fag

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is brazil the only country in the world to ever be under a dictatorial regime?

go watch your daily leftist victimist videos about history

>Your economy was much smaller a century ago
So was the US's.
>you used to have policies dedicated to "lightening" your country.
What does that have to do with anything, my dear goblino?

Amerigoblos Ruined Brazil like they ruined Mexico. You are blind to Amerigoblo propaganda

where did I mention videos here? i'm posting documents

This, if the commie fags honestly believe three agents stationed in Brazil for a week or two, can honestly install a Dictator with literally nothing, they're brainlets.

A century ago we were 40% of the global GDP, 60 years ago, we were approaching 70%. We wasted billions in building infrastructure in Latin America, should have just left you guys Africa tier.

>guerillas that never existed
i see we hid them red rat bones very well

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I'm saying your economy and country developed because you let go of your racist policies in the past and set up a proper democracy in tis place. Same with our old policies.

>posting reaction faces because he is mad
I won

>A century ago we were 40% of the global GDP, 60 years ago, we were approaching 70%
And what happened within that 40 year period, goblino? I wouldn't be surprised if Brazil's total global GDP had risen too.
The "whitening" policies happened after the abolishment of the monarchy, not after, you stupid mongrel. Pick up a proper history book for once.

you know shit about the regime, fag
you only know the "poor leftie student who dindu nuffin" version of it

>post documents
>post articles
>"y-you d-d-don't know"

then post the real version retard

>seething this hard and claiming victory

Reminder that the USA left Mexico alone for 150 years, and that resulted in over 10 civil wars, a dictator, and over 20% of the Mexican population dying at one point.

>happened after
>Not after
What? I didn't even mention time periods btw.

let me see the documents you use, post them


have fun

>lol u made a typo so i'm just gonna pretend to be retarded now xd DURRRRR
American argumenting, everyone

>Posts a single site with only a few paragraphs on Brazil
I ignored it because it added nothing to the conversation, academic discussion requires multiple sources from different view points, and not an afternoons report.

brown people unironically

You're accusing me of saying things I didn't say and not speaking clearly whilst calling me a mongrel. If any flag should be posting such things it should not be yours.

>only a few paragraphs on Brazil
they are full fledged documents, are you fucking kidding me?

Shitty religion, race mixing and corruption since day 1

worse education

What? Catholicism?

>I'm saying your economy and country developed because you let go of your racist policies in the past and set up a proper democracy in tis place.
>let go of your racist policies in the past and set up a proper democracy
If that's not implying that it was thanks to democracy that Brazil stopped being "racist" then your mom is a whore I guess.

Sure there are. Post the arguments and citations for your ludicrous claims then.

Corruption and bad government, mainly caused by USA

Yes, Islam is the only true one and the religion of peace

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85% local incompetence, 15% foreign meddling

>records a conversation between Brazilian personnel
>See dey Amerimutts diz it, i tellz u

Yes, that is what I said. I didn't mention anything about an empire that I know nothing about. Why put racist in quotes?

Attached: Document 11 brazilnscdocument_02.jpg (2550x3300, 809K)

>spanish heritage
>All important people for improvement leave as soon as possible, otherwise killed.
Just to name a few

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Why talk about something you know nothing about if you're just going to admit your ignorance right after, retard? Should have just stayed quiet.

>All important people for improvement leave as soon as possible, otherwise killed
Probably the biggest one, thanks to lax immigration policies in the west for qualified individuals, those best suited for improving a nation, just leave.

>the bostilian foro commie is here
Kys you disgraceful fuck