Memes aside, this guy can pass as a local in many European countries

Memes aside, this guy can pass as a local in many European countries.

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No he really looks levantine

Sicily and Southern Spain.

Looks Arab.


No he doesn't

yeah in



Looks Danish, Dutch, Frisian to me.

(East med = Phoenician)
Imbecile Arabicist

this probably
would even pass for an austrian tbhq

In Spain, Portugal, Greece and all the Balkans, France, Ireland, Austria and UK sure in the others not really

And Italy


Attached: Levantine Bull.jpg (512x621, 69K)

>I'm not Arab, I'm Phonecian

t. low IQ Arabist

Attached: ijesfweo.jpg (639x405, 44K)

You’re that mentally ill Croatian from the other day who thinks Arabs look the same as you

>you semites looks same anyway

Attached: p2.png (1280x1280, 67K)

>all the Balkans, France, Ireland, Austria and UK
As sandnigger maybe. He sure can pass as ethnic local in your cunt, though. In fact your dad probably looks like him.

t. has never been in europe

Lebanese people are not Arabs.

Lebanese people are a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural civilization.

Of the ethnicities and cultures that influenced Lebanon, Arabs are some of the most notable ones. However, that does not mean Lebanese people are Arabs.

In the Lebanese population, there are people who have Arabic ancestry. That does not mean Lebanese people are Arabs.

In the Lebanese population, there are people who have Iranian ancestry. That does not mean Lebanese people are Iranians.

In the Lebanese population, there are people who have Greek ancestry. That does not mean Lebanese people are Greek.

In my maternal family, 3 out of my 4 great-grandparents were blond. That is not an Arabic feature. However, that does not mean Lebanese people are European.

I'm not sure people realize this, but Lebanon has 5 of the 15 oldest continously inhabited cities in the world.

We've had cities for over 7000 years. Our interaction was almost exclusively with the Mediterranean and and a little with Mesopotamia. Even that of Mesopotamia is insignificant in comparison to the Mediterranean.

Of those years, 300 years were under Arab rule.

Before the rise of Islam Arabs lived in tribes in their native land in the Peninsula.

Not long after the rise of Islam, the Caliphate moved to Syria. Our interaction with them resumed to be insignificant.

To the ‘researches’ that say that Christians in Lebanon are European and the Muslims are Arabs, that's the dumbest thing I've heard.

Other than you cant tell a Muslim from a Christian by looking at them or even getting an ancestry test, there are families of Muslims and Christians with the same last names, such as Hossaini, Hamzeh, Khalifeh, etc.

Hamzeh, my maternal family from the South, is as European as it gets, ethnically. That's because they were European Christians who converted to Islam.



Genetically, the closest people to us are Syrians, then Jews, then Palestinians.

That's ethnically.

Culturally, we are not Arabs.

We are close to what would be a Mediterranean common culture. We share some customs.


We do not speak Arabic.

A language is a form of communication between a group of people. If the group of people cannot understand each other, the group of people do not speak the same language.

Get an average Iraqi, a Yemeni, a Lebanese, a Somali, a Libyan, and an Algerian. Put them in the same room and tell me how much of a lovely conversation they will have.

They will probably understand 2 or 3 words out of every 10 if they have experience with proper Arabic. And no, not everybody does.

What is in common for between us? Our languages have been heavily INFLUENCED by the Arabic language.

With all of that said, there is absolutely nothing wrong about being an Arab that is if you actually are one. But it is important to remember history and to know our identity.

No, he doesn't look european at all
Hes a phonecian not an arab

he can pass as a south european

Lebanon official language: Arabic

Attached: leban.jpg (750x499, 354K)

maybe in greece, italia, occitania and spain

And importantly, Lebanese descends from the Phoenician civilization, and not the Arabs. Originally Lebanon was part of Europe, until countries such as Persia, and the Arabs themselves invaded Lebanon, and claimed it Arab. Originally Lebanese people (Phoenicians) had nothing to do with Arabs, and have no known History together.
Lebanon also has a very different cultural histories. First they had a very different religion than the Arabs. Phoenicians then were among the first civilization that became Christians, unlike the Arabs. Lebanon was not very known, and the Arab countries weren’t very fond of it, since they were known as the Christians of the East. Even though there are a lot of Muslim, and Muslim are very important in the government and the people; the president should be a Christian Catholic. The religion doesn’t really matter in here, but it just shows the cultural difference.
Even though some people say that Lebanese look like Arabs, they don’t, they really don’t… Well some Spanish also look like Arabs. And Canadians look like Irish. And well Koreans look like Chinese. So really looks doesn’t really describe the nationality. And well Lebanese look more like Italians and French than Arabs.

Lebanese also have very different traditions and mindsets. I could write a book about the differences really.

Then Lebanon’s nature is completely different to the Arab nature. Arabs were known as the people that lived in the desert, and in hot weather, while the Phoenicians only had forests and vast seas.

Also, Lebanon got the language from the countries that invaded it, such as France and all the dozens of countries that invaded it. And not every person that speaks Arabic is Arab. If that is true, then every person that speaks English is English… And not every Arabic speaking person is Muslim. So if that is true then every French speaking is Christian… SO these stereotypes are completely flawed.

So Finally… NO, Lebanese people are NOT Arabs.

Here is the redpill: An Arab is a generic North African + Levantine + Persian mutt.

+ subsaharan admixture (from slave trade)

That is already implicitly included in the north African admixture.

t. Is some weird white cuck who wants people to think Croatia is some swarthy shithole like Iberia or Italy despite 95% of people looking like white bread

Stop comparing Southern France with those shitholes, fucking Mongoloid

he unironically looks french as fuck

dude he could pass as a local but he doesn't look like the average person here
passing as a local =/= average person
he could pass as a local in all of roman europe basically


Even in britain?

some native englishmen are much darker than him, so yes

With specimens like this walking around? Of course!

Attached: russel brand.jpg (1080x1440, 330K)

Pure Greco-Iranian phenotype.

Looks swedish or norwegian to me


Local, maybe. Native, nope.

Based harsh truth poster

Phoenician cluster with modern Bedouins, might not have been Arabs linguistically but they certainly looked like Arabs

Attached: ncomms15694-f4.jpg (926x821, 173K)

Attached: kfkdsger.jpg (635x595, 40K)

Lol, my dad was bald too but skinny, and pale as fuck with grey eyes, Wang :^)

he looks like my inorganic chemistry professor, only puffier

This guy would have a meltdown if someone told him that the Phoenicians are thought to have migrated from eastern Arabia

You are lebanese diaspora who is posting this guy and meme everyday trying to meme lebanon is white and not arab into reality, prove me wrong.
Also you that will never happen you autist.
