White men who date asian women: PATHETIC.
Meanwhile asian men who date white women are always chads with attractive women.
That's not a chad
Yellow fevers are going to start seething.
both pathetic beta providers
He looks like a fucking xxy beta
why do they even try?
I actually don't see anything wrong with either couple. Both seem to be in happy relationships.
Said no one ever except for the Asian incels who work around the clock 24/7 to try to discourage white men Asian women couples
There's nothing more cringey, than the WMAF/AMWF war, the Yellow Fever guy and the White Fever thots.
Tho it sucks to be an asian dude with all the shitty joke that get thrown around to you, i never realized people could be this bitter.
Asian """men""" should all be sissified using tax money and then it should be made legal to rape them if you're white or black
I hate all this ones that yellow fever guys post the Asian girls that look the best
> a bit chubby
> tan/ brown skin
> westernized
the seething never ends
this thread was funded by MSS nigger money
lol, no
i for one drool over Jap Idols
Why do you guys like these stick figure ones so much ?
This is what turns other men off from Asian women, if Asian girls were thick it would be over for every other women
fat girls are not especially exotic you know
we have enough landwhales in the west
low IQ fetish imo
Who makes these threads, and for what purpose? Seems kinda autistic to me.
based and idolpilled
Is the fat asian special or something?
The hapa males also seem to.
asiatic supreme gentlemen, i think
Same goes for you
I wanna marry a Japanese idol
one of the reasons people prefer asian wymyn is they aren't obese hamplanets, thje BBB is n*gger shit and disgusting
True, but every hapa identifies as fully Asian-American anyway
i will start insulting asians now
White women who date Asians are mentally ill. Your argument is invalid.
hands of asuka, then we have good chances of beeing friends
to be fair, aren't all women mentally ill?
>A member of an inferior race that can land a partner of a superior race is more admirable than a member of a superior race that lowers himself to fucking a member of an inferior race
You're on the bleeding edge, OP.
Groundbreaking stuff.
We'll go on a double date with our idol wives
sounds nice
ahahahahahahahahaha, *wheeze*
Cringe, White loser male butthurt is showing.
Not only in this thread actually almost half of the threads, you can see butthurt white loser males all the time on Jow Forums.
Why because we don’t like this ?
Mohamett, bitte
>Tho it sucks to be an asian dude with all the shitty joke that get thrown around to you, i never realized people could be this bitter.
they bring it upon themselves - there is no contention between the two, it is just one being bitter about the other and being laughed at for it
based white german living up to your ancestors wishes, may god bless you and your family fren
AMWF | Asian father / white mother
(2018) David Suzuki; arrested for drug dealing and possession
(2007) James Hu; arrested for terroroistic threats
(2010) David Chow; arrested for fraud
(2013) David Kuba; arrested for child pornography:
(2015) James Han; brother of hapa criminal Charles Han, arrested for assault with serious infliction of injury
(2015) Charles Han; brother of criminal hapa James Han, arrested for assault
(2009) Patrick Nakamura; arrested for aggrevated sexual abuse
(2014) Koen Kang; arrested for narcotics use and possession. Brother of AMWF Hapa criminal Skylar Kang
(2015) Joseph Watanabe: arrested for domestic violence, victim intimidation, and infliction of corporal injury
(2018) Dylan Chang; brother of Marco Chang. Arrested for battery, resisting arrest with violence, and grand theft
(2018) Marco Chang; brother of Dylan Chang. Arrested for aggravated battery with use of deadly weapon
(2018) Jeremy Muda; Convicted of brutal knife attack, stabbing
(2018) COLE IKEDA PIOWATY; arrested for stalking, criminal trespassing, and resisting arrest
(2017) Yuzo Nishi; arrested for murder (fatally stabbing his Italian mother Maria Bertalmio)
(2017) Andrew Keh; felon arrested for drug dealing activity
(2017) Jack Yip; Arrested for attempted rape and murder via stabbing.
(2017) Tyler Matthew Yee; arrested for murder
(2017) Brandon Kwok Lee; arrested for masturbation in front of a public middle school; when witnesses told him to stop, he looked at them, turned back around, and continued to masturbate
(2017) Evan Ye; convicted felon and serial thief with multiple arrests, including grand theft
(2017) Brandon Lee Pham; arrested for homicide
(2017) Evan Ye; convicted felon and serial thief with multiple arrests, including grand theft
(2017) Brandon Lee Pham; arrested for homicide
(2017) Shaun Nishida; arrested for stabbing, attempted murder
t. mexican drug lord
Thanks for posting this
I know that the Greek user has the full list. It’s nice to use when they try saying
Wmaf= bad
Wfam = good
Couple on the left is cute.
eh, don't like that picture to the right. looks familiar, but..
pls dont be faro
Wow, only 23 hapa criminals spanning across 11 years. Compared to the crime rate of Chicago over one weekend. Sounds like AMWF is the way to go.
Now do the same for BMWF
White women love Asian cock.
citation needed
tons of white female English teachers in Asian countries are getting fucked by Asian men
cmon. of all ppl you should know this.
They are not that common in my area
Daily reminder that White Fathers = weak fathers.
Other common cope post used by r/asianincels
what do white women think of hapa men?
keanu reeves is the product of wmaf lol
the rest are literally who
His dad is a hapa mutt made up of Portuguese, Irish, English, Chinese, and native Hawaiian. His mother is 100% English. Keanu is likely more than 75% white.
Go back to r/aznmasculinity butthurt chinkoid
or r/aznidentity
or r/hapas
Why are there so many butthurt asian subreddits?
Trust me, white American women go crazy over Asian men, and Koreans are the most popular.
why are there so many white nationalist incels on Jow Forums and other sites always complaining about white women loving big black cock?
BMWF becomes world class sportsmen. Not comparable.
I have no fucking clue why they always go to SEA bitches anyway. Whites must be blind having green or blue eys
Do white posters posters are bullying asians because they are projecting their incelity on them? Just like Elliot Rodger did.
Why do people cant have some compassion instead of blaming people in problems they have themselves?
why is it that when I made this thread I got banned. fuck you.
speaking of butthurt, here it is
op is posting facts
white who prefer non stinky white bois
>making an entire chart to justify his creepy fetish and sex tourism
>it literally doesn't matter which parent is which ethnicity, as genes are randomly selected, but that delusion
Don't know either. I'm black and it's the same with interracial. Why can't people just accept that some white girls love us black folk?
What's the problem with that. White women aren't the property of white man, and it's clear that many black man are extremely manly
>Do white posters posters are bullying asians because they are projecting their incelity on them?
you just realized that?
>white *American* women
Nah, I’m good
That's bs. Black men are the most sought after race by white women
yeah why arent white man go with pure azn han/korean.
That’s how we know you’re lying
Some Viets and Filipinas can be good looking actually. But foreigners almost always settle with ugly looking ones.
Hello Tenda & r/asianmasculinity
>t. Liu larping as nigger
The chink on the left looks like Elliot Rodger