Japanese Oil Tanker Owner Says U.S. Is Wrong About Gulf Attack

The Japanese operator ship operator of one of two oil tankers attacked near the Strait of Hormuz on Thursday said that sailors on board its vessel, the Kokuka Courageous, saw "flying objects" just before the attack, suggesting the tanker wasn't damaged by mines.

That account contradicts what the U.S. military has said as it released a video it says shows Iranian forces removing an unexploded limpet mine from one of the two ships in the suspected attack.


Is this Gulf of Tonkin again???


your country
which side is right?
Iran attacked tanker or US attacked tanker or ....???

Attached: operator of tanker.jpg (850x566, 48K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>crew saw flying things
>US """"""proof"""""" of iran implication came from aerial shot from drone

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Iran does not have the balls to launch an attack against anything mightier than an ant. Theyre all talk no show like china and russia.

Norway also said it was probably Anti-Ship missiles. Whilst blaming Iran.

It quite possibly could've been both though.

They tried something just like this 30 years ago.

>when the japanese owner of the ship contradicts the lies the us shitted out about mines not even 24 hours later

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tbf Cold War isn't really applicable to modern politics
Especially in regard to Iran-Iraq War

>Katada said the crew members also spotted an Iranian naval ship nearby, but did not specify whether that was before or after the attacks. The tanker survived the first attack that hit near the engine room, followed by another causing damage to the star-board side toward the back.

>australia lick america boots

Iran attacked tanker.

all sane countries don't want war.Japan too.

The US is fucking war enthusiast.

Couldn't care less either way.

says the war criminal

that japanese man is a chinese chill

if we wanted war so bad why haven't we shot at Iranian troops yet?

The big difference is,
Americans still continued to commit war crime even now.

>they spotted the iranian naval literally by the coast of iran as they sailed by iran this is proof we need. if iran wasn't guilty why would their navy be by their coast? checkmate atheists

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There is no good reason to attack Iran.

The world blame US if attacked Iran for shitty reason.

winners are incapable of war crimes

Man, I was actually interested in visiting Iran one day

Waittu piggu will go hom!

Attached: mVTrX3G.jpg (225x350, 21K)

sign up for the marines today!

Ignore the other guy, sign up for the Air force or navy, you'll chill on the coast or comfy bases and get to fuck locals. While the Marines are heavily monitored and live like rats.

muh casus belli

I meant as a tourist

its a lot more fun as a solider, basically rape your way through the country, its like thailand but free

>American troops
If you're a Merc, yup you probably can. American troops in service are heavily monitored for those kinds of crimes.

Kill a group of kids for not identifying? Cool
Rape a women? Court marshaled, sent to prison for life.
They dont take rape lightly, especially when your contract strictly forbids immoral behavior.

then what about war crime in Vietnam.

they loved the american seed, its not a crime if they loved it

war crime=/=rape

Agent Orange,murder locals and firebomb their house.

so if you're saying that the flying objects they saw were American drones either
A. They would have seen the Iranians planting the mines
B. They knew exactly where the attack were going to happen
like casually having a camera on a tripod pointing at exactly the place where you expect a (((terror attack)))
weird isn't it?

the pictures from the drones were taken after the attack, not before
the sailors say they saw flying objects before the attack


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