My political beliefs keep going from far right to far left and back again multiple times every day and it's giving me a...

my political beliefs keep going from far right to far left and back again multiple times every day and it's giving me a migraine

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Become a based third positionist like me and you can have both

I don't see how can a human being be "far left". Loving niggers? Faggots? Trannies? Pro-baby killing? Overpowering women even further? It's too much to bear.

why would you ever have right wing political beliefs? literally brainlet tier

it means they are not "political beliefs" just feelings pertaining to some circumstance

political belief is a matter of ideology, ie, how you see the function of society

I´m an ardent imperialist
But I don´t think we should colonize Africa.
Rather Europe


>why would you ever have right wing political beliefs? literally brainlet tier

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Why are South Americans always so stupid?

You'll grow out of your edgy phase in a few years.

Jow Forums is down the hall and to the right, brainlet

What is a certificate of election?
Meaning you can help at the stations?

>You'll grow out of your edgy phase in a few years.
People actually become more conservative as they mature. Either way, these people will stop giving a fuck about what happens on the planet.

An american calling me stupid? i am glad

>People actually become more conservative as they mature.
Yeah if you're over 40, boomer. They become conservative because they're more unwillingly to change their views on things. When you're younger you change your views all the time.

he won an election

Most of the hippies from the 60s became conservative, had families and settled down. Hell, even Steve Jobs sold out. No matter how liberal you are, chances are you'll become conservative.

How does that change what I said?
>Most of the hippies from the 60s became conservative
I doubt. The actual hippies from 60s are still fucking hippies. My professor is a liberal hippy and she is gilf tier (anecdote). I would like to see a study though if you have one.

my boi richard stallman still livin that fungus eating hippie life

It is a structural inevitability that the libertarian voice is drowned out in democracy, and according to Lind it should be. Ever more libertarians are likely to agree. ‘Voice’ is democracy itself, in its historically dominant, Rousseauistic strain. It models the state as a representation of popular will, and making oneself heard means more politics. If voting as the mass self-expression of politically empowered peoples is a nightmare engulfing the world, adding to the hubbub doesn’t help. Even more than Equality-vs-Liberty, Voice-vs-Exit is the rising alternative, and libertarians are opting for voiceless flight. Patri Friedman remarks: “we think that free exit is so important that we’ve called it the only Universal Human Right.”

For the hardcore neo-reactionaries, democracy is not merely doomed, it is doom itself. Fleeing it approaches an ultimate imperative. The subterranean current that propels such anti-politics is recognizably Hobbesian, a coherent dark enlightenment, devoid from its beginning of any Rousseauistic enthusiasm for popular expression. Predisposed, in any case, to perceive the politically awakened masses as a howling irrational mob, it conceives the dynamics of democratization as fundamentally degenerative: systematically consolidating and exacerbating private vices, resentments, and deficiencies until they reach the level of collective criminality and comprehensive social corruption. The democratic politician and the electorate are bound together by a circuit of reciprocal incitement, in which each side drives the other to ever more shameless extremities of hooting, prancing cannibalism, until the only alternative to shouting is being eaten.

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I don't like black people, but when I see people treating them bad or laughing at them I kinda feel bad for them. Anyone else know this feel?

>You'll grow out of your edgy phase in a few years.
>Jow Forums is down the hall and to the right, brainlet

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I see, what about the people Israel oppresses?


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>dark enlightenment
Please let's never use this cringy term again.

I take a very passive and defeatist stance on politics. You can't bring up the IQ of most voters and you can't make the ruling class and propagandists less neurotic.

It doesn't help that my beliefs aren't popular anyway. I believe in nation states and in social investment but I also believe that if it's done correctly it will be eugenic and incorrectly it will be dysgenic. Well, most leftists don't acknowledge thins like IQ or individual capacities and most conservatives believe people should all be fending for themselves like living in the jungle.

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Embrace the horseshoe, user.

I too feel utter contempt for modern cuckpitalism and cuckservatives, but I also hate pooskins, women and faggots.

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didn't read lol

Just be centrist Lol

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If ugly people is your reason for steering away from the left ideology, don't consider rightism either then

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imagine unironically basing your political beliefs based upon feelings instead of facts

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>I don't like black people
Who does? Even they hate themselves.
>people treating them bad or laughing at them
This literally never happens.
>Anyone else know this feel?
Not really. I only feel empathy towards the negroes when they speak in proper English and they show they have brains instead of acting like subhuman beasts.

I feel bad for them, but I felt worse for the people who were murdered daily in the second Intifada. They're oppressed because there's a lot of terrorists among them.

>This literally never happens.

It happens all the time on 4chins. I actually used to find this funny but now it kinda disgusts me how nasty people can be to them.

Who doesn't* ffs

>muh facts over feelings
conservatives literally argue feelings over facts all fucking day
>climate change is a big deal. here is all the scientists from the world who agree
>uuuuh who cares lmao. i don't care

>It happens all the time on 4chins.
Jow Forums is not real life.

its realer than life paco

I just have a strong hatred for police officers and racists desu

Depending on when you ask me, I'll either be a fascist, communist, democratic, or monarchist.

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Sure, but it's still nasty, and I myself get sometimes insulted over the way people talk about Jews here.

None of this are far left.
Far left are Stalin-tier commies, Bakunin's anarchists, etc.

These memes that you posted are all post-soviet capitalist degeneration

probably shouldnt have started all those wars huh

Police officers are based for killing niggers, mate. They're doing your job as an American. They're literally making America a better place. Also you shouldn't have killed the Natives, you should've killed the niggers. How could America be so cringe? lmao

my god I thought it was an exaggerated click bait headline but they literally are advocating for abandoning facts when the numbers are inconvenient for them

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>everyone who's right wing is Jow Forums
Fuck int.

people are far more honesty on Jow Forums than they would be in real life

This. What most people in the United States think of as "far left" is usually center-right or at the most center-left in the case of Bernie Sanders and his particular flavor of "democratic socialism" which is really just welfare capitalism. The political spectrum in the United States is skewed so far to the right that anything close to the center looks far left by comparison.

everyone who is right wing on this website is highly likely to be from Jow Forums

far more honest than they are in real life* editing error

>everyone who is right wing on this website is highly likely to be from Jow Forums

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>everyone who is right wing on this website is highly likely to be from Jow Forums

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>Jow Forums
>right wing

They're cuckservatives at best

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>le epib soy images
yep, you're from Jow Forums...

I am right wing socially but not economically

Doubtful. I'm not from Jow Forums, and while Jow Forums as the political containment board is a big board I doubt it could ever encompass all the right winger.

Jow Forums was right wing before Jow Forums was even a board. Ron Paul was worshipped back during the 2008 race

bruh, think before you post

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lmao no bro. Jow Forums is edgy but right wing? lmaooo. Jow Forums revisionist history back at it again

In that case, Is changing from far-left to far-right as easly as changing from hate to love?

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what does it mean if im economically left but socially right

normal person

If you genuinely believe that supporting ron paul was just being edgy you are retarded.

Not really, political extremism on either side tends to end in the same result, which is a dictatorship and mass suffering of the common people. Whether it's a Communist Dictatorship or a Nationalist Dictatorship, it's still a dictatorship.

You're a literal nazi.

it was all jokes dude. you're autistic

a thinking American

You're a traitor to the american nation then

Means you're a high IQ chad
velkom to ze klub!

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thirdworlders stop posting smdh

stfu, Muhammed, don't tell us what to do.

Are you kidding? The traitors are the opposite, i.e. the neoliberal cancer which is left-wing on issues like importing gorillions of sandniggers and supporting trannie "rights" while also fucking over >99% of the population and enslaving it to the ultra-rich.

oh no no no

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National socialist.

Just kidding, you're just an average right winger. Americans will see you as left or a Nazi, but you're just a regular conservative here or in Europe.

"its happening" wasnt even a thing until after the 2008 elections retard. Stop trying to have an opinion on the website when you were not even around then.

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>cluster of cells not even resembling anything sentient is a human, who if born are guaranteed to have an awful life
>killing actual humans for being a different religion or race is fine though
This is your brain on conservatism

I know that feel. You can't place on a spectrum because political positions are discrete. You can't graph them either, contrary to the memes. It's more like picking athletes for a fantasy team. A dream that will never exist.

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From what I see it's literally
>far left do thing I don't like
>far right also don't like far left
>me far right now
Then existing nationalists, Jow Forumsshits and so on gaslight the above into believing all their nonsense

>dude it wasn't 2008, it was 2009!
bruh you got me man. big fucking difference!

right and left mean literally nothing now. If you look at the general way its used today:
Ecnomically right is free market and indivdualism but soically right is collectivist, society is an organ, you can't be a gay/tranny/degenerate if you choose, based death squads.
While economically left is collectivist, state has a duty of care, economic equality, working rights. But socially lack of collective duty, indivdualism in decsion making, high immigration

Neither fuckign work with its own. And it doesn't help everyone thinks they're America where the 'left' party is the banks and the right party is an unholy abomononation.
I hope this is readable because spell check suddenly decided that it doesn't exist anymore on chrome.

>because people don't agree with me us gamers need to rise up

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>ron paul
is that the guy who was seduced by Sacha Baron Cohen? lmao

average right wingers are usually far-right economically and lukewarm left socially, you're wrong brucey

But those ARE the true american values. Every normal, well adjusted american LOVES getting fucked in the ass by corps. They also love exporting this assfucking.

>reducing tyranny of the majority to "people don't agree with me"

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>omg we need to stop the tyranny of the majority!
>its not tyranny when i am cool with it tho
>fuck minority rights
Literally all from the same guy.

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The difference here is important because it shows you are just talking out of your ass. There used to be actual stormfront posts. Everyone was called a nigger. Literally everything had -faggot stuck on the end of it. This was just edginess other than maybe the stormfront shit. The website as a whole shilling for an actual tea party candidate was not just edginess, we just used to like our libertarians.

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You're thinking of boomer American conservacucks brainwashed by propaganda from Republican donors.
It's not the norm internationally.

You're right I didn't come until 2011. But just because I came later doesn't mean you cannot see what the website was like years before, nimwit. You're acting like Jow Forums was this right wing utopia because people were saying edgy shit like faggot & nigger. Anonymity has always made people edgy because you can say whatever you want without repurcussions. Jow Forums back then doesn't look like the Jow Forums from 2016- onwards. You're telling me the same people that made shitty threads like "im firing muh laser" were all right wing? lmao. The difference here isn't important because it's literally a one year difference. Maybe you and your 5 buds in a circlejerk thread rooted for ron paul, I'm not going to say it didn't happen but to think the entire website did is ludicrous. Jow Forums just heightened everyone shitty beliefs.

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Are libertarians considered right-wing? I get called a libtard whenever I visit Jow Forums.

i stopped giving a shit about politics anymore since none of that shit really matters and youll never have the power to change current mainstream systems, the only the thing that matters to me now is speeding up automation so i can collect my roboneetbucks

literal nazis

>being leftist
sorry, i don't think you should be allowed to vote and to continue destroying every capitalist country in the world through the creation and propagation of conflicts that shouldn't exist

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depends, whats your opinion of immigration and jews?

>You're acting like Jow Forums was this right wing utopia because people were saying edgy shit like faggot & nigger.
I literally said in my post that this was not the case.
>The difference here isn't important because it's literally a one year difference
it absolutely is important because you tried to call bullshit on something from a time when you were not on the website. again you were just talking out of your ass.
>but to think the entire website did is ludicrous
it was widespread. /v/'s tf2 servers were full of ron paul sprays. There were no political boards at the time but there were plenty of actual nazi posts spread around. Jow Forums has become a lot more politically charged since the 2016 election but to say that Jow Forums wasnt right wing before is just plain lunacy

You reek of phone poster. You have further solidified my opinion that all phone posters are complete garbage with no redeeming qualities

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I'm for open borders. I'm indifferent about jews.

Capitalism already does that by itself.

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grats, youre retarded

>27,500 median in Alaska

Damn, what kind of jobs do millennials get in Alaska?

>Thinks our ancestors built this country so that their descendants could die off from low birth rates and any third worlder could enter and replace them (and probably proceed die off as well within a few generations).
What even is your concept of nationhood?

not necessarily. being a "libertarian" simply means that you believe in personal freedom above all and that you are skeptical of authoritarianism. the standalone word has come to mean in 99% of cases right wing libertarian as left wing libertarians dont really exist in any major capacity. At least in american politics.

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