Do americans really do this?

Do americans really do this?

Attached: 1560545857944.jpg (582x1200, 153K)

>American flag
>conflates reasonable libertarianism with neonazism

Hello coastie

I like guns, and libertarianism is a meme

Attached: 1519942082699.jpg (720x720, 43K)

Why is just impossible for you types to make OC? This was a shitty Ms paint doodle for the love of God

Attached: 2c6.jpg (780x1610, 150K)

>be an Alabaman
>fly the Virginia battle flag

Attached: pensive assburger.jpg (457x604, 68K)

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Liberals aren't creative or funny

Heard you were talking shit

Attached: 1558389144010.jpg (422x750, 49K)

>y-you’re not allowed to edit these memes I c-claimed ownership of them

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you have to come back, cletus

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>conflates reasonable libertarianism wirh neonazism
You seem to forget that many neo-fascists in the West use libertarianism and paleo-conservatism as a fig leaf. Even stonetoss acknowledges this.

Topkek, I didn't think that image annoyed you people so much.

>Neo-nazis use libertarians and paleocons as fig leaves because Stonetoss said so
I can't even

>I can't even

it's true

I never claimed it's like that because Stonetoss said so, I meant that our western societies are full with "race realists" and people "who just want to speak their mind" who claim to be libertarians but clearly want to oppress everyone who doesn't fit into their very narrow definition of liberty.
For example, in Austria many libertarians are supporting a group that advocates for the eradication of cultures they deem foreign. I do not know if those libertarians realize how authoritarian and anti-libertarian that would be.

This is leddit-tier. You have to go back.

Attached: disappointed gigachad.png (874x1024, 509K)

Fuck off and KYS cucknadian

you do know the one you posted is the edited one right?

It's about as true as socdems supporting anarchists or anarchists supporting state socialists. There is a degree of cooperation but a lot more infighting than there is cooperation by a wide degree.

Right libertarians, the libertarians who sympathize with other rightist ideologies are not anarchists; they still believe in maintaining a state to a degree. Right libertarians here are as well opposed to mass immigration for various different economic reasons. It's not against right libertarianism to have state enforcements that protects a person's property or to maintain freedom of association. The freedom of association also directly implies you have a freedom from association as well, it's an essential negative liberty. So it's not against libertarianism to refuse people move to an area within your already established domain - for right libertarians.

Left libertarians and anarchists are the ones you're thinking of as the standard libertarian.

So libertarians can just pick and choose what liberty means and when they can apply and demand it? Of course it's a meme ideology.

Why does the fag meme trigger fags so much they make so many edits of it?